堵塞 duˇ sai ˉ
Plug up, Plugs up, Plugging up, Plugged up, Gum up, Gums up, Gumming up, Gummed up, Clog, Clogs, Clogging, Clogged
Clog, Clogged, Clogging, Clogs, Gum, Gummed, Gumming, Gums, Plug, Plugged, Plugging, Plugs
堵 Block, Intercept, Jam, Silence, Stop
塞 Block, Cork, Fortress, Frontier, Perform, Seal
Words with shared element:
duˇ sai ˉ xiˋ tongˇ
Clog the system | Gum up the works
堵塞 | 系統
Shared elements with:
堵, 塞
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