折返 zheˊ fanˇ
To return/turn back, Return, Returns, Returning, Returned
Return, Returned, Returning, Returns, To return, To turn
折 Abate, Bend, Break, Convert, Discount, Fold, Pour out, Refract, Relinquish, Snap, Somersault, Turn upside down, Ward off
返 Return
Words with shared element:
woˇ qiˊ jiaoˇ taˋ che ˉ zaiˋ qiaoˊ shangˋ yuanˊ luˋ zheˊ fanˇ
I rode back over the bridge and returned the way I'd come
騎腳踏車 | 腳踏車 | 踏車 | 折返 | 我 | 在 | 橋 | 上 | 原 | 路
Shared elements with:
折, 返
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