
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 外


At home and abroad, Chinese and foreign

zhong¯ waiˋ

外 waiˋ
Outside, External, Foreign, In Addition

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 中外 (wong-wai)

Grouped by first phone

zhong, cong, dong, nong, tong

中外 zhong¯ waiˋ

At home and abroad, Chinese and foreign

zhong, cong, dong, nong, tong

從壞到極點變成荒謬 congˊ huaiˋ daoˋ jiˊ dianˇ bianˋ chengˊ huang¯ miuˋ

Had gone from bad to absolutely farsical

zhong, cong, dong, nong, tong

動筷子 dongˋ kuaiˋ zi˙

Use chopsticks

zhong, cong, dong, nong, tong

弄壞 nongˋ huaiˋ

Broken, Ruined

zhong, cong, dong, nong, tong

痛快 tongˋ kuaiˋ

Happy, Content

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 24, 44

中外 zhong¯ waiˋ

At home and abroad, Chinese and foreign

14, 24, 44

從壞到極點變成荒謬 congˊ huaiˋ daoˋ jiˊ dianˇ bianˋ chengˊ huang¯ miuˋ

Had gone from bad to absolutely farsical

14, 24, 44

動筷子 dongˋ kuaiˋ zi˙

Use chopsticks

弄壞 nongˋ huaiˋ

Broken, Ruined

痛快 tongˋ kuaiˋ

Happy, Content


丨-中 : > : > [中]-中外 : > [中]-中外 >

丿-夕 : > : > [外]-中外 : > [外]-中外 >

中外 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 外

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