
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 和


Central African Republic, (Cats: Nation-Country next)

zhong¯ fei¯ gongˋ hanˋ guoˊ

和 hanˋ, heˊ, heˋ, huoˊ, huoˋ
Together With, Peaceful, Harmonious, Calm, Mix, Blend, Unify, Soft, Warm, With, And

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Phone , Tone


共和 gongˋ heˊ

共和國 gongˋ heˊ guoˊ

Words that rhyme with 中非共和國 (wong-ei)

Grouped by first phone

zhong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zong

中杯 zhong¯ bei¯

Medium size cup

中非共和國 zhong¯ fei¯ gongˋ hanˋ guoˊ

Central African Republic

種類 zhongˇ leiˋ

Type, Variety

zhong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zong

充沛 chong¯ peiˋ

Brimming, Full of

zhong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zong

從杯底回彈 congˊ bei¯ diˇ huiˊ tanˊ

Rebound from the bottom of the cup

從北美過來 congˊ beiˇ meiˇ guoˋ laiˊ

Come in from North America, Arrived from North America

從背後偷襲 congˊ beiˋ houˋ tou¯ xiˊ

Attack from behind, Snuck up from behind and attacked

從沒 congˊ meiˊ


從沒成功過 congˊ meiˊ chengˊ gong¯ guoˋ

Nothing ever worked

從沒看過 congˊ meiˊ kanˋ guoˋ

Had never seen

從沒聽說過 congˊ meiˊ ting¯ shuo¯ guoˋ

Never heard of

從內容推測 congˊ neiˋ rongˊ tui¯ ceˋ

To judge from the content, Judging by content, Inferring from the content

從那邊那個門走出去 congˊ neiˋ bian¯ neiˋ ge˙ menˊ zouˇ chu¯ quˋ

Go out through that door over there

zhong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zong

東北 dong¯ beiˇ

North East

東北部 dong¯ beiˇ buˋ

The North-East

懂內容 dongˇ neiˋ rongˊ

Understand the content

zhong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zong

公倍數 gong¯ beiˋ shuˋ

Common multiple

公費 gong¯ feiˋ

Government funds, Government scholarships

zhong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zong

烘焙 hong¯ beiˋ

Roast, Bake

zhong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zong

濃眉 nongˊ meiˊ

Beetle browed, Heavily eye-browed

zhong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zong

送給 songˋ geiˇ

Give free, Give for free

送給了 songˋ geiˇ le˙

Gave to

zhong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zong

同輩 tongˊ beiˋ

Peer, Peers

同類 tongˊ leiˋ

Same kind, Own kind

同類詞 tongˊ leiˋ ciˊ

Similar words, Similar phrasing

統類 tongˇ leiˋ

Groupings, Categories, Kinds

zhong, chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, nong, song, tong, zong

總得 zongˇ deiˇ

Somehow, Have to

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 43

中杯 zhong¯ bei¯

Medium size cup

中非共和國 zhong¯ fei¯ gongˋ hanˋ guoˊ

Central African Republic

11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 43

東北 dong¯ beiˇ

North East

東北部 dong¯ beiˇ buˋ

The North-East

11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 43

充沛 chong¯ peiˋ

Brimming, Full of

公倍數 gong¯ beiˋ shuˋ

Common multiple

公費 gong¯ feiˋ

Government funds, Government scholarships

烘焙 hong¯ beiˋ

Roast, Bake

11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 43

從杯底回彈 congˊ bei¯ diˇ huiˊ tanˊ

Rebound from the bottom of the cup

11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 43

從沒 congˊ meiˊ


從沒成功過 congˊ meiˊ chengˊ gong¯ guoˋ

Nothing ever worked

從沒看過 congˊ meiˊ kanˋ guoˋ

Had never seen

從沒聽說過 congˊ meiˊ ting¯ shuo¯ guoˋ

Never heard of

濃眉 nongˊ meiˊ

Beetle browed, Heavily eye-browed

11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 43

從北美過來 congˊ beiˇ meiˇ guoˋ laiˊ

Come in from North America, Arrived from North America

11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 43

從背後偷襲 congˊ beiˋ houˋ tou¯ xiˊ

Attack from behind, Snuck up from behind and attacked

從內容推測 congˊ neiˋ rongˊ tui¯ ceˋ

To judge from the content, Judging by content, Inferring from the content

從那邊那個門走出去 congˊ neiˋ bian¯ neiˋ ge˙ menˊ zouˇ chu¯ quˋ

Go out through that door over there

同輩 tongˊ beiˋ

Peer, Peers

同類 tongˊ leiˋ

Same kind, Own kind

同類詞 tongˊ leiˋ ciˊ

Similar words, Similar phrasing

11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 43

總得 zongˇ deiˇ

Somehow, Have to

11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 43

懂內容 dongˇ neiˋ rongˊ

Understand the content

統類 tongˇ leiˋ

Groupings, Categories, Kinds

種類 zhongˇ leiˋ

Type, Variety

11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 43

送給 songˋ geiˇ

Give free, Give for free

送給了 songˋ geiˇ le˙

Gave to


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中非共和國 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 和

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