zhong¯, zhongˋ
Within, During, Middle, Center, Central, Core, Among, China, Chinese, Neutral, Target, Bullseye, Goal
Word Links for words containing 中 (sorted via character pairs)
中國 China, Chinese
古代中國 Ancient China
帝制中國 Imperial China
中國人 Chinese person, Chinese
中國字 Chinese character, Chinese characters
中國畫 Chinese painting
中國菜 Chinese food
中國風 Chinese style, Chinese
中國飯 Chinese Food
南中國海 South China Sea
靜止的中國字 Static Chinese characters
中國本體 Middle kingdom proper
出口中國及日本 Export to China and Japan
中國醫藥大學附設醫院 China Medical University Hospital
古代中國以天干與地支的組合來紀年 Ancient China used the combination of heavenly stems and earthly branches to record the year
中國風的產品 Things Chinese, Chinese style products
帶點中國風的產品 Chinese flavored products
南中國海溫暖海水 Warm water of the South China Sea
懸浮在南中國海上 Hovering over the South China Sea, Hovered over the South China Sea
中間 Within, Between, In the middle, Intermediate
雙腳中間 Between both feet
在前後輪的中間 Midway between the front and back wheels
我們的雙腳中間 Between our feet, Between both feet
將重心落在雙腳中間 Centering your weight between your feet
中間廣肌 Vastus Intermedius
中間楔狀骨 Intermediate Cuneiform
中間那排座位 Middle row of seats
走到中間的門 Go to the middle door, Went to the middle door
雙腳的中間點 A point midway between both feet
在雙腳的中間點上 Above a point midway between both feet, Over a point midway between both feet
中斷 Interrupt, Cancel, Abort
莫中斷 Don't stop
被迫中斷 Forced to stop, Forced to abort
避免中斷 Don't stop
中斷任務 Abort the mission, Scrub the mission
而被迫中斷任務 And so the mission was forced to be aborted
詩中所 In the poem, Within the poem
俗諺中所講 In laymen's terms
分子中所有原子的原子量 The atomic mass for all atoms within a molecule
分子中所有原子 For all atoms within a molecule
化學式中所含原子 Chemical formula's included atoms
分子中所有原子的原子量總和 The sum of atomic masses of all atoms within a molecule
分子量為分子中所有原子的原子量總和 Molecular weight is the sum of the atomic weights of all atoms within a molecule
中的 Within, Midst of
休眠中的 Dormant, Still dormant
日常生活中的 Daily life's
陷在雪堆中的 Buried in a pile of snow
腹中的飢餓 Hunger, Deep hunger, Gnawing hunger
腦海中的畫面 Imagined, Pictured, Visualized
進行中的工程 Work-in-progress
模仿自然中的各種聲音 Imitate various sounds in nature
暖暖包中的鐵粉與空氣作用 The iron powder in the hand warmer reacts with air
參數空間中的一點 A point in parameter space
數百位先驅中的一名 One of the few hundred pioneers
成為奈米科技革命中數百位先驅中的一名 Became one of the few hundred pioneers of the nanotechnological revolution
中心 Center, Center point
市中心 City center, Downtown
商務中心 Business Center
工業中心 Industrial center, Industrial heart
控制中心 Control center
購物中心 Mall, Shopping center
通報中心 Notification Center
不會在市中心 Wouldn't be in the city center, Wouldn't be downtown
以火堆為中心 Around the fire, Centered around the fire
地面控制中心 Ground Control
退伍軍人中心 Veteran's center
全國藥物不良反應通報中心 National Adverse Drug Reaction Notification Center
家失蹤及被剝削兒童援助中心 National center for missing and exploited children
中心點 Center point, Point of origin
為中心的 At the center of, Acting as center of
地面控制中心的 Ground Control's
中心理想 Central ideal
中心的一點 A spot in the middle
以黑洞為中心的恆星系統 A star system with a black hole at its center
距離某個中心理想還不算太遠 Not too far from a central ideal
中華 China
中華電信股份有限公司 Chung Hua Telecom
中華民國 Republic of China
中華民族 Chinese people, People of China
美中不足 A flaw in something that is otherwise perfect, A single drawback, A fly in the ointment
中央 Center, Middle, Central
在一個池塘中央 In the center of a pond, In the middle of a pond
中央官 Central government
中央之國 Middle Kingdom
正中央放著 Centered, Centered on it, Placed in the center, Placed in its center
中央官學教育 Central Government Education
中央自動對焦點 Center auto focus point
中央集權的建立 Establishment of centralized authority
從封建到中央集權的轉變 Transitioned from feudalism to centralized power, Transition form feudalism to centralized power, Transitioning from feudalism to centralized power
將中央自動對焦點覆蓋拍攝主體 Place (or placing) the center autofocus point over the subject
中央集權 Centralized power
加強中央集權 Bolster Centralization
走向中央集權 Moving towards centralized power
從封建走向中央集權 From Feudalism to Centralism (From Distributed to Centralized Power)
血中有 Within the blood was, Within the blood were
他感到腹中有 Felt in his belly
空氣中有一股清新的味道 The air smells fresh, The air smelled fresh
從齒縫中擠出 Squeeze out from between the teeth, Extrude from between the teeth, Spit out, Squeeze out
終於從齒縫中擠出這個字 After much struggle, finally say
踢中 Kicked, Hit
踢中了他的胸口 Kicking him in the chest, Kicked him in the chest
一隻腳踢中他的小腿 A foot kicked his lower leg
一隻腳踢中她的小腿 A foot kicked her lower leg
眼中 In their eyes, From their point of view
在他們眼中 In their eyes
眼中的 In their eyes, From their point of view
在他們眼中墮落的是我們 In their eyes it is us who are degenerates
躍入水中 Jump into the water
溶解在水中 Dissolved in water
滴入杯水中 Dropped into a glass of water
直接從海水中 Directly from the seawater
像一滴墨水滴入杯水中 Like a drop of ink in a glass of water
集中 Concentrate, Focus, Focused on, Stored in, Collected in,Pooled in, Converge, Center, Centered
集中了 Converging
集中心神 Focus, Focusing, Focused, Concentrate, Concentrating, Concentrated
集中放大 Zoom in on, Zoomed in on
集中目力 Focused
集中精神 Focus on, Focus intently, Concentrate will power
分類集中處理 Categorize and sort
集中在大儲存槽 Gathered in a giant tank, Gathered in giant tanks
我努力集中意志力 I strive to concentrate all of my willpower, I strived to concentrated all of my willpower, I strive to focus all of my willpower, I strived to focus all of my willpower
仍集中在他身上 Still focused on him
她的注意力集中在他身上 Her awareness was focused on him
他努力集中注意力 He's trying to focus, He tried to focus
她努力集中注意力 She's trying to focus, She tried to focus
手中 In the hand, Held in the hand
對的人手中 Hand of the right person, Hands of the intended person, In the intended hand
在他捧起的手中 In his cupped hand, In his cupped hands
手中的 Held in the hand
手中拿著 Holding (in their hands)
從中 From the middle or center
從中國 From China
從中國人 From Chinese, From the Chinese
從中國拓展到歐美 From China expand to Europe and America
在丙試管中 In the third test tube, In test tube 丙
將沉澱物置入丙試管中 Place the precipitate into the third test tube
之中 In the midst of, Among, In
混亂之中 Midst of chaos, Among the ensuing chaos
風暴之中 Into midst of the storm
在我的掌控之中 Under my control
在外灘一串老樓之中 Among a bunch of old buildings on the Bund, In one of the old buildings along the Bund
在她罩裙蕾絲領子之中 In the lace collar of her smock
空中 The sky, In the sky, Aerial
在空中 In (to) the sky
夜空中 Night sky
從空中 From the sky, From up in the sky
在半空中 In mid air
懸在空中 Suspended in mid-air, Hanging in the air
在黑暗夜空中 In the dark night sky
在黑暗的夜空中 In the dark night sky
空中眼 Sky eye, Sky eyes
在空中飛舞 Dancing in mid air
從空中攫走 Snatch from mid-air, Snatch from the sky
空中緩衝區 Aerial buffer zone
兩腿在空中擺盪 Legs dangling in the air, Legs swinging in open air
在半空中翻了個筋斗 Somersaulted in mid air, Flipped in mid air
射中 Hits the bulls eye, Hits the target
沒射中 Missed the target, Didn't hit the target, Missed
射中了 Hit's the bulls eye, Hits the target
心中 Heart, Mind
心中只想 Only thought, Main thought
他心中有數 He knew better
心中暗想但沒說出口 Thought but didn't say
命中 Hit the target, On target
成為奈米科技革命中數百位先驅中的一名 Became one of the few hundred pioneers of the nanotechnological revolution
向火中 Into the fire, Towards the fire
添入火中 Feed into the fire, Feed into the flame
目光望向火中 Staring into the fire, Stared at the fire
將一根根細枝添入火中 Feeding twig after twig into the fire
當中 Middle, In the center
一團亂當中 In the midst of (the) confusion
當中的 In the midst of, While
在日正當中時 Right at noon, As the sun reached its height
終於在日正當中時 Finally at the peak of noon
夢中 Dream, Dreaming, While dreaming, While in a dream, In the midst of a dream
睡夢中 While sleeping, While in the midst of a dream
其中 Within, Among, From among
絕不在其中 Was not one of them, Was not included
大到能隱匿其中 Big enough to hide in
其中一人 One of them
其中一個 Any one of, One of
其中一側 To one side
其中一根 From among (them being long slender objects)
其中一腳 One foot, One of their feet
其中一輛 One of the (vehicles)
其中一隻 One of the (creatures)
指著其中一個 Pointed at one of them, Pointed at one of these
只關心其中一個 Only cared about one of them, Was only concerned about one of them
其中兩個 Two of them
其中包括 That included, Those included
其中一邊有 One of which had, One side of which had
其中摻雜了 Mixed in, Mixed with it
其中一顆小球 One of the small spheres, One of the tiny globes
他們其中一個人 One of them
其中圓周率約為 Math: Where the value of PI is about:
更是其中最高級 Top of the line, The most advanced
其中開放的妙想地 Within open ground of fancy
打開其中一個抽屜 Opened one of the drawers
其中一個自動對焦點 Any one of the auto focus points
大到能隱匿其中的城市 A city big enough to hide in
其中一個自動對焦點對準 Aim any one auto focus point
其中沒有一個人有啤酒肚 Not one person among them had a beergut or beer belly
將其中一個自動對焦點對準主體 Aim any one of the auto focus points at the subject
在中 In the middle
在中國 In China
在中央 In the central
在中間 In the middle
在中國北方 Northern China
在中間停下來 Stop in the middle
在中南部住了一段時間 Lived in the mid-South for awhile
在中央的巨大噴水池裡 In the central great fountain
打中 Directly hit
沒打中 Missed
像是被什麼東西打中 Like something had hit it, As if something had hit it
打中了他的臉 Hit him in the face, Hit his face
像子彈打中奶油 Like a bullet through butter
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