Index for words including 乖


Clever, Cunning, Wily, Crafty, Shrewd, Smart, Obedient, Well Behaved, Artful, Obstinate, Perverse,,Sulky

Word Links for words containing 乖 (sorted via character pairs)

乖 guai¯
Clever, Cunning, Wily, Crafty, Shrewd, Smart, Obedient, Well Behaved, Artful, Obstinate, Perverse,,Sulky

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


乖女 Smart girl


乖張 Bratty, Stubbornly persistant, Recalcitrant

乖張的小孩 Bratty child, Bratty children

她覺得即使乖張的小孩也比成人好 She felt that even bratty children where better than adults, She preferred even recalcitrant children over adults


乖乖 Nice, Submissive, Docile, Obedient

乖乖 Nice

乖乖配合 Docile and cooperative

可以讓她乖乖配合 Can keep her docile and cooperative


乖巧 Smart, Clever

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