Index for words including 予

yuˊ, yuˇ

I, Me, (Yu3), Give

Word Links for words containing 予 (sorted via character pairs)

予 yuˊ, yuˇ
I, Me, (Yu3), Give

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


予以 Give


予取予求 Get what they want


予取予求 Get what they want


賦予 Bestow


給予 Give, Grant, Granted, Be granted, Be given, Merit

給予 Given, Be given, Been given

評定給予 Rated, Deemed worthy

被評定給予 Been granted, Deemed worthy of

給予傷痛者 Causing pain (in someone else)

給予傷痛者 Receiving pain

如未給予任何處理 If not dealt with, If not handled

被評定給予二等艙 Rated a second class cabin, Deemed worthy of a second class cabin

持續不斷給予的禮物 Gift that keeps on giving


不予 Not to

不予 Ignore

努力不予理會 Try to ignore, Tried to ignore, Tried to ignore it


授予 Grant, Confer

承認或授予 Recognized or granted,

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