Index for words including 事


Matter, Thing, Job, Affair, Task, Busy With, Incident, Accident

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


沒有發生什麼奇怪的事吧 Nothing strange happened?

讓我來告訴你一點我自己的事吧 Allow me to tell you a little about myself


是家裡的事嗎 Is it a family matter?

還有什麼事嗎 Anything else?


事蹟 Deeds


事如 May you get all that you wish for


沒別的事好說了 Nothing else to say, Nothing else to talk about

大家沒別的事好說了 People had nothing else to talk about


事態 Situation, State of affairs


事變 Incident


事務 Work related tasks, General affairs, Transactions

事務 Office


那是以前的事了 That was then

但那都是很久以前的事了 But that was a long time ago


事與願違 Circumstances became unfavorable, Circumstances shift(ed) unfavorably


事物 Thing, Things

新奇的事物 Interesting things

有趣的事物 Interesting things

有保持事物平衡的方法 A way of keeping things in balance

這世界自有保持事物平衡的方法 The world has a way of keeping things in balance


事先 Prior, In advance

事先警告我 Warn me first

事先知道 Knowledge in advance, Know beforehand

我沒有辦法事先知道 There's no way I could have known in advance


事無 Get nothing done


事件 Event, Events, Incident, Incidents

不良事件 Adverse affect, Adverse reaction

歷史事件 Historic event, Historical event, Historical events

犯罪事件 Criminal incident, Crime

離奇事件 Weird events, Crazy shit

朱一貴事件 Zhu Yigui incident

林爽文事件 Lin Shuangwen incident, Lin Shuangwen rebellion

牡丹社事件 Japanese invasion of Taiwan in 1874

越接近事件 Approached the action, Got closer to the action

嚴重犯罪事件 Serious crime, Serious criminal incident

事件發生 Event, Events, Incident

事件大屠殺 Pogrom, Systematic large scale murder

事件開始 From the start of the incident, Since the start of the incident

像全新事件 Afresh, As if completely new

去年的事件發生之後 After the events of last year, After the happenings of the previous year

疫苗不良事件通報系統 Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System

事件發生前 Prior to the event, Before the incident

事件發生後 After the event, After the event occurred


事倍功半 Achieve very little despite exerting a lot of effort


事做 Take appropriate action as the situation dictates, To not prejudge or predecide


有什麼事我可以幫你喔 Is there something I can help you with?, Is there anything I can help you with?


事後 Afterwards

事後她在心裡反覆回顧 Replaying it over and over again in her mind afterwards


事求 Seek truth from facts


這種事就 This is like, This sort of thing is like


有志者事竟 Where there's a will there's a way


事宜 Affairs, Matters, Arrangements, Necessary arrangements


事實 Reality, Fact

我所看到的事實 That facts as I see them

我只能告訴妳我所看到的事實 I can only tell you what I see

事實 In fact, Truth is, In reality


心想事成 Think and then it happens


事資 Tournament qualifications


事通 Jack of all Trades, Good for lots of different things, All-in-one


事過境遷之後 After the event, After the occurrence


事情 Affair, Matter, Circumstances

各種事情 All sorts of things

很多事情 Lots of things

甚麼事情 Something, Anything, What

對那麼多事情 With respect to so many things

為了各種事情 For all sorts of things

一件意思的事情 An interesting matter, An interesting thing to do

有我能做的事情 There are things that I can do, I can do something about it

自己如何做各種事情 How we do anything, How we do a variety of different things

事情使 These circumstances causes

是過去的事情 Were a thing of the past

在她看過並經歷過那些事情 After what she'd seen and been through

事情不對勁 Something wasn't right, Something was wrong

知道事情不對了 Knew something was wrong

該知道事情不對勁 Should have known something was wrong

事情發生前 Before something happened

事情的原由 Causes, Reasons

事情的概況 General situation

事情既然如此 That being the case

事情搞砸了 Screwed things up, Made a cock-up of the whole thing

事情處理好 Take care of a matter, Deal well with a matter

事情安排這方面 This aspect of the arrangement, That aspect of the arrangement

事情沒這麼發生 It didn't pan out, It didn't work out that way

事情終於發生之前 Before it finally happened

事情雖然有點尷尬 That had been a little embarrassing, That was a little embarrassing

已經夠多事情要操心了 Got enough to worry about

事情的邏輯再想一遍 Run through the logic of matter one more time

一旦真槍實彈事情就會困難得多 Things are a lot tougher when it's for real

這女人的很多事情是他不明白的 There was a lot he didn't know about her

把發生的事情一五一十地造訴我吧 Tell me everything that happened

事情是這樣的 Here's what happened, Here's the thing, This is the deal, This is what happened, It's like this

現在事情大大不一樣了 Things are very different now, Things were a lot different now


事人 Party


事業 Business venture, Enterprise, Undertaking, Career, Pursuit (something one does)

工作事業 Work, Business

營利事業 For profit business

發展無限的事業 Boundless business career


事前 Before hand, In advance


事半功倍 Achieve a lot with little effort, Double the result with half the effort


事項 Item, Area of concern, Individual matters

注意事項 Handling precautions, Points to be aware of


在這種事上 In such matters, In this sort of thing


做什麼事都 Fast, Do things quickly


事故 Accident, Incident

事故真相 Real cause of an accident, The real cause of the accident

事故的原因 Cause of the accident


事事 Everything

無所事事 Doing nothing


回事 Report back

回事 One and the same thing, Caused by, One thing

同一回事 The same thing, One and the same thing

怎麼回事 What happened

並非同一回事 Not the same as, Not quite the same as

到底怎麼回事 What's going on?

在他的世界裡根本沒這回事 No such thing in his world, Did not belong in his world

當一回事 Take it seriously

這麼回事 This is the case

把茶當一回事 Take tea seriously

這是怎麼回事 What is this about

可不是這麼回事 This is not the case

太把茶當一回事 Take tea too seriously

他們太把茶當一回事 They were too serious about the tea, They took the tea too seriously, They were making too big deal out of the tea


時事 Current affairs


愛多管閒事 Nosy, Meddlesome


點事 Do something


同事 Colleague, Coworker

看著我的一個同事 Look at one of my colleagues, Looked at one of my colleagues, Look at a colleague of mine

同事 Colleagues, Coworkers, Workmates


感情用事 Sentimental, Swayed by feelings, Emotionally attached


凡事 Everything

凡事皆有第一次 There's a first time for everything


罕事 Rare


軍事 Military


出事 Have an accident


好事 Good deed, Something that went well

是件好事 Is a good thing, Was a good thing

不是什麼好事 Not a good thing

不見得是件好事 Was not necessarily a good thing

這可不是什麼好事 This is not a good thing, This can't be good, That can't be good


費事 Troublesome to accomplish, Difficult


啟事 Announcement, Notice


肇事 Person at fault in an accident, Party at fault


急事 Urgent matter

什麼急事 What urgent matter, What is the urgent matter

你有什麼急事需要幫忙了 What is the urgent matter that you need help with

妳有什麼急事需要幫忙了 What is the urgent matter that you need help with


多事 Many things

做很多事 Doing many things


失事 Accident, Suffer an accident


平安無事 Safe, Nothing will happen


件事 Business, Matter(s)

件事 A matter

件事 A few things

件事 The whole thing, The whole matter, Everything

件事 Something, Something in particular, A particular something

件事 This matter, This subject, This affair

件事 That stuff, That business, That matter

另一件事 Something else

幹這件事 Deal with this matter

第一件事 First thing

不是那件事 That's not it, It's not about that

彌補這件事 Make up for it

最後一件事 Last thing

幫忙我這件事 Help me in this matter

他在擔心某件事 He is worried about something

她在擔心某件事 She is worried about something

我不知道這件事 I didn't know that, I didn't know about that

你讓我想到一件事 You've given me an idea, You've given me a thought, You've made me think of something

我記得最後一件事 The last thing I remember (is/was)

意識到自己在做這件事 Realized what they were doing

是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not they realized what they were doing

她是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not she realized what she was doing

件事 A matter, A thing to do

件事 This matter, This affair

件事 This matter

在這件事 On this matter, With respect to this matter

等這件事完畢 See this through to the end, Wait till this is finished

件事是什麼 What that is, What it is, What that was

件事太嚴重了 This matter is far too important, This matter is far too serious

我對這件事的看法 My opinon on this matter

把整件事說清楚吧 Explain the whole thing

我們就等這件事完畢吧 We'll see this through to the end, We'll wait till this is finished

如果這件事發生在你身上 If this happened to you

相信某件事並不會讓它方真 Believing something doesn't make it true

我們以後講起這件事一定會笑死 We'll have a good laugh about this afterwards


目前為止所做的任何事 Anything done so far, Anything done up to now


做事 Do things, Does things, Doing things, Did things, Work, Works, Working, Worked

看事做事 Take appropriate action as the situation dictates, To not prejudge or predecide

在花園裡做事 Work in the garden, Worked in the garden, Was working in the garden, Labored in the garden

做事方式 Way of doing things

做事的方式 Ways of doing things, Methods for doing things

做事的方法 Way of doing things

一種獨特的做事方式 A unique way of doing something, The only possible way of doing something


私事 Private matter, Private business


種事 This kind of thing

種事 That kind of thing


從事 Engaged in

從事後看 In retrospect, Looking back


行事 Proceed, Do something as planned, Conduct, Behaviour, Deal with people

便宜行事 Act as circumstances require without having to tell boss


往事 Past


無濟於事 To no avail


衰事 Bad things, Frustration, Frustrating things

衰事年年有 Bad things happen, Shit happens


辦事 Deal with business matters

他的方式來辦事 His way, His way of dealing with things

辦事 Gofer, Lackey, Dogsbody

辦事 Office

辦事能力 Ability to do things, Competence


韻事 Romantic incident, Anecdote


記事 Record events, Make a record of events

結繩記事 Knots tied in a piece of rope or string as a means of record keeping

記事 Note book


家事 Housework, Housekeeping, Household chores

家事 Do housework, Do household chores

做很多家事 Do many chores

我們沒有要求你做很多家事 We don't ask you to do a lot of chores


麼事 What? What is it? What's the matter?

發生什麼事 What happened, Wondering what happened

還有什麼事 Anything else

發生了什麼事 What had happened

沒告訴我是什麼事 Didn't tell me what it was, Didn't tell me what it was about

我到底發生了什麼事 What happened to me in the end? What happened to me?

知道我到底發生了什麼事 Know what happened to me in the end


的事 Doing

的事 Interesting incident(s)

人性的事 Humane

他們的事 Their business, What they do, What they get up to

奇怪的事 Something strange, Something peculiar

急迫的事 Urgent matter

擅長的事 Excel at, Be good at

新奇的事 Novelty, Novel things

方面的事 The talk, The birds and the bees

沒別的事 Nothing else

過去的事 Past events, Situations from the past

不可能的事 The impossible

做同樣的事 Do the same thing

做沒錢的事 Do work for very low wage, Do low paying work

做這類的事 Do this kind of thing, Did this kind of thing

如此類的事 And so on like this, Or something like this

是家裡的事 A family matter

最拿手的事 Does best

最擅長的事 Best at doing

最驚人的事 Most astonishing thing, Most astonishing things

不值一提的事 Didn't need mentioning or acknowledgement

什麼時候的事 When did this happen?, When did that happen?

對不起你的事 Wronged you

是最快樂的事 Is the happiest thing (one can do), Most rewarding thing (that one can do)

是極煩人的事 Extremely annoying, Especially tiresome, It's extremely annoying

母親教他的事 Something his mother taught him

沒那麼好的事 It wasn't a good thing

這是大人的事 This is grown-up stuff

不會想知道的事 Wouldn't want to know about

只有他知道的事 Only things he knew, Only things he could know

只有她知道的事 Only things she knew, Only things she could know

對她做這類的事 Do this kind of thing to her, Did this kind of thing to he, Did these kind of things to her

成為不再有的事 Become a thing of the past, Prevent from happening again

是毫無意義的事 Was pointless, Had no point

注意到奇怪的事 Noticed something strange, Noticed something peculiar

談過那方面的事 Talked about a particular subject, Had the talk, Talked about the birds and the bees

也發生過同樣的事 The same thing had happened

在做他們當時做的事 Am doing the same thing they did, Am now doing what they did (back) then

那就是他們在做的事 That was what they were doing

那是幾個月以前的事 That was a few months ago

那些他們無權曉得的事 Those things they had no business knowing

默默留給別人教他的事 A thing left unspoken for others to teach him

告訴他什麼新奇有趣的事 Telling him something novel and interesting

以前做了很多對不起你的事 Wronged you in a lot of ways in the past

讓這類意外成為不再有的事 Made this sort of mishap a thing of the past

他毫不懷疑那就是他們在做的事 He has no doubt that that was what they were doing

他覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need, He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need

她覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 She thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, She thought it was pointless spending money on things she didn't need, She didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need


沒事 Allright, Ok

沒事 I'm allright, I'm fine, I'm OK

沒事 It's okay, No problem, It doesn't matter, No big deal

沒事 Allright, Ok

沒事 Is he okay?

沒事 Is she okay?


滋事 Trouble

滋事份子 Troublemaker, Hooligan


這事 This issue, This matter

忘了這事 Forgot about it

容易就忘了這事 Easy to forget, Forgettable

這事 In this matter, In this case

這事比先前更重要了 This is now more important than ever, This is more important than ever


遇事 When something crops up, Encounter problems

遇事有辦法變通的 Adaptable, Flexible, Capable of thinking laterally


怪事 Something strange has happened!


懂事 Sensible, Makes sense

懂事 Immature


心事 On one's mind, Weighing on one's mind


人事 Human affairs


領事 Consul

領事 Consulate


敘事 Narrative

敘事手法 Narrative technique


錯事 Did the wrong thing


公事 Official business, Public affairs

公事 Briefcase, Portfolio, Attache case


小事 Little thing, Matter


省事 Simple, Convenient, Thought out to avoid problems, Save trouble, Simplify things


類事 This kind of thing


差事 Job, Task, Errand


董事 Director

董事 Board of Directors

董事 Chairman


共事 Work together

共事 Worked together


某事 Particular task, Something


工事 Defense works, Military fortifications, Civil engineering matters

防禦工事 Defensive fortifications

這種防禦工事 These fortifications


巧事 Coincidence


理事 Administer, Manage, Administrator, Board directors

理事 Board chairman, Chairman of the board


瑣事 Trivial matters


刑事 Relating to crime, Criminal, Penal


礙事 Get in the way


處事 Deal with things, Manage


鬧事 Make trouble


些事 Things, A few things

些事 What things?, What tasks?

些事 Certain things, Things

些事 These things, This, All of this

切身知道的一些事 Things well know to oneself

在暗示切身知道的一些事 Allude to things known to oneself, Alluding to things known to oneself


此事 This matter

此事 This event, This incident

此事 That particular time (of an even/matter)


故事 Story, Stories

故事 Short story, Little story

故事 Listen to a story, Listen to the story

故事 Tell stories

傳說故事 Legends

冒險故事 Adventure story, Adventure stories, Adventures

床邊故事 Bedtime story, Bedside story, Bedside stories

會說故事 Will tell stories, Can tell stories

編個故事 Lots of stories

一樣的故事 The same story

好聽的故事 Interesting story to listen to, Interesting story

完整的故事 A complete story, Complete stories

有名的故事 Well known story

有趣的故事 Interesting story, Interesting stories

耶誕節故事 Christmas story, Christmas tale, Christmas stories

聽床邊故事 Have a bedtime story, Listen to a bedtime story, Listen to bedtime stories

過往的故事 Comings and goings, Events, Happenings, Visits

唸一樣的故事 Read the same story, Reading the same story

我不想聽故事 I don't want to hear a story

讀了一小時故事 Read stories for an hour

我想跟你講個故事 I want to tell you a story

好像在說著過往的故事 Seemingly speaking about old experiences

透過各族群口耳相傳的傳說故事 Go through each groups oral history

故事 Story book

故事 Read a story book, Read stories

編個故事給你聽 Tell you lots of stories

故事給他們聽 Read them a story

他的冒險故事我連一半都說不完 I can't tell half his adventures


幹事 Secretary


喪事 Funeral


起事 Rise in revolt

聚眾起事 General uprising


壞事 Bad thing, Terrible occurrence, Horrifying event

壞事發生前的三個月左右 About three months before the horrible event occurred


喜事 Celebration


蠢事 Folly


大事 Big event


本事 Ability, Skill, Talent, Genius

他知道我的本事 He knows my ability, He knows what I am


有事 Have things to do, Busy, Have an accident

不會有事 Everything would be allright, Nothing would go wrong

即使有事 Even if something has happened

有事要做 As soon as there are things to do

聽完他說的所有事 Listened to everything that he said


世事 World affairs, Affairs of the world

世事多變 Thing's change

世事難料 What do you know, You never know

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