
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 無


Two pieces of boneless chicken leg, 2 pieces of boneless chicken leg

erˋ kuaiˋ wuˊ guˇ ji¯ tuiˇ

無 wuˊ
Without, Lacking, None, Not, No, Have No

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


二塊 erˋ kuaiˋ

無骨 wuˊ guˇ

雞腿 ji¯ tuiˇ

Words that rhyme with 二塊無骨雞腿 (er-wai)

Grouped by first phone


二塊 erˋ kuaiˋ

Two pieces, 2 pieces

二塊無骨雞腿 erˋ kuaiˋ wuˊ guˇ ji¯ tuiˇ

Two pieces of boneless chicken leg, 2 pieces of boneless chicken leg

Grouped in tone pairs


二塊 erˋ kuaiˋ

Two pieces, 2 pieces

二塊無骨雞腿 erˋ kuaiˋ wuˊ guˇ ji¯ tuiˇ

Two pieces of boneless chicken leg, 2 pieces of boneless chicken leg


一-二 : > : > [二]-二塊 : > [二]-二塊無骨雞腿 >

十-土 : > : > [塊]-二塊 : > [塊]-二塊無骨雞腿 >

丿-𠂉 : > : > [無]-無骨 : > [無]-二塊無骨雞腿 >

冂-骨 : > : > [骨]-無骨 : > [骨]-二塊無骨雞腿 >

丿-爫 : > : > [雞]-雞腿 : > [雞]-二塊無骨雞腿 >

冂-月 : > : > [腿]-雞腿 : > [腿]-二塊無骨雞腿 >

二塊無骨雞腿 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 無

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