Index for words including 他


He, She, They, Him, Her, Other, Others, It

Word Links for words containing 他 (sorted via character pairs)

他 ta¯
He, She, They, Him, Her, Other, Others, It

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


他只用了 He just used

他只知道 He only knew

他只好同意 He has no choice but to agree

他只這麼說 Was all he said

他只搖一搖頭 He only shook his head

他只是聳聳肩 He just shrugged

他只是個樂觀的人 He was an optimist

他只是安靜地坐在後座 He just sat quietly in the back seat, He just sat quiet in the back


把這罐裡面剩下的給他吧 Give him what's left in this can


他吵了起來 Argued with him


你確定能信任他嗎 Are you sure you can trust him?


他展現如此之態度 Gave him such an attitude


他跑得很快 He is a fast runner, He can run fast


他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life


他踢她的膝蓋 He kicked her knee


他蹲 He squatted


他回答是 He answered that it was

他回想起 Reminded him

這讓他回憶起 This reminded him, This reminded him of


讀過一本他早期寫的書 Had read one of his earlier books

他早就和童年的朋友疏遠了 Had long ago drifted apart form his childhood friends


他最多就只有某種程度的服從 At best he had a certain degree of obedience


他是 He is, He was

他是 Whether or not he

他是否有潛力 Whether or not he had potential

介紹他是方法官 Introduced him as Judge Fang

他是個小氣的人 He is cheap, He was cheap, He is tight fisted, He is stingy

他是怎麼出來的 How did he get out?

他是否能過來 Asked if he could come

他是能輕易得手的 He could have easily done it

他是不是想嘔吐 Ask him if he needs to vomit

我不喜歡他是因為 I don't like him because

雖然他是那麼愛她 Even though he loved her so

他是不是起來活動了 Is he up and about

他是被人從飛機上丟下去的 He was thrown out of an airplane, Someone threw him out of an airplane

我不喜歡他是因為他很邪惡 I don't like him because he is evil

他是早看過試爆的設計者之一 He was one of the designers who'd seen the test explosion earlier


他晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If he could get a few hours sleep at night


他暗 He thought to himself, He thought


他問 He asked


他閉上雙眼 He closed his eyes


他開始學習魔法 He started to learn magic

可能會允許他開 Might allow him to drive


他關上門 He closed the door


他點 He ordered

他點 He ordered


他買了一支手錶 Bought him a watch


他睜開雙眼 Opened his eyes

他睜眼盯著她 He stared at her


他則不然 He wasn't, He on the other hand wasn't


他剛回家 He just went home

他剛要攻擊 He was just about to attack


他用力一推 He pushed hard, She pushed

他用手杖遙戳 He jabbed his cane, He poked his cane, He used his walking-stick to poke at

他用手背揉眼睛時 While rubbing his eye with the back of his hand, As he rubbed his eye with the back of his hand


他肚子餓了 He was hungry


他臉 His face

他臉上似乎閃過一道陰影 It seemed as if a shadow briefly passed over his face


他具 He had


他以 He thinks, He presumes, He assumes


他將自己給舉了上去 He lifted himself up, He hauled himself up


他如何成為 How he became

看見他如此的舉動 Seeing him like this


他努力集中注意力 He's trying to focus, He tried to focus


他怒瞪著她 He stared at her angrily


他媽 Fuck, Fucking

什麼他媽 What the fuck

他媽的垃圾 Fucking stuff, Fucking shit

幾顆他媽的阿斯匹靈 Some fucking aspirin

他媽的也未免太完美了 Too fucking perfect

你到底他媽的在想什麼 What the fuck were you thinking?


他嬸 His aunt


他納悶著 He wondered, He wondered if, He was curious


直到他終於發現 Until he finally realized, Until he finally discovered


不管他給不給 Whether or not he gave


他總是說 He always says


他變 He's changed

他變 He's changed


站得離他那麼近 Stood so close to him, Was standing so close to him


他張開手掌 Opened his palm, Opened his hand

他張開雙眼 He opened his eyes


他強逼自己 Forced himself


他已經蹲下 He was crouched down, He'd already crouched down, He'd squatted

他已經蹲下在指尖摩弄一小撮泥土 He was already crouched down and rubbing a pinch of dirt between his fingertips

他已經越來越進步了 He is getting better, He was getting better, He is improving, He was improving

他已經坐吃山空到開始思考如何賺錢的地步了 He's already eaten into his savings to the point he was starting to think about how to make money


他又一聲 He said again

倒給他又一杯熱茶 Pour him another cup of tea


他發 He discovered


找到他了 Found him

掃描他了 Scanned him

敢煩他了 Mess with him, Hassle him

我剛看見他了 I just saw him

好久沒想到他了 Hadn't thought about him in ages

才剛我看見他了三年 I just saw him three years ago

才剛我看見他了三分鐘 I just saw him three minutes ago


他飛機落地時會跟你聯絡嗎 Will he call you when he lands?


他所說的話 His words, Whatever he says

一如他所知的 As he had known would be the case, As he had known

他所學的一切 Everything he'd been taught

但就他所 But as far as he knew

一切就如他所 Everything was as he wanted, He got his way


他肩 Shook his shoulder, Shake or shaking his shoulder


腦子的活動讓他興奮異常 The workings of his mind excited him, Exhilarated by the workings of his mind


他覺 He felt

他覺得好餓 He feel's really hungry, He is really hungry

他覺得安全 Made him feel safe

他覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need, He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need


他舉起兩手 He lifted his hands, He lifted both hands


他留下的髒亂 The mess he'd left

在心理上讓他留下了不少疤痕 Scarred him mentally, Scarred him emotionally


他緊張的腹部和肩頭 His tense belly and shoulders


他騙了她 He lied to her, He tricked her, He had lied to her, He had tricked her


都由他負 He is in charge, He was in charge, He is responsible, He was responsible


他龜裂的嘴唇抿了起來 His cracked lips pursed


他年紀很大了 He was pretty old, He was getting on in years


他知 He knows, He knew

他知道了 He knows

他知道了多少 How much does he know?

他知道我的本事 He knows my ability, He knows what I am

只有他知道的事 Only things he knew, Only things he could know

他知道是什麼了嗎 Does he know what it is?, Does he know what it was?

要是讓他知道真相 If he knew the truth

他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life


告訴他什麼新奇有趣的事 Telling him something novel and interesting


他仍在吸大拇指 He still sucked his thumb


他仰天跌倒 He fell on his back

踢得他仰天跌倒 Kicked him to the ground, Kicking him onto his back


他伸手要推她 He reached out to push her

他伸手到大衣裡 He reached into his coat, He reached into his jacket

此刻他伸進口袋 Now he reached into his pocket

揪住他伸出的胳臂 Grabbed his outstretched arm


他作 Go against him, Fight against him, Mess with him

不敢跟他作 Wouldn't dare go against him, Wouldn't dare mess with him


他便 He then


他個子高 He is tall, He was tall


他們 They, Them, Their

他們 Help them, Assist them, Give them a hand

他們 Give them, Give it to them

他們 Forcing them (to), Allowing them (to)

別給他們 Don't give them, Don't give it to them

告訴他們 Told them

如果他們 If they

幫助他們 Help them

找到他們 Find them

拜訪他們 Visit them

殺害他們 Kill them, Killed them

照顧他們 Look after them, Looks after them, Looking after them, Looked after them

看到他們 Saw them

看見他們 See them, Sees them, Seeing them, Saw them

記得他們 Remember them

起訴他們 Prosecute them, Charge them, Accuse them, Sue them

不尊重他們 Disrespect them

分別跟他們 With each of them separately

不過別給他們 But don't give it to them

她注視著他們 She watched them, She looked at them intently

我很了解他們 I know them well

時常來找他們 Often came to visit them, Often came to find them

打了電話給他們 Phoned them, Called them

把自己當成他們 Be like them, Become them, Be them

近距離看過他們 Saw them up close

從來沒談起過他們 Never talk about them

設身處地把自己當成他們 Put yourself in their position

可是別人可以拿這個名字來對付他們 But others can use this against them

他們 Their, Their people, Their people's

他們 The two of them

他們 The family, Their home, At their house

他們 Their

他們 They all, They both

他們 Using their

所以他們 So they then, As a result they

她會記得他們 Would she remember them?

讀故事給他們 Read them a story

他們住的 Where they lived

他們看到 They see, They saw, They watch, They watched

他們跟他 They followed him, They had followed him, They went with him

他們雇了 They had hired

他們一出來 As soon as they come out

他們一見面 As soon as they met

他們不需要 They don't need

他們人很好 They are good folks, They're good people

他們會擔心 They would be worried or concerned

他們會選擇 They will choose, There were choosing

他們正迎著 They are facing, They are welcoming

他們的太太 Their wives

他們的角度 Their perspective

他們的體型 Their size

他們離開了 They left

他們升到 Take them up to, Carry them up to

他們離開 Dismissed them, Invited them to leave

他們兩人之間 Between the two of them, Between them

他們正在交談 They were speaking

他們沒有半個 None of them

他們漫無目的 They are aimless, They were aimless, Their aimlessness

他們爬上樓梯 They climbed the stairs

他們笑了起來 They laughed

他們還不會飛 They couldn't fly, They hadn't yet learned to fly

他們雙方握手 They shook hands

他們當警告 To warm them, As a warning to them, As a warning

他們別靠近 Ask them to keep away

他們出洋相 Make a spectacle of them, Making a spectacle of them, Made a spectacle of them

也許他們都在忙 Perhaps they are all busy

他們其中一個人 One of them

他們可以去獻花 They could go

他們就裝聽不見 They then pretend not to hear

他們換上晚禮服 They changed into their evening wear

保護他們的安全 Guarantee their safety

他們面前經過 Passed in front of them

他們好好帶大 Bring them up well, Bring them up properly

他們又活過來 Bring them back to life

他們心情愉快 Delighted them, Caused them to be delighted

他們不是我的主人 They are not my masters

他們之間關係密切 They were very close, They shared a bond

他們得派一個營來 They need to send a battalion, They will need to send a battalion, They have to send a battalion, They will have to send a battalion

他們的小孩幾乎都 Almost all of their children, Most of their children

他們雇了一個腳夫 They had hired a porter

可是他們卻派你來 But they sent you

可是他們卻派妳來 But they sent you

破壞了他們的計畫 Ruined their plan, Foiled their plan

他們前幾世紀的祖宗 Their ancestors from previous centuries

他們將樹順河流而下 They floated the tree down the course of the river

提供顧客他們所要的 Give the customer what they want, Giving the customer what they want

維持他們三年的生活 Sustained them for three years

他們人到處遊走的傾向 Their tendency to wonder around

他們兩人之間的小玩笑 It was a little bit of a joke between the two of them

他們太把茶當一回事了 They were too serious about the tea, They took the tea too seriously, They were making too big deal out of the tea

他們的手臂努力捕捉 Tried to catch in their arms

他們還來不及進一步討論 Before they could continue the discussion

掩飾他們肚子的深色背心 Dark waistcoats that masked their bellies, Their belly deemphasizing dark vests

不再有人覺得他們天生可愛 Nobody still found them naturally endearing

他們會想和追捕者保持距離 They will want to keep away from their pursuer, They will want to maintain separation from their pursuit

他們透過彼此的眼睛向外看 They looked out through each other's eyes, They saw through each other's eyes

他們可能會為了什麼而起衝突 What might they be fighting over?

不再有人覺得他們天生可愛的年齡 The age where nobody found them naturally endearing, The age where they were no longer naturally endearing to anyone

他們大部分的法力放進一件物品 Place most of their magic into an object

他們的體型使他們的精力讓人感到威脅 Their size made their energy intimidating, Their size made their energy menacing

他們回家 They came home, They went home

想要把他們找回來 Wanted them to return, Wanted their return

幫助他們頭髮長回來 Help their hair grow back

他們想要 They want, They wanted to, They would like

掌握他們的想法 Master their thoughts, Think like them

他們歡呼 They cheer, They are cheering, They cheered

他們是歡們 They are lovers

他們的事 Their business, What they do, What they get up to

他們的確 They definitely

他們是很討厭的人 They are hateful people, They are loathsome people, They were nasty people, They were dislikable people

在做他們當時做的事 Am doing the same thing they did, Am now doing what they did (back) then

那就是他們在做的事 That was what they were doing

那些他們無權曉得的事 Those things they had no business knowing

他毫不懷疑那就是他們在做的事 He has no doubt that that was what they were doing

他們都是 They are all

他們每天都來 They came every day

他們分手了 They've split up

他們的手臂 Using their arms

他們雙方握手後 After they shook hands

他們好像浮 They seemed to float

他們好像都 They all seemed

他們說的 Like they said, As they said it would

聽著他們說話 Listened to them

他們進去 Let them in

他們進門 Allow them in, Allowed them in, Let them in

他們從東邊進城 They enter the city from the east, They entered the city from the east

他們難道不知道 Don't they know

猜如果他們知道 Guess if they knew

至少他們會知道 At least they would know

他們有沒有可能知道 Did they possibly know, Is it possible they (know, Knew)

我跟他們不一樣 I'm not like them, I'm different from them

近距離看過他們一次 Saw them up close once

消除他們的皺紋 Eliminate their wrinkles, Take away their wrinkles

真能消除他們的皺紋 Truly can eliminate their wrinkles

發揮他們的潛力 Realize their potential, Reach their potential

完全發揮他們的潛力 Fully realize their potential, Reach their full potential

知道他們的來臨 Know they are coming, Knew they were coming

那些想要把他們找回來的 Those who wanted them to return, The people who wanted their return

他們走上跳板 Make them walk the plank, Made them walk the plank

要逼他們走上跳板 Wanted to make them walk the plank

他們叫你來對付我 They called you to deal with me, They sent you to deal with me

他們叫妳來對付我 They called you to deal with me, They sent you to deal with me

他們會怎麼對付他 What would they do with him, What would they do to him

聽不見他們說什麼 Couldn't hear what they said

想像他們此刻在做什麼 Wondering what they were doing right now

他們穿一般正常衣服 They wear normal clothes, They wore normal clothes

回到他們的客艙換衣服 Return to their cabin to change, Returned to their cabin to change, Returned to their cabins to change

不知道他們會說什麼呢 Don't know what they'll say

他們的腦袋裡到底裝了什麼啊 What was in their heads?, What were they thinking?

他們現在是城主的人了 Now they belonged to the prince, Now they were the prince's men

他們如何繼續過自己的人生 How did they continue with their lives


不管他做出哪一種體操動作 No matter what kind of gymnastic movement he did, No matter what gymnastic feat he performed


他垂著手 He dropped his hands, He lowered his hands


他手裡有 Had in his hand

他手忙腳亂 Cause him to become flustered


別讓他看 Don't let him see, Don't let him look

他看起來大致 For the most part he looked

他看過多少遍 How many times he'd seen

他看過這儀式 He'd seen the ritual

這姿勢讓他看來就像是 This position made him seem like


他和幾位童子軍同伴 He and several members of his Boy Scout troop


他移向窗戶 He moved to the window


他翻了個白眼 He rolled his eyes


他從 He never, He'd never

他從鼻孔大力吐氣 He exhaled strongly through his nose, He blasted out air through his nostrils

他從手套中取出左手 He withdrew his left hand from the glove

他從街道的一側跳到另一側 He jumped from one side of the street to the other, He leaped from one side of the street to the other


他聳聳肩 He shrugged


他很過分 He's excessive, He's a bit much, He's over the top

他很高興 Caused him to be very happy, Made him very happy

他很快就會來 He will come soon, He will arrive soon, He will soon join us

這點他很清楚 About this he was very clear

他很擅長分內的工作 He was good at his job, He was good at what he did

這不是說他很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that he's poor or stingy, It's not that he was poor or mean

他很邪惡 He is evil

我不喜歡他是因為他很邪惡 I don't like him because he is evil


他得 He's got, He has

他得 He's got, He's acquired

他得 He got

他得了麻疹 He's got measles

他得到他需要的 He got what he needed

毀了他得意的日子 Ruined his day


說了什麼讓他笑 Said something to make him smile


他第一個 His first

他第一次來時 On his first visit here, During the first time he came here

他第一個也是目前唯一 His first and at present his only, Currently his first and only


他等啊等等 He waited and waited


他管它叫 He calls it, What he calls, What he refers to as


他之前相信的一切 Everything he'd believed until recently


他為什麼跑 Why is he running?

他為少校 Promote him to major, Promote him to the rank of major


猜想他永遠也不會 Surmised he never would


他就有了 He would then have, He will then have, Then he will have, Then he has

他就能辦到 He can do it, He can

他就應該料到 He should have expected

他就會知道該怎麼回答了 He'll know how he should answer, He knew how he would have answered, He knew what he would have said

他就算閉著眼睛也不會迷路 Could find his way even with his eyes closed


他毫不懷疑那就是他們在做的事 He has no doubt that that was what they were doing


玩全把他忘 Forgot about him, Did not think about him


他放 Laid him down


欲置他於死地 Intent on his death


他站著不動 He stands still, He stands unmoving, He is standing still, He stood still


他意識到 Made him realize, Reminded him

直到他意識到 Until he realizes, Until he realized


要是他記得的話 If he remembered


他認 Teach him to read, Taught him to read

以前他認 He'd believed, He'd thought, He'd once believed, He'd once thought


他誘 Lure him to, Lured him, Lure him into, Lured him into


他說 He said

他說 Said to him

可是她沒跟他說 But she didn't tell him

聽完他說的所有事情 Listened to everything that he said


我不會去和他談 I won't go and talk with him


他讓自己 He allowed himself


可讓他安 Reassure him


他空著的那隻手 His empty hand

抓起他空著的那隻手 Grabbed his empty hand


他穿 He wore, He was wearing

他穿了一身黑 He wore black, He was dressed in black

他穿一般正常衣服 He wears normal clothes, He wore normal clothes


他或 His or her

他或她的 His or her


他威脅我 He threatened me


他感 He feels, He felt

他感 He Noticed, He Felt, He Sensed, He Perceived

他感覺到 He felt, He sensed, He noticed

他感到腹中有 Felt in his belly

他感到危險 Struck him as dangerous

他感覺到空間是如何連接的 He felt how the spaces connected


他麻 Hassle him, Give him any trouble


他瘦 He lost wait, He became thing


他的 His

看到他的 Saw his

十年前是你逮捕他的 You arrested him ten years ago

八十年前是你逮捕他的 You arrested him eighty years ago

他的 His leg, His legs

猜到他的 Guessed what he was saying

獻出他的 Offered his hand

不會生他的 Was not angry at him, Harbored no resentment toward him

打中了他的 Hit him in the face, Hit his face

母親教他的 Something his mother taught him

一切都是他的 It's all his fault

整理帶子環住他的 Positioned the straps around his head

默默留給別人教他的 A thing left unspoken for others to teach him

他的全名 His name

他的好手 His good hand

他的微笑 His smile

他的思緒 His thought, His thoughts

他的朋友 His friend, His friends

他的死法 How he died

他的盔甲 His armor

他的祖父 His grandfather

他的罪行 His crime

他的雇主 His employer

他的俱樂部 His club

他的新生活 His new life

他的嘴唇分開 His lips parted

他的手臂和腿 His arms and legs

他的胳臂很壯 His arms are strong, His arms were strong

他的話還真多 He talks a lot

他的長劍脫手 His sword fell from his hand

他的面孔扭曲 His face twisted

吹進他的眼裡 Blew into his eye, Blowing into his eye, Blow into his eye

回答他的人是 The person who answered him was

套句他的說法 To paraphrase him

她踢他的膝蓋 She kicked his knee

對準他的前額 Pointed at his forehead, Aimed at his forehead

引發他的衝動 Set him off, Drove his impulse, Initiating his impulse

打上他的腦後 One hit him in the back of the head

捏了他的鼻子 Pinched his nose

插進他的肉裡 Piercing his flesh, Pierced his flesh

撫亂他的頭髮 Ruffled his hair

會說他的語言 Spoke his language, Could speak his language

殺害他的兇手 His killer, His murderer, His killers

他的手腕被抓住 His wrist was grabbed

他的方式來辦事 His way, His way of dealing with things

他的頭往後一倒 His head was pushed back

改善了他的狀況 Improved his situation

破壞了他的計畫 Ruined his plan, Foiled his plan

他的分身點了點頭 His doppelgänger nodded, His reflection nodded

他的笑容變得嬌羞 His smile became shy, His smile became coy

他的行動有個目標 His actions have a purpose, His actions had a purpose

他的衣服是深色的 His clothes were dark

偶然看見他的相片 Came across a picture of him, Came across his photograph

尋找他的蛛絲馬跡 Look for signs of him, Looking for signs of him

他的頭向後輕打 Tap his head back

拿到樓上他的房間 Took up to their room

用前臂切他的咽喉 Sliced a forearm into his throat

躲過了他的長指甲 Dodged his long nails

進入他的視線範圍 Enter his line of sight, Entered his line of sight

成功修飾出他的窄腰 Showed off his narrow waist, Effectively displayed his narrow waist

他的呼吸又恢復正常了 His breathing is back to normal, He was breathing normally again

他的拳頭已經等在那裡 His fist was already there

他的黨羽都是些什麼人 Who are his associates?, Who are these associates?

實際下手殺害他的女人 The woman who did the actual killing, The woman who actually committed his murder

把成果呈現給他的上司 Present the results to his boss, Presenting the results to his boss, Presented the results to his boss

牢牢抓住他的兩隻胳臂 Grabbed him firmly by the arms

他的第一個衝動是抽開手 His first impulse was to pull his hand away

他的罪行沒留下任何證據 Leaving no evidence of his crime

感覺到空氣抵著他的掌心 Feel the air against his palm, Feeling the air against his palm

一天的回憶就湧進他的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into his mind, A days worth of memories flooded into his mind

他的冒險故事我連一半都說不完 I can't tell half his adventures

他的目光始終沒離開發抖的老人 His eyes didn't leave the shivering old man, He kept his eyes on the shivering old man

他的小孩 His child, His kid

一隻腳踢中他的小腿 A foot kicked his lower leg

他的戶頭 His account, His bank account

被存進他的戶頭 Was deposited into his account

他的身子 His body

恐懼開始滲透他的身體 Fear started to work through his body, Fear started to work through him

他的風景 His view of the landscape, His view

在分享他的風景 Sharing his view of the scenery, Sharing his view

他的一邊肩膀 One of his shoulders, His shoulder

跨坐他的肩上 Sat on this shoulders

壓住了他的一邊肩膀 Press his shoulder, Presses one of his shoulders, Pressing one of his shoulders, Pressed one of his shoulders

他的棒球手套 His baseball glove

揪住他的手腕 Grab his wrist, Grabs his wrist, Grabbed his wrist

掐住他的喉嚨 Choke him

勒住了他的喉嚨 Strangled him

纏著他的胸部 Wrapped around his chest

踢中了他的胸口 Kicking him in the chest, Kicked him in the chest

一隻手肘撞進他的胸口 An elbow crashed into his chest

回答了他的問題 Answered his questions

已聽見他的問題 Had heard his question, heard his question

只能到達他的手肘前 Didn't reach past his elbows

似乎只能到達他的手肘前 Didn't seem to reach past his elbows


他自 Even himself

嚴懲他自 Punishing himself

他自己都感到驚訝 Even suprising himself

他自己也沒出力氣幫助 He himself had not expended any effort to help, He himself had not done anything to help


我把一束炸藥丟到他身 I dropped a bunch of dynamite on him, I threw a bundle of dynamite on him


他盤算既然要去 He figured that since he was going


他決定先吃飯再開始幹活 He decided to eat first and then start work


他沒 He didn't

他沒 He didn't have

他沒 He couldn't

他沒事嗎 Is he okay?

他沒假裝 He didn't pretend, He didn't try to act like

他沒多問 He didn't ask anymore questions, He didn't ask anything further

他沒穿鞋 He wasn't wearing shoes

他沒起來 He hadn't gotten up, He was still in bed

他沒過得 He wasn't

他沒有食物 He didn't have food, He didn't have any food

他沒法停止 He couldn't stop

他沒浪費時間 He didn't waste time

他沒過得那麼糟 He wasn't doing that bad

可是他沒跟她說 But he didn't tell her

他沒什麼別的愛好 He has no other hobbies

他沒有停下來吃飯 He did not stop to eat

他沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 He couldn't do it while panicking

回答了他沒有問出口的問題 Answered his unspoken question

他沒有回答 He didn't answer

他沒有直接回答 He didn't answer directly


他注意到 He noticed


他活 He got what she deserved

那是他活 He deserved it, It serves him right


他流口水 Made his mouth water


他清醒了 He had woken up, He was wide awake


他游 Teach him to swim


他追蹤男爵到一個已經暴露的敵人藏身處 He tracked the Baron to an exposed enemy hideout


他這一輩子 His whole life

他這才想到 It occurred to him, He realized


他連自己說的話都不是很了解 He doesn't understand what he's saying


擋住他進 Prevent him from entering

他進入長長的幻想 He went into a long reverie


他遇到了什麼樣的麻煩 What kind of trouble is he in, What kind of trouble did he run into?


甚至還向他道 Actually thanked him


他避 He avoids, He avoided


他還沒完 He is not done yet

他還是相信 He still believed, He believed

為了確定他還嚐了嚐水質 He tasted the water just to be sure of its quality, He tasted the water just to be sure


他快上一百倍 A hundred times faster than him


他恢復體力 Allow him to restore his strength


他慢慢站起來 He stood up slowly


他憤 Made him angry, Rankled him

還是讓他憤 Still made him angry, Still rankled him

這還是讓他憤 This still made him angry, This still rankled him


他心 He thought to himself, He thought, He figured

他心中有數 He knew better


他人 Others

是否傷害他人 Whether or not to harm others


他命 Vitamin, Vitamins

一罐維他命 A bottle of vitamins

綜合維他命 Multi-vitamin, Multi vitamins


阻止他入 Prevent him from entering


他拿出香菸 Took out his cigarettes


他會死去 He would die, He would be dead

他會不會擔心 Was he worried, Did it worry him

他會到這裡來 He will come here

他會情不自禁地 He would compulsively, He had a compulsion to

他會想要參一腳 He will want to join, He will want to get involved, He would want to join, He would want to get involved

他會想辦法阻止她 He would find some way to stop her, He would try and stop her

你是覺得他會到這裡來嗎 Do you think he will come here?


他小時候 His childhood, The days of his youth


他對自己說 He told himself

好像他對這島的寶整性依舊存疑 It was as if he were still doubtful of the island's integrity


他曾 He had

他曾自以為 He once thought that he, He used to think that he, He once believed he

他曾警告過她 He had warned her

他曾自以為了解 He once thought he understood


他前任老闆去死時 Told his last boss to go to hell


他半透明的皮膚 His translucent skin


他花了八十年才成功 It took him eighty years to do it, It took him eighty years to succeed


他驚 He was astounded, He was surprised, Astounded him, Surprised him

他驚異的表情 His shocked expression, His expression of shock, His expression was of shock


他甘冒生命危險 He was willing to risk his life

他甘冒生命危險逃亡 He was willing to risk his life to escape


他典型的上課日程包括 A typical school day includes, A typical school day would include


他一 He has been

他一 Glanced at him

他一 Look at him, Glance at him

他一 Was with him, Accompanied him

瞄了他一 Glanced at him

再逮捕他一 Arrest him again

又喊了他一 Called for him again

我幫助過他一 I helped him once

需要教訓他一 He needs to be taught a lesson

他一落地 As he landed, As soon as he landed

他一個轉身 He turned

他一無所知 He knew nothing

他一碰觸到 As soon as he touched

他一直都單身 He's always been single

只有他一個人 He is alone, He was alone

弄得他一身瘀青 Left him bruised all over, Left him bruised

他一定是伸出手了 He probably reached out, He must have reached out

他一邊眼皮往後拉起 Peeled back one of his eyelids

等到只剩下他一個人了 Wait until he is alone

一個跟他一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of him, An exact replica of himself

希望下次能和他一起來參觀 Hope that next time we can come together to visit

他一面爬一面拚命尋找手腳的支點 He struggled for finger and toe holds while climbing

他一樣快 As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed

速度跟他一樣快 As fast as him, Matched him in speed, Matched him speed, Matched him for speed


他頭一低 He lowered his head, He dropped his head

他頭全禿了 He was completely bald

他頭的後面 The back of his head


邀請他到 Invite him to, Invited him to

一路跟蹤他到 Follow him to, Followed him to

他到處都看過了 He looked everywhere


他至少拿出機械懷錶看了十幾次 Pulled out his mechanical pocket watch at least a dozen times


他五歲了 He was five, He was five years old

他五歲時 When he was five


他不 He isn't, He is not

他不慌不忙 He didn't rush, He took his time

他不相信 He does not believe, He did not believe

他不夠聰明 He's not smart enough

他不解原因 He didn't understand why, He couldn't understand why

他不想往下看 He did not want to look down

他不算很熟 Didn't know him that well, Doesn't know him that well, Had not known him that well

他不喜歡打領帶 He doesn't like to wear a tie, He doesn't like wearing ties

他不再相信的女神 The goddess he no longer believed in

他不想回到以前的生活 He doesn't want to return to his old life

難道他不能睜隻眼閉隻眼 Couldn't he play dumb, Wouldn't he have played dumb

他不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 He ignored the goading of the person above

他不是學到寶貴的一課了嗎 Then you've learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?

這女人的很多事情是他不明白的 There was a lot he didn't know about her

他不會在乎 He doesn't care, He wouldn't care, He wouldn't have minded

他不在乎 But he doesn't care, But he doesn't give a damn, But he didn't care

救過他不止一次 Saved him more than once, Had saved him more than once, Had saved his life on more than one occasion

他不相信我說的一切 He doesn't believe anything that I say


他更能控制自己的法力 Gave him more control over his magical powers


他兩手抱胸 He crossed his arms, He folded his arms

他兩手搓了搓 He rubbed his hands, He rubbed his hands together

斷了他兩條腿 Broke his legs


影響他政治見解 Influence his political views

將會影響他政治見解 Would influence his political views

形成一個在未來將會影響他政治見解的看法 Form an idea or opinion that would in the future shape his political views


他現在在家工作 How he worked from home

雖然他現在在家工作 Even though he now worked from home

他現在有了個徒弟 He has an apprentice now

他現在全身是疤嗎 Does he have scars all over his body now?, Is he scarred all over now?, Is his whole body scarred now?


他得到他需要的 He got what he needed

他需要召魂士的法力 He needs the power of a necromancer, He needed the power of a spirit summoner

他需要的東西也不多 He doesn't need much, He didn't need much

他需要顆阿斯匹靈止手痛 He needed an aspirin for the pain in his hand


他露出剖析的神情 He showed his analytical expression, An analytical expression appeared on his face


他醒 He woke up

他醒來時心想 He woke up thinking


他要 He wants, He wanted, He had to

他要過濾的那些街道 The streets that he had to sort through, The streets that he had to choose from


他聊拳擊 Talk with him about boxing

想跟他聊拳擊 Want to talk to him about boxing, Wants to talk to him about boxing, Wanting to talk to him about boxing, Wanted to talk to him about boxing


他聰 Smarter than him

不見得比他聰 Not necessarily smarter than him


他聽 He could hear, He heard

他聽到四周孩童們 He could hear the children all around him, He heard the children all around him

他聽到四周孩童們吱喳 He could hear the chit chat of children all around him, He heard the chattering of children all around him

他聽到背後有悄悄的足聲 He heard quiet footsteps behind him


但不光是他而 But it wasn't just him, But it wasn't just about him


他面 In front of him

把夾子推到他面 Push the binder in front of him, Pushes the binder in front of him, Pushed the binder towards him

他面前經過 Passed in front of him

他面前走過 Walked past him


他確 He was sure, He was confident

他確 He was sure


他上一份 His previous, His last

他上課學的一樣 Like he'd been taught

跟著他上了三樓 Follow him to the third floor, Followed him to the third floor

他上次來的樣子大不相同 Looked very different from the last time he came, Had changed a lot since last he came


想像他此刻在做什麼 Wondered what he was doing right now, Wondering what he was doing right now


他非常高興 Made him very happy


他老叫我 He always calls me


這些他都認可 This he all approved


他走 He entered, She walked in

他走得很慢 He walked slowly

他走出門口 He walks out the door, He walked out the door

他走到門口 He went to the door


他趕緊問 He asked quickly


頓萌他志 Suddenly have different ideas


他喜 He likes, He liked


他盡量悄悄移動 He moved as quietly as possible


痛得他大 He screamed in pain


他太 His wife


他查明了多少 How much did he discover?, How much did he find out?


他來 He's here, He came

才又想起他來 Only then thought of him again


他本來是打算順順利利抵達的 He had planned to arrive without incident, He had hoped to arrive without a hitch


他想 He wants, He wanted to, He would like

他想 He had thought, It had occurred to him

這讓他想 This reminded him of, It reminded him of

超過他想知道 More than he wanted to know

他想像中來得大 Bigger than he thought, Bigger than he imagined

他想找個把風的工作 He sought a job as a lookout, He looked for work as a lookout

他想要永遠待在那兒 He wanted to stay there forever


他根本就不算是人 He was not even human, He was scarcely human


他才發覺 It then dawned on him, He then realized

那時他才第一次知道 And then he knew for the first time


他有 He has, He had, He did have

要是他有 If he had

他有力氣 Stronger than him

他有可能搞錯 He could be wrong

他有多了解她 How much did he know about her?, What did he know about her?

他有沒有辦法 Was there some way that he


不管他在哪裡 No matter where he was

他在擔心某件事 He is worried about something

他在床上很放得開 He was very free in bed, He was uninhibited sexually

他在這裡有段過去 He has a history here

他在屋頂邊緣蹲下來 He crouched down at the edge of the roof

他在那兒站了一會兒 He stood there for a while

他在家的時候 When he was home

他在他空暇時間 In his spare time


他找不到 He can't find, He didn't find, He couldn't find

他找不到盔甲 He can't find the armor, He didn't find the armor, He couldn't find the armor


他把窗打開 He opened the window

他把臉轉過去 He turned his face

他把左臂甩過牆頭 He swung his left arm over the wall

他把臉轉過去正面對著 He turned his face directly toward

他把你打傷一點關係都沒有 It has nothing to do with him hurting you

我很佩服他把你從監獄裡救了出來 I appreciate him for getting you out of prison, I appreciate that he got you out of jail

所以跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有囉 So it has nothing to do with him hurting you?


他拉開大衣 He opened his coat, He opened the coat


他招募到 Recruited him into


在那之後他持續和我聯繫 After that he kept in contact with me


他探頭進來 Poked his head in


他推 Push him away, Pushes him away, Pushing him away, Pushed him away


看見他握緊了拳頭 Saw his fist clench, Saw his fists clench


他搖 He shook her head

他搖搖頭 He shook his head


他搭 He rode, He travelled by

他搭的那輛巴士 His bus, The bus he took

他搭的那輛巴士剛好停在這裡 The bus he was on just happened to have stopped here


他搶在自己 He steeled himself

他搶在自己退縮之前 He steeled himself before he could runaway


他擁有的一樣東西 Something that was owned by him


他也不喜歡你 He doesn't like you either


帶著他轉了一圈 Spun him around


他帶頭走 He lead the way

他帶出去 Took him out

就把他帶來給我 Bring him to me

沒為他帶來多少麻煩 Didn't cause him too much bother

他帶 Carry him onto, Take him onto

都讓他帶 Let him lead the way


願意吻他 Willing to kiss him, Wouldn't mind kissing him

她也願意吻他 She also wouldn't mind kissing him


跟他 Me and him

他們跟他 They followed him, They had followed him, They went with him


一路跟蹤他 Follow him, Followed him


是他 Not him, It isn't him

是他 It was him, That's him

就算是他 Even if he


問他 Asked him, Queried him


累他 Implicate him


沒有看見他 Didn't see him


脫他 Get rid of him


陪他 Keep him company, Accompany him, Spend time with him


追查出他 Trace him, Track him, Locate him, Find him


給他 Don't give him, Didn't give him

給他 Gave to him

給他 Handed him, Gave him

想寫信給他 Wanted to write to him


會比魔法更吸引他 Could interest him more than magic, Could attract him more than magic

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引他 What kind of career could interest him more than magic?


了他 Hurt him

了他 Kill him, Killed him

了他 Gave him

她騙了他 She lied to him, She tricked him, She had lied to him, She had tricked him

看到了他 Saw him

看見了他 Saw him, Had seen him

逮捕了他 Captured him, Arrested him, Brought him to justice

有人殺了他 Someone killed him

當場殺了他 Kill him on the spot, Kill him out of hand

有人認出了他 Someone recognized him, He was recongized

硬是認出了他 Had recognized him (in a crowd), Picking him out, Picked him out

有個巫師看見了他 A sorcerer saw him, A sorcerer had seen him


顧他 Look after him


與他 Together with him

與他 And together with him


她有多了解他 How much did she know about him?, What did she know about him?


告他 Tell him, Pass on to him


他們會怎麼對付他 What would they do with him, What would they do to him


住他 Cut him off, Block him, Bar him


更敬佩他 Respect him even more


使他 Caused him

使他 Caused them

使他們的 Make their, Made their

使他聽起來像鴨子叫 Caused him to sound like a duck

他們的體型使他們的精力讓人感到威脅 Their size made their energy intimidating, Their size made their energy menacing


信他 Believe him, Believed him


抬頭看他 Look up at him, Looks up at him, Looking up at him, Looked up at him

大家都來看他 Everybody came to see him

都好像在看他 All seemed to be looking at him


舔他 Licked him

舔他的血 Licked his blood


和他 Agree with him, Agreed with him, Agreed


稱他 Call him, Calls him, Calling him, Called him

族人稱他 His fellow tribesmen call him


愛他 I love him


認真地看待他 Take him seriously


得他 Left him


等他 Wait for him, Waiting for him, Waited for him, When he

等他 Wait for them

到聖殿外面等他 Wait for them outside the temple, Wait for them outside the sanctuary

等他們離去後 After they left, After they were gone

等他滿意確定 When he was fully sure, When he had determined to his satisfaction

等他們的最後一員離開視線後 Waiting till the last of them slipped out of sight


管他 Leave him, Don't worry about him


向他 Headed towards him

翹起拇指比向他 Cocked a thumb at him


去探望他 Go to visit him


訴他 Tell him, Told him


諸他 Impose on him, Reposed in him


謝他 Thank him


你怎麼會認識他 How do you know him?


讓他 Don't allow him, Didn't allow him


害他 Kill him, Killed him


在觀察他 Watching him


磨他 Torture him, Tortured him, Torturing him


想辦法逼他 Managed to get him to, Coerced him into, Got him to


乾脆放過他 Just let him go

我從來沒聽過他 I never heard of him


被他 By him

被他 By their

被他 He had mugged, Mugged by him

被他們打爆了頭 Been beaten by them

被他搶的那個人 The person he had mugged

被他們如此認真看待 Taken seriously, To be taken seriously


還是會想念他 Still missed him, Missed him


經驗教會他 Experience had taught him


煩他 Don't bother him, Leave him alone


對他 Towards him, With respect to him

轉回去面對他 Turned back to face him

趕緊轉過去面對他 Quickly turn to face him, Quickly turning to face him, Quickly turned to face him

對他 For them, With respect to them

對他 Said to him

對他們露出微笑 Smile at them, Smiled at them, Give them a smile, Gave them a smile

對他們露出微笑 Smile at them again, Smiled at them again, give them another smile, Gave them another smile

可能對他們造成威脅 Could be a threat to them

有人在對他背誦英詩 Someone was reciting poetry to him

用正常音量對他們說話 Spoke to them in a normal tone of voice,


當他 When he

當他 When they

當他 When he used

當他到達 When he reached

當他們成熟時 When they mature, When they are mature, When they become mature

尤其當他說話時 Especially when he was talking, Especially while he was talking

當他跟她在一起 When he was with her


我不喜歡他 I don't like him

你才不喜歡他 You don't like him

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡他 Is that why you don't like him?


著他 Facing him, Towards him, At him

著他 Stared at him, Glared at him

著他 Followed him

凝視著他 Looked at him, Stared at him

注視著他 Stared at him

抬眼看著他 Looked up at him

在前方等著他 Ahead of him, Awaiting him

我一直愛著他 I've always loved him

轉過去看著他 Turn to him, Turns to him, Turned to him

惡狠狠地瞪著他 Glaring at him angrily, Glared at him angrily

憤怒地瞪視著他 Angrily stared at him

面無表情地看著他 Looking at him without expression, Looked at him blankly


其他 Other

其他 And other

還是有其他 There are other, There are still other

其他 Others

找到其他 Find the others

還有很多其他 As well as many others, Along with many others

其他形狀 Other shapes

其他方面 In other aspects, In respect to other things

其他選項 Other options

其他人工島 Other man-made islands

其他幾個人 A few other people, Several other people, Several others

其他的管道 Other channels

其他場合 In other surroundings, In other settings, In other contexts

其他指示 How other instructions, Told them otherwise

其他小孩 And other children

其他人呢 The others?, What about the others?

其他人一樣 Same as anyone else

我有其他權利嗎 Do I have other rights?

有些和其他結合 Some were combined with others

那些其他的孩子 Those other kids

其他元素的原子量 Atomic weights of other elements

我可能有其他權利 I might have other rights

用身體其他部位來 Use other parts of the body to

用身體其他部位當作 Use other parts of the body as

有些部份高出其他部份 Some parts higher than other parts

沒有其他選擇的可能性 No other choice is possible, Situation where no other choice is possible

其他科學資訊的背景下 Context of other scientific information


到他 Find him, Finds him, Found him

到他 Saw him

到他 Heard him

如何找到他 How to find him

沒再看到他 Didn't see him again

你如果找不到他 If you can't find him

那晚沒再看到他 Didn't seem him for the rest of the night


下他 Stop him, Intercept him


示他 Directs him


正他 Corrected him


理他 Ignore him, Ignores him, Ignored him, Ignoring him

兩個人都不理他 They ignored him


耳他 Malta


死他 Blow him up and kill him

沒有炸死他 The explosion didn't kill him, He didn't die in the explosion


她會想辦法阻止他 She would find some way to stop him, She would try and stop him


請老師教他 Asked the teacher to help him


朝他 Towards his, At his, Toward him, At him

朝他 Towards them

朝他而來 Come toward him, Coming toward him, Coming towards him

朝他點頭 Nod at him, Nods at him, Nodding at him, Nodded at him

朝他頭開槍 Shoot at his head, Shoot him in the head

朝他伸出雙手 Holding out both hands towards him

朝他方向瞄準 Aimed at him

朝他的下巴補一腳 Kicked him in the chin, Kicked him in the jaw

看見一名年輕的女人朝他走過來 Saw a young woman walking towards him

朝他接近 Drawing close to him, Coming close to him

便朝他們接近 Approached them, Went up to them, Headed towards them


幫他 Help him, helped him

不會找不熟的人來幫他 Will not reach out to strangers to help him, Would not reach out to strangers to help him

幫他 Help them, To help them

幫他刷背 Scrub his back, Help him scrub his back

幫他擦背 Help him wash his back


吉他 Guitar


在他 In him, In his

在他 In them, In their

在他面前 In front of him

在他們眼中 In their eyes

在他旁邊 Walking by his side, walked by his side, Walk beside him, Walks beside him, Walked beside him

在他上面 Knelt over him

在他前面的人 The person in front of him

在他的世界裡 In his world

在他空暇時間 In his spare time

在他們的文化裡 In their culture

在他捧起的手中 In his cupped hand, In his cupped hands

在他的護照裡 Placed inside his passport

在他的盔甲裡 Placed in his armor, In his armor

在他憂傷的行步裡 In his sad walk, In his melancholy walk

在他身邊長椅上 Sitting on the bench beside him

狠狠地打在他臉上 Hit his face hard, Hits his face hard, Hitting him hard in the face

在他面前的是誰 Who was standing in front of him

在他眉頭的皮膚 Glued to the skin of his brow

在他木髓製的遮陽帽下 Under his pith helmet, Beneath his pith helmet

在他語無倫次的祈禱中 In their unspoken prayers

在他們眼中墮落的是我們 In their eyes it is us who are degenerates

在他的世界裡根本沒這回事 No such thing in his world, Did not belong in his world

在他腦中 In his mind

在他的電腦裡 Stored on his computer, Stored on his computers, In his computer

在他們後面 Behind them

在他後面 Follow him

在他們後面 Follow them

在他床墊下 Under his mattress

藏了什麼在他床墊下 Hid something under his mattress

在他的桌上 On his desk

在他的桌上 Sitting on his desk, Piled on his desk

在他身上 Shining on him, Illuminating him

仍集中在他身上 Still focused on him

拿手電筒照在他身上 Holding a flashlight on him, Illuminating him with a flashlight

她的注意力集中在他身上 Her awareness was focused on him

在他耳邊迴盪 Echoing in his ears, Echoed in his ears

話還在他耳邊迴盪 Still echoing in his ears

在他嘴上的那一點 The spot over his mouth

在他前面的人有一個 One of the people in front of him

在他的窗戶正下方 Standing directly beneath his window, Stood directly beneath his window

在他身旁的床上坐下來 Sat down on the bed beside him, Sat on the bed beside him


打他 Flog him, Whip him, Flogged him, Whipped him


接他 Go pick him up

衝過來迎接他 Rush to meet him, Rushed to meet him


她伸手要推他 She reached out to push him


揍他 Hit him again


撞他 Crashed into him, Hit him

撞他的人 Person who crashed into him, Person who hit him


帶他 Hold him, Carry him, Took him

帶他 Hold them, Held them, Carry them, Carried them, Take them, Took them

帶他去見 Take him to see

帶他上斜坡 Carry him up the slope

帶他們離開了圖書館 Leading them away from the library, Led them away from the library

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