Index for words including 以


Use, Make, Cause, By Means Of, Therefore, So As To...

Words containing

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以另一個速率 At a different rate


以跪姿壓住了 Kneel and press down on, Kneeling and pressing down on, Kneeling on


以最快的速度 With great haste, Working as fast as possible


以問題的形式出現 Appeared in the form of a question


以閒 At ease and carefree


以黑洞為中心的恆星系統 A star system with a black hole at its center


以同花樣 Paired with a matching


以內 Within


以防 To prevent

以防 To prevent, Prevent

為了以防萬一 As a precaution, Just in case

以防點火時發生危險 To prevent dangerous occurrences during ignition

以防止鮮奶油腐壞變質 To prevent cream from spoiling, To prevent the fresh cream from spoiling


以降低因相機震動而產生的模糊 To reduce blur caused by camera shake


按下以將其收回 Push it back down

您可用手指按下以將其收回 You can use your fingers to push it back down


以繼 Day and night

以繼 Continuously, Incessantly, Day and night, All day and night


以及 And, As well


以色 Israel


以免 To avoid, In order not to cause or make, So as not to

以免失壓情況發生 In case there was a pressure loss

以免因閒蕩之名遭到盤查 To avoid being picked up for loitering


以解 Somehow console oneself

以解 A sliver of contentment, A little bit of comfort


以外 Other than, Outside of

自己以外 Other than oneself, Outside of oneself

除此以外 Besides, In addition, Also

除了謀殺罪以外 Apart from murder, Other than murder

求噴水池以外的面積 Find the area not including the fountains


以牠們為 Use them as, Used them as, Take them as


以供觀察 For observation


以便 So as to, In order to, For convenience's sake

以便萬一 In case, If by chance


抓住東西以保持平衡 Grabbing onto things to stay balanced, Hold onto something to stay balanced


如願以償 Got one's wish


差以毫釐謬以千 Compounded errors, Small initial errors leading to large final errors


以利實驗進行 Facilitate experiments


以往 Formerly, In the past

以往的經驗 Past experience


以後 After, Later

以後 After the Jin dynasty

從今以後 From now on

從此以後 From now on

等我們稍微聊聊以後 After we've talked for a bit

我們以後講起這件事一定會笑死 We'll have a good laugh about this afterwards

老師叫大家說出畢業以後要做什麼 The teacher asked everyone to say what they wanted to do after graduating, The teacher had asked everyone to declare what they wanted to do when they finished school


以復 Utmost, Unsurpassed, In the extreme, Utterly, The last word in...


以為 Think, Assume, Presume, Might think, Thought, Be under the impression that

以為 He thinks, He presumes, He assumes

以為 Originally thought, Thought, Thought at first that

以為 She thinks, She presumes, She assumes

以為 I thought, I assumed

我誤以為 I assumed in error, I made a mistaken assumption, I mistakenly assumed

是你以為 So you think

他曾自以為 He once thought that he, He used to think that he, He once believed he

她曾自以為 She once thought that she, She used to think that

以為 Unmindful, Indifferent, Uncaring, Paid no heed to, Ignored, Disregarded, Uncaringly, Disapprovingly

以為 Disagree

以為 Fall into a habit, Become accustomed to doing

以為 Opinionated, Self-righteous, Regard oneself as correct, Presume to imply, Self-approbation

我不會自以為 I would not presume to imply

他曾自以為了解 He once thought he understood

我不以為意的說 I indifferently said, I uncaringly said

以為高人一等 Think one is better than others, Self-righteous, Priggish, Moralistic, Superior

以為這是某種比賽 Thought it was some sort of competition, Was under the impressiont that it was some sort of contest

我只是自以為知道 I assumed that I knew, I only thought I knew

以為聰明的傢伙 Smartass, Smart aleck

沒人喜歡自以為聰明的傢伙 Nobody likes a smartass


以向主體進行持續對焦 Act to keep subject continuously in focus


以卒 Enough to tide over the year


以毫釐謬以千里 Compounded errors, Small initial errors leading to large final errors


以新的攝影機角度切回 Cut back to a new camera angle, Switched back to a new camera angle


將虛化背景以突出人物主體 Blurs the background so that the subject stands out


以自己的動力 Under its own power


嗤之以鼻 Pooh-pooh, Snicker at, Look down on, Laugh at the idea, Never admit to the idea, Turn nose up at the idea

嗤之以鼻地稱為 Sneeringly called, Snidely referred to as


以身作則 Lead by example


以血緣或婚姻的方式 Through bloodline (relations) 血緣 or marriage 婚姻


以決定正確曝光 To determine the correct exposure

測量主體亮度以決定正確曝光 Measure subject brightness to determine correct exposure


以減 To reduce


以漏斗添加酒精 Use a funnel to add more alcohol


以這 With these

不是以這 Not with these


以避 To avoid, To prevent


持之以恆 Persevere


以八萬七千美元買下 Bought for $87000


以公頃計算 Counted by the hectare


以火堆為中心 Around the fire, Centered around the fire


以前 Before, Ago, Period of time before

很久以前 A long time ago, Once upon a time

在落地以前 Before landing, Before falling

很久很久以前 A very long time ago

在情況變得棘手以前 Before things got rough

在我喝下第一杯咖啡以前 Before my first cup of coffee, Before I've had my first cup of coffee

以前 Former

以前 Improved, Gotten better

是非常久以前 A very long time ago

以前的家 Former home

那是幾個月以前的事 That was a few months ago

以前做了很多對不起你的事 Wronged you in a lot of ways in the past

以前他認為 He'd believed, He'd thought, He'd once believed, He'd once thought

以前她認為 She'd believed, She'd thought, She'd once believed, She'd once thought

以前我住在 I used to live in, Before I lived in

以前一位教授 A former professor

以前住的房子 Former house, Old house, Former residence, Old home, Former home

以前從沒得過 Never used to be able to, Never used to

像我們以前漫遊一般 Roam like we used used to, Like we roamed before

我們沒辦法像以前那樣 We can't go back to the way it was

可是已經比以前進步多了 It was better than before, It was better than it had been

以前不是喜歡說一句話 What was it you used to say?

以前的生活 Former life

他不想回到以前的生活 He doesn't want to return to his old life

那是以前的事了 That was then

但那都是很久以前的事了 But that was a long time ago


以萬 Tens of thousands, Numerous, Lots

以萬計的 Tens of thousands, Numerous, Lots


一言以蔽 To make a long story short, To sum up


以驚人的速度 With amazing speed, With startling speed


以某種方法確定 Was somehow certain

以某種方法確定無疑 Was somehow certain, Was somehow sure, Was certain without a doubt


以其口徑大而得名 So named because of its large diameter opening


以一個速率 At one rate

以一種誇的 In a somewhat pompous


以至 Until, Up to, So that

以至 So that


以致 So that


以下 Below

以下 Below the belt

從腰以下 From the waist down

不能打腰帶以下 Not allowed to hit below the belt, Not hitting below the belt, No hitting below the belt

以下二張圖 The following two pictures, The two pictures below

以下的面積 Of surface area or less


以不同的方式 Differently, Using different methods

以不同的形式書寫 Written in a different way


以平衡背景 To make background balanced, To create a balanced background

將主體向左或向右移動以平衡背景 Adjust subject to the left or right for a balanced background


古代中國以天干與地支的組合來紀年 Ancient China used the combination of heavenly stems and earthly branches to record the year


以武力為後盾 Used force of arms for backup, Used force for backup, Backed by force


以示 To show


那兒以西 To the west, From there to the west


設定曝光參數以配合場景 Set exposure parameters to suit the scene, Set exposure to suit the scene


以百 Hundreds

有數以百 Had hundreds


以死要挾 The threat of death, Threatened with death


以上 Or more, Any of the above

以上皆有可能 All of the above are possible


以此 The thing is, For this reason


在台灣新竹縣以北 North of Hsinchu county in Taiwan


以直線傳播 Straight line propagation of light, Rectilinear propagation of light

以直線傳播的理論 Rectilinear propagation of light theory, Straight line propagation fo light theory


愧無以報 Feel shame due to an inability to repay a favor


全力以赴 Go all out, Goes all out, Going all out

我會全力以赴 I will do my best, I will do the best that I can

全力以赴還不夠 Going all out won't be sufficient, Your best won't be enough


以增 In order to increase, To increase, To order to add, To add


以表格化 Tabulate, In tabular form


以來 Until now

自古以來 Since ancient times, Down through the ages

長期以來 For a long time

以來第一次 For the first time

一天以來第一次 For the first time all day

笑了一天以來第一次 Smiled for the first time all day

有史以來 Ever, Ever had


以換 In exchange for


足以 Sufficient, Enough

足以 Insufficient, Not enough

足以 But was enough


用以 In order to

用以固定 Used to hold, Use to hold securely, Used to securely fix


除以 Divided by

某數除以 A certain number divided by

除以 A divided by B


予以 Give


所以 Consequently, And so, Therefore

所以 The reason why

所以他們將 So they then, As a result they

所以你不是 So you are not

所以結論是 So, So in conclusion

所以大原則是 So, first principles

所以妳來這裡 So you came here

所以我才落後了 That's why I was lagging behind, That's why I was late

所以頭髮濕濕的 So hair was still wet, And so hair was still damp

所以有什麼好等的 So why wait? So why bother waiting?

那個小組之所以偶有佳作 The reason for that unit's occasional outstanding successes

所以跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有囉 So it has nothing to do with him hurting you?

所以你才會一個人 That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone

所以妳才會一個人 That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone


先以 Start with, Starts with


仍以 Still use, Still uses


得以 Allowing, Allowed

得以俯瞰 Overlook, Overlooking

得以只好 Have no choice but to, Had not choice but to

得以快樂地迅速解除 Happily resolved in no time

幾乎得以快樂地迅速解除 Happily resolved in practically no time


第一次以 The first time using


難以 Difficult, Hard to

難以忘懷 Unforgettable, Difficult to forget

難以想像 Unimaginable

難以滿足 Difficult to satisfy, Difficult to meet needs of

難以踰越 Difficult to surpass, Prohibitive

難以入口的 Bad or bitter tasting, Hard to swallow

難以置信 Hard to believe, Difficult to believe

真是難以置信 Really hard to believe, Incredible

難以聽清楚 Difficult to hear

音量太高太尖難以聽清楚 Too loud and shrill to hear clearly


可以 Can, Permitted, Capable, Is able to, Are able to

可以 Not allowed

可以 Can also

可以 You can

可以 Then can, And so can

可以 Can still, Still have

你也可以 You can also

我們可以 We can

或許可以 Might

我想我可以 I think I can

可以 Can prepare, Could prepare

可以 Can have

我們可以 We can use

確定可以 Sure it's okay?

這是不可以 This is not allowed, This is frowned upon

可以做到 Can do

可以得知 We know that

可以想見 Can imagine

可以找到 Can find, Could find

可以控制 To control, Can control, Able to control, Able to harness, Can harness, Could harness

可以理解 Could understand

可以負擔 Affordable, Can afford

可以靠著 Can rely on, Could rely on

可以看到 You can see, As you can see

可以承受的 Could manage, Could deal with, Manageable

可以有美感 Can be beautiful

可以被分解 Can be broken down, Could be broken down, Could be disassembled

可以追溯到 Could be traced to, Could be traced back to

可以過去 I can come

可以表示 Can also be used to express

我們可以假設 We can assume

可以自己來 I can handle it, I can deal with it, I'll can take care of it myself

可以預備的 Be prepared for

他們可以去獻花 They could go

你就可以打開了 Then you can open it

可以被分解重做 Could be broken down and remade

可以控制火焰大小 To control the size of the flame, To control flame size

可以讓她乖乖配合 Can keep her docile and cooperative

可以活個好幾年 Still good for another few years, Good to go for a few more years

可以自己找路回家 She could find her way back home

有什麼事我可以幫你喔 Is there something I can help you with?, Is there anything I can help you with?

我們可以一起坐在家門口 We can sit together in front of the house

要夠長的天線可以收到無線電波 Need an antennae long enough to pick up radio waves

可是別人可以拿這個名字來對付他們 But others can use this against them

各級貴族可以使用的物品或舉辦的儀式 Items or rituals that can be used by each grade of nobility

四處張望找什麼順手可以用力拍死它的東西 Look around for something handy to swat it with

可以測試一下 Go ahead and test it

可以支撐久一點 Would last for a while longer, Would last for a while

可以跟你在一起 Can be with you, Can stay with you

我的機械專長或許可以救我一命 My mechanical knowledge might save my life

你的小孩在你造訪期間當然可以跟你在一起 Off course your children can stay with you during your visit

可以留著吧 Can I keep it?

說明單我可以留著吧 Can I keep the brochure?

一扇可以上鎖的門 A door that locked, A door that can be locked

她小孩可以開得到處跑的車 A car her kid could drive around in, A car her kids could drive around in

可以注意到的地方 Could keep an eye on

原子可以被放在選定的地方 Atoms can be placed in selected or predetermined locations

我想你可以這麼說 I think you could say, I guess you could say that

可以知道為什麼嗎 Can I know why, Can you tell me why

可以分別把三階段理解為 The three phases can be understood as

可以分別把三階段理解為 You can think of these three phases as


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