Index for words including 何


What, Why, Where, Which, How, Xiao He

Word Links for words containing 何 (sorted via character pairs)

何 heˊ
What, Why, Where, Which, How, Xiao He

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


何時 When, At what time


何種 What kind of, What kind

反應產生何種氣體 What kind of gas is produced by the reaction?


何去何從 Choose what to do next


你從何得 Where did you get it?, Where did you get, What gave you


何況 Not to mention, Let alone, Much less


何必 Why should


何苦 Why bother


何不 Why not

何不放心 Why not have confidence

何不放心的 Why not have the confidence to


何處 Where


何者 Which of, Which one

何者較長 Which is longer

下列何者正確 Which of the following is correct?, Which of the following are correct?

下列何者錯誤 Which of the following is wrong?


何故 For what reason, Why


何去何從 Choose what to do next


何在 Where is…? What is

證據何在 What evidence


如何 What if, How, How to

無論如何 In any case, Anyway, No matter what

結果如何 Outcome, Result

如何灌輸 How to instill

如何找到他 How to find him

如何秤大象 How to weigh an elephant

自己如何做各種事情 How we do anything, How we do a variety of different things

他們如何繼續過自己的人生 How did they continue with their lives

他已經坐吃山空到開始思考如何賺錢的地步了 He's already eaten into his savings to the point he was starting to think about how to make money

如何賺錢 How to make money

開始思考如何賺錢 Start to think about how to make money, Starts to think about how to make money, Starting to think about how to make money

如何成為 How he became

如何成為 How she became

學會了如何控制 Learned to control it, Learned how to control it

只是學會了如何控制 Just learned to control it

他感覺到空間是如何連接的 He felt how the spaces connected

她感覺到空間是如何連接的 She felt how the spaces connected


幾何 Geometry, Geometric

幾何交點 Geometric intersection


任何 Any

還有任何 Have any, Still have any

不過不像任何 But not like any

任何 Whoever

任何 Someone, Anyone

任何 Say anything

如果有任何 If anyone else

不願再開口說任何 Unwilling to say anything, Refuse to say anything at all, Refuse to speak at all

就無法定居在任何 Unable to settle down anywhere

目前為止所做的任何 Anything done so far, Anything done up to now

任何地方 Anywhere, Any place

任何更多 Any more

任何物體 Anything

任何異議 Any objections?

沒有任何聲響 There was no sound

沒跟任何人說 Without saying a word to anyone, Not saying a word to anyone

別漏掉任何細節 Don't leave anything out, Don't leave out any details

我沒有任何家人 I don't have any family

準迎接任何消息 Ready for anything, Ready for any news

任何腦子清醒的人 Anyone clear headed, Anyone in their right mind

如未給予任何處理 If not dealt with, If not handled

想不出任何方法搞出 Can't figure out a way, Can't come up with a plan for

沒承受身體任何重量 Not supporting any body weight, No longer supporting any body weight

任何腦子清醒的人都不敢 None in their right mind would dare, Anyone clear headed wouldn't dare

任何東西在很短時間內都可長成 Anything could be grown in a short period of time

任何東西 Whatever, Anything

裡面當然不會有任何東西 Of course there wouldn't be anything inside

提供任何援助 Provide help, Provide aid

不提供任何援助 Not provide any help

提供任何援助給 Give help to

不提供任何援助給 Not give any help to

沒留下任何證據 Left no evidence, Leaving no evidence

罪行沒留下任何證據 Left no evidence of the crime, Leaving no evidence of the crime

他的罪行沒留下任何證據 Leaving no evidence of his crime


為何 Why

情形為何 What is the situation?, What is the state of affairs?

為何不送 Why not send, Why not give

為何不繼續 Why not continue


奈何 Deal with, Cope with, What do we do now?

無可奈何 To have no alternative, Powerless

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