Protect, Defend, Guard, Hold, Maintain, Keep, Guarantee, Insure
Word Links for words containing 保 (sorted via character pairs)
保障 Safeguard, Guarantee, Protection, Protect, Ensure
保障我不被餓死 Keep me from starting to death, Prevent me from starting to death
保留 Keep, Hold, Hold onto, Reserve
依舊保留 Retains, Remains, Retained, Remained,
保留了 Reserved
保留著 Hold, Hold onto, Keep
保留鍵 The hold button
保留做花園 Reserved for gardens, Reserved for gardening
保育 Raise, Rear, Look after
保育類 Protected species
保育類動物 Protected species
保育的物種名單 Protected species list, Endangered species list
保證 Guarantee, Assure, Ensure, Promise
可否保證 Does this guarantee that, Will this ensure that
我會保證 I'll make sure, I'll ensure
我跟你保證 I promise you, I assure you
百分之百保證 Fully guarantee, One hundred percent guarantee
製造商的保證 Manufacturer's guarantee, Manufacturer's promise
保證人 Sponsor
我的保證人 My sponsor
我會保證妳不再受到干擾 I'll make sure that you aren't disturbed again, I'll make sure that you aren't subjected to any further interruptions
把製造商的保證看得很認真 Take the manufacturer's guarantee seriously
從未把製造商的保證看得很認真 Had never taken the manufacturer's promise seriously
保護 Protect, Protects, Protecting, Protection
好好保護 Take good care of
要好好保護 Should take good care of, Need to take good care of
受到漢人保護 Came under the protection of Han Chinese
保護者 Protector
保護著 Protecting
保護衣 Protective clothing
保護影像 Protecting images
保護效果 Protective effect, Protection effectiveness
保護自己 To protect themselves, To protect yourself, Protect yourself
保護防光害 Protect against light, Protected against light
保護他們的安全 Guarantee their safety
你應該要保護我才對 You should protect me, You should be protecting me
妳應該要保護我才對 You should protect me, You should be protecting me
保全 Security
很好的保全 Good security, Pretty good security
保全部 Security, Security division
保全公司 Security company, Security business
一家保全公司 A security company
師保萬民 Teacher and guardian of the masses, Guardian and teacher of the people
難保萬無一失 Will go wrong, Not a sure thing
保存 Preserved, Kept protected, Safeguarded
請妥善保存 Please retain, Please keep
保存的 Preserved, Kept protected, Safeguarded
保持 Keep, Hold, Maintain, Remain
保持一致 Be consistant with, Agree with
保持乾燥 Keep dry
保持懸浮 Kept hanging, Hung
保持清醒 Stayed sober, Stayed wide awake
保持站立 Remain standing, Remained standing
保持警戒 Remain alert, Keep alert, Remain vigilant, Stay vigilant
保持在上方 Stayed aloft, Kept station overhead
請保持靜止 Please keep still, Please remain still
保持敞開的狀態 Kept open, Stay open
會願意保持下去 Liked to maintain it, Liked to keep it
有點像是保持聯繫 Kind of touching base, Kind of just keeping in contact
抓住東西以保持平衡 Grabbing onto things to stay balanced, Hold onto something to stay balanced
引起好幾個保持站立的婦人斥責的眼光 Drawing censorious looks from several still standing women, Drawing disapproving looks from a few women who stayed standing
保持距離 Maintain distance, Maintain separation
他們會想和追捕者保持距離 They will want to keep away from their pursuer, They will want to maintain separation from their pursuit
保持低庫存 Keep inventory low, Keeping inventory low
儘量保持低庫存 Keeping inventory low
有保持事物平衡的方法 A way of keeping things in balance
這世界自有保持事物平衡的方法 The world has a way of keeping things in balance
保持自動對焦點覆蓋主體 Keep auto focus point over the subject
只要保持自動對焦點覆蓋主體 As long as the auto focus point is kept over the subject
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