Index for words including 儘


Allow, Let, Extreme, Utmost

Word Links for words containing 儘 (sorted via character pairs)

儘 jinˇ
Allow, Let, Extreme, Utmost

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


儘量 As much as possible

儘量保持低庫存 Keeping inventory low

儘量讓自己舒適 Please make yourself comfortable


儘你所能 As much as you can, Try your best to

儘你所能直截了 As straightforward as possible, As direct as possible, As clearly and simply as you can manage


儘管 Despite, Don't hesitate, Without hesitation, Even though

儘管你知道了那麼多 Despite all that you knew, In spite of all that you knew

儘管看不見卻真實存在 Despite not being visible was still real, Invisible but real


儘快 Quickly, As soon as possible

儘快 Needs to be soon, Soon, Needs to be done quickly, Needed to be done quickly

而且要儘快 And soon, And quickly

儘快過去 Go over as soon as possible

儘快跟你見面 Wants to meet with you as soon as possible


儘可 As far or as much as possible, To the best of one's ability

儘可能傾盡全力 Do the best one can

已經儘可能傾盡全力了 Did the best that one could

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