
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 潤


Smooth and glossy

guang¯ runˋ

潤 runˋ
Moist, Moisten, Enrich, Embellish, Lubricate, Lubricant, Smooth, Glossy, Profit, Writing Or Painting Fee

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 光潤 (wang-wen)

Grouped by first phone

guang, huang, kuang, shuang

光潤 guang¯ runˋ

Smooth and glossy

guang, huang, kuang, shuang

黃昏 huangˊ hun¯

Dusk, Twilight

guang, huang, kuang, shuang

狂吻 kuangˊ wenˇ

Madly kiss

guang, huang, kuang, shuang

雙唇向後咧開 shuang¯ chunˊ xiangˋ houˋ lieˇ kai¯

Lips stretched back into a grin

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 12, 21, 23

光潤 guang¯ runˋ

Smooth and glossy

14, 12, 21, 23

雙唇向後咧開 shuang¯ chunˊ xiangˋ houˋ lieˇ kai¯

Lips stretched back into a grin

14, 12, 21, 23

黃昏 huangˊ hun¯

Dusk, Twilight

14, 12, 21, 23

狂吻 kuangˊ wenˇ

Madly kiss


人-⺌ : > : > [光]-光潤 : > [光]-光潤 >

丶-氵 : > : > [潤]-光潤 : > [潤]-光潤 >

光潤 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 潤

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