
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 古


Inner Mongolia, (Cats: Place-Name next)

neiˋ mengˊ guˇ

古 guˇ
Ancient, Old

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Phone , Tone


蒙古 mengˊ guˇ

Words that rhyme with 內蒙古 (ei-eng)

Grouped by first phone

nei, bei, fei, lei, mei, shei

內層 neiˋ cengˊ

Inner layer, Inner lining, Lining

內蒙古 neiˋ mengˊ guˇ

Inner Mongolia

內政 neiˋ zhengˋ

Domestic affairs, Internal affairs

nei, bei, fei, lei, mei, shei

被稱為 beiˋ cheng¯ weiˊ

Was known as, Was called

背風 beiˋ feng¯


背風處 beiˋ feng¯ chuˇ

Lee, In the lee

被風吹倒 beiˋ feng¯ chui¯ daoˇ

Blown over by the wind, Knocked down by the wind

被風吹去 beiˋ feng¯ chui¯ quˋ

Blown away by the wind, Blown off by the wind

被風雨雷霆摧折 beiˋ feng¯ yuˇ leiˊ tingˊ cui¯ zheˊ

Destroyed by wind rain and thunder

被冷漠對待 beiˋ lengˇ moˋ duiˋ daiˋ

Treated with indifference

被冷漠對待後 beiˋ lengˇ moˋ duiˋ daiˋ houˋ

After being treated with indifference

被升到 beiˋ sheng¯ daoˋ

Promoted, Been promoted

倍增器 beiˋ zeng¯ qiˋ

Multiplier, a type of electronic component

nei, bei, fei, lei, mei, shei

非生物 fei¯ sheng¯ wuˋ


沸騰 feiˋ tengˊ

Boiling, Bubbling, Tumultuous, Gushing water

非正式 fei¯ zhengˋ shiˋ

Unofficial, Informal

非正式名稱叫做 fei¯ zhengˋ shiˋ mingˊ cheng¯ jiaoˋ zuoˋ

Informally known as

非正式的場合 fei¯ zhengˋ shiˋ de˙ changˇ heˊ

Informal setting

nei, bei, fei, lei, mei, shei

雷聲 leiˊ sheng¯

Sound of thunder

nei, bei, fei, lei, mei, shei

沒撐下來 meiˊ cheng¯ xiaˋ laiˊ

Didn't make it, Didn't survive, Didn't last till help arrived

沒承受 meiˊ chengˊ shouˋ

Not supporting, No longer supporting

沒承受身體任何重量 meiˊ chengˊ shouˋ shen¯ tiˇ renˋ heˊ zhongˋ liangˋ

Not supporting any body weight, No longer supporting any body weight

每逢 meiˇ fengˊ

Every time

美夢 meiˇ mengˋ

Sweet dreams

美夢成真 meiˇ mengˋ chengˊ zhen¯

Beautiful dream made complete and real

沒碰 meiˊ pengˋ

Not touched, Never experienced

沒碰任可東西 meiˊ pengˋ renˋ keˇ dong¯ xi¯

Not touching anything

沒剩多少 meiˊ shengˋ duo¯ shaoˇ

Doesn't have much more

nei, bei, fei, lei, mei, shei

誰承望 sheiˊ chengˊ wangˋ

Who would have expected

誰能 sheiˊ nengˊ

Who can?

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

沸騰 feiˋ tengˊ

Boiling, Bubbling, Tumultuous, Gushing water

內層 neiˋ cengˊ

Inner layer, Inner lining, Lining

內蒙古 neiˋ mengˊ guˇ

Inner Mongolia

42, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

非生物 fei¯ sheng¯ wuˋ


42, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

非正式 fei¯ zhengˋ shiˋ

Unofficial, Informal

非正式名稱叫做 fei¯ zhengˋ shiˋ mingˊ cheng¯ jiaoˋ zuoˋ

Informally known as

非正式的場合 fei¯ zhengˋ shiˋ de˙ changˇ heˊ

Informal setting

42, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

雷聲 leiˊ sheng¯

Sound of thunder

沒撐下來 meiˊ cheng¯ xiaˋ laiˊ

Didn't make it, Didn't survive, Didn't last till help arrived

42, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

沒承受 meiˊ chengˊ shouˋ

Not supporting, No longer supporting

沒承受身體任何重量 meiˊ chengˊ shouˋ shen¯ tiˇ renˋ heˊ zhongˋ liangˋ

Not supporting any body weight, No longer supporting any body weight

誰承望 sheiˊ chengˊ wangˋ

Who would have expected

誰能 sheiˊ nengˊ

Who can?

42, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

沒碰 meiˊ pengˋ

Not touched, Never experienced

沒碰任可東西 meiˊ pengˋ renˋ keˇ dong¯ xi¯

Not touching anything

沒剩多少 meiˊ shengˋ duo¯ shaoˇ

Doesn't have much more

42, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

每逢 meiˇ fengˊ

Every time

42, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

美夢 meiˇ mengˋ

Sweet dreams

美夢成真 meiˇ mengˋ chengˊ zhen¯

Beautiful dream made complete and real

42, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

被稱為 beiˋ cheng¯ weiˊ

Was known as, Was called

背風 beiˋ feng¯


背風處 beiˋ feng¯ chuˇ

Lee, In the lee

被風吹倒 beiˋ feng¯ chui¯ daoˇ

Blown over by the wind, Knocked down by the wind

被風吹去 beiˋ feng¯ chui¯ quˋ

Blown away by the wind, Blown off by the wind

被風雨雷霆摧折 beiˋ feng¯ yuˇ leiˊ tingˊ cui¯ zheˊ

Destroyed by wind rain and thunder

被升到 beiˋ sheng¯ daoˋ

Promoted, Been promoted

倍增器 beiˋ zeng¯ qiˋ

Multiplier, a type of electronic component

42, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

被冷漠對待 beiˋ lengˇ moˋ duiˋ daiˋ

Treated with indifference

被冷漠對待後 beiˋ lengˇ moˋ duiˋ daiˋ houˋ

After being treated with indifference

42, 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43, 44

內政 neiˋ zhengˋ

Domestic affairs, Internal affairs


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十-十 : > : > [古]-蒙古 : > [古]-內蒙古 >

內蒙古 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 古

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