Within, Interior, Inner, Internal, Inside, Domestic
Word Links for words containing 內 (sorted via character pairs)
內置 Positioned within, Placed inside, Built in
內置陷阱 Booby trap, Hidden trap
內置閃光燈 Built-in Flash
使用內置閃光燈 Using the Built-in Flash
如內置閃光燈彈起 If built in flash pops up
內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 Built in flash will automatically pop up
必要時內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 If necessary the built in flash will automatically pop up
內收大肌 Adductor Magnus
內收短肌 Adductor Brevis
內收肌群 Adductor Group
內收長肌 Adductor Longus
雙腳內收直棍式 Inverted Two Legged Staff Pose, Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
內建 Built in
內建的 Built in
內建的解決方法 Built in solution
有個內建的解決方法 Had a solution built in, Had a built in solution
內側 Inner edge
內側緣 Medial Margin, Inner border
內側廣肌 Vastus Medialis
內側楔狀骨 Medial Cuneiform
內側的肌肉 Medial Muscles
內部 Inside, Within, Internal
內部矛盾 Internal contradictions
內部聖所 Inner sanctuary, Inner sanctum
暖暖包的內部物質反應時 When the contents of a hand warmer react
內部電池 Internal battery, Built-in batteries
讓人力車內部電池 Allowed the velocipede's internal battery
內容 Content, Contents, Meaning
懂內容 Understand the content
學習內容 Learning Content
行程內容 Itinerary
黑板內容 What is on the blackboard
預習實驗內容 Preview the content of the experiment
內容物 Content, Contents
從內容推測 To judge from the content, Judging by content, Inferring from the content
不顯得內容是什麼 Unaware of what it was about, Not knowing what it was about
好像跟黑板內容有關 It seems related to what is on the blackboard
內的 Within
觀景器內的 Viewfinder's, Viewfinder's built in
觀察試管內的狀況 Observe conditions inside the test tube
他很擅長分內的工作 He was good at his job, He was good at what he did
把乙試管內的液體全部倒入 Pour in all of the liquid from test tube B
內在 Built in, Inherent
內在每一分能量 Every ounce of inner strength, Every bit of inner strength
內在計時器 Built in timer
有內在計時器 Has a built in timer, Had a built in timer
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