
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 層


Two floors, Two stories

liangˇ cengˊ

層 cengˊ
Floor, Layer, Story, Laminate, MW For Stories Or Floors Or Layers

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 兩層 (yang-eng)

Grouped by first phone

liang, qiang, xiang, yang

兩層 liangˇ cengˊ

Two floors, Two stories

兩層樓 liangˇ cengˊ louˊ

Two floors, Two stories

涼風 liangˊ feng¯

Cool breeze

liang, qiang, xiang, yang

強風 qiangˊ feng¯

Strong wind

強風呼呼地吹著 qiangˊ feng¯ hu¯ hu¯ de˙ chui¯ zhe˙

A strong wind was blowing

強盛 qiangˊ shengˋ

Strong and prosperous (nation)

liang, qiang, xiang, yang

相等 xiang¯ dengˇ

Equal, Equivalent

相逢 xiang¯ fengˊ

Meet, Encounter

響聲 xiangˇ sheng¯

Noise, Sound

相聲 xiangˋ sheng¯

Comic dialogue

象徵 xiangˋ zheng¯

Symbolize, Represent

liang, qiang, xiang, yang

養成 yangˇ chengˊ

Cultivate, Train, Imbue with discipline

洋燈 yangˊ deng¯

Kerosene lamp

養生 yangˇ sheng¯

Health, Healthy

Grouped in tone pairs

32, 12, 13, 21, 24, 31, 41

兩層 liangˇ cengˊ

Two floors, Two stories

兩層樓 liangˇ cengˊ louˊ

Two floors, Two stories

養成 yangˇ chengˊ

Cultivate, Train, Imbue with discipline

32, 12, 13, 21, 24, 31, 41

相逢 xiang¯ fengˊ

Meet, Encounter

32, 12, 13, 21, 24, 31, 41

相等 xiang¯ dengˇ

Equal, Equivalent

32, 12, 13, 21, 24, 31, 41

涼風 liangˊ feng¯

Cool breeze

強風 qiangˊ feng¯

Strong wind

強風呼呼地吹著 qiangˊ feng¯ hu¯ hu¯ de˙ chui¯ zhe˙

A strong wind was blowing

洋燈 yangˊ deng¯

Kerosene lamp

32, 12, 13, 21, 24, 31, 41

強盛 qiangˊ shengˋ

Strong and prosperous (nation)

32, 12, 13, 21, 24, 31, 41

響聲 xiangˇ sheng¯

Noise, Sound

養生 yangˇ sheng¯

Health, Healthy

32, 12, 13, 21, 24, 31, 41

相聲 xiangˋ sheng¯

Comic dialogue

象徵 xiangˋ zheng¯

Symbolize, Represent


一-一 : > : > [兩]-兩層 : > [兩]-兩層 >

口-尸 : > : > [層]-兩層 : > [層]-兩層 >

兩層 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 層

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