
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 薄


Cold hearted, Unfeeling, Caustic, Mean, Acrimonious

keˋ boˊ

薄 boˊ, boˋ, baoˊ
Slight, Thin, Mean, Frivolous, Barren, Go Near, (Bo4), Peppermint, Fresh

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 刻薄 (e-o)

Grouped by first phone

ke, e, ge, she, zhe

刻薄 keˋ boˊ

Cold hearted, Unfeeling, Caustic, Mean, Acrimonious

科摩羅 ke¯ moˊ luo¯


ke, e, ge, she, zhe

惡魔 eˋ moˊ

Devils, Evil spirits, Demons, Fiends

ke, e, ge, she, zhe

胳膊 ge¯ boˊ


胳膊肘子 ge¯ boˊ zhouˇ zi˙


胳膊腕子 ge¯ boˊ wanˋ zi˙


ke, e, ge, she, zhe

麝墨 sheˋ moˋ

Sweet smelling ink stick

ke, e, ge, she, zhe

折磨 zheˊ moˊ

Ordeal, Torture, Tortured

折磨他 zheˊ moˊ ta¯

Torture him, Tortured him, Torturing him

折磨我 zheˊ moˊ woˇ

Torment me, Tormenting me, Tormented me, My tormenting, my tormentor

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 12, 22, 44

惡魔 eˋ moˊ

Devils, Evil spirits, Demons, Fiends

刻薄 keˋ boˊ

Cold hearted, Unfeeling, Caustic, Mean, Acrimonious

42, 12, 22, 44

胳膊 ge¯ boˊ


胳膊肘子 ge¯ boˊ zhouˇ zi˙


胳膊腕子 ge¯ boˊ wanˋ zi˙


科摩羅 ke¯ moˊ luo¯


42, 12, 22, 44

折磨 zheˊ moˊ

Ordeal, Torture, Tortured

折磨他 zheˊ moˊ ta¯

Torture him, Tortured him, Torturing him

折磨我 zheˊ moˊ woˇ

Torment me, Tormenting me, Tormented me, My tormenting, my tormentor

42, 12, 22, 44

麝墨 sheˋ moˋ

Sweet smelling ink stick


丶-亠 : > : > [刻]-刻薄 : > [刻]-刻薄 >

人-艹 : > : > [薄]-刻薄 : > [薄]-刻薄 >

刻薄 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 薄

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