Index for words including 刻


Carve, Engrave, Detailed, Rugged, Cruel, Oppressive, Heartless, Quarter Of An Hour, MW For Quarter Of An Hour

Word Links for words containing 刻 (sorted via character pairs)

刻 keˋ
Carve, Engrave, Detailed, Rugged, Cruel, Oppressive, Heartless, Quarter Of An Hour, MW For Quarter Of An Hour

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


刻繪 Carving


刻意 Deliberately Painstaking, Painstakingly, Devotedly, Sedulously, Exactingly

未必是刻意 Probably not deliberately, Perhaps not deliberate, Perhaps not intentionally

刻意吸一大口氣 Deliberately take a big breath, Deliberately takes a big breath, Deliberately taking a big breath, Deliberately took a big breath

刻意吸一大口氣 Deliberately take another big breath, Deliberately takes another big breath, Deliberately taking another big breath, Deliberately took another big breath

未必是刻意這麼做 Probably didn't do it intentionally


刻話特多 Goes on and on, Talks endlessly


刻度 Graduations, Units, Markings, Increments


刻舟求劍 Carve the boat and ask for the sword


刻花 Cut glass


刻苦 Hardworking, Assiduous, Simple, Frugal


刻著 Inscribed, Carved, Engraved


刻薄 Cold hearted, Unfeeling, Caustic, Mean, Acrimonious

尖酸刻薄 Relentless, Unforgiving


刻畫 Depict, Portray


刻板 Stereotyped, Stereotypical, Monotonous, Dull, Stiff, Mechanical, By-the-numbers, Engrave

刻板 Stereotypically


時刻 Continually, Always, Time, Hour

同一時刻 At the same time, At precisely the same time

接近死亡時刻 Perimortem, Close to time of death

時刻 Timetable, Schedule

時刻 Constantly, Moment to moment, By the moment

發車時刻 Departure schedule, Departures schedule, Departures board


即刻 Immediately

即刻開始 Start immediately


雕刻 Sculpture, Carving, Engraving, Carve, Engrave, Sculpt


片刻 A moment, An instant, A brief moment of time, A little while

猶豫片刻 Hesitated

片刻 For a moment

片刻 In that moment, In that moment

沉默片刻 After a moment of silence, After a silent pause

沉默片刻才說道 After a moment of silence said, After a silent pause said, Said at last


無時無刻 Always, All of the time


時時刻刻 Constantly, Moment to moment, By the moment


立刻 Immediately, Instantly, Right away, Right now

便立刻 And so immediately

都會立刻 Will immediately, Would immediately

立刻告訴 Immediately tell, Right away inform, Tell right away

立刻想到 Immediately thought of

立刻行動 Got going, Immediately took action

立刻就知道 Know right away

立刻改變方向 Immediately change direction, Immediately changed direction

立刻遠遠離開牆邊 Moved away from the edge

立刻在筆記本上寫上 I immediately wrote in my notebook


諧刻 Joke, Farce


深刻 Profound, Meaningful

印象深刻 Deep impression, Impressive, Impressed

讓你印象深刻 To impress you

是為了讓你印象深刻 Just to impress you

深刻 Profound, Meaningful, Deep

兩條深刻的縱紋 Two deep vertical lines


苛刻 Harsh


一刻 Time, Occasion, Moment

一刻 This time

一刻 That time, That occasion, That moment

在那一刻 At that moment

等這一刻 Waited for this moment

從那一刻 From then on

在這一刻之前 Until now, Until this moment, Up until this moment


此刻 Currently, Now, At this moment, By this point

此刻 Now, At this point

此時此刻 Now, At that very moment, Real quick, Really quickly, Really soon

在此時此刻 Real quick, Really quickly, Really soon, Now

此刻當場 On the spot

此刻他伸進口袋 Now he reached into his pocket

此刻仍未發現嫌犯 No suspects at this time

此刻在做什麼 Was up to right now

想像他此刻在做什麼 Wondered what he was doing right now, Wondering what he was doing right now

想像她此刻在做什麼 Wondering what she was doing right now

想像他們此刻在做什麼 Wondering what they were doing right now


木刻 Woodcut, Wood carving

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