
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 袋


Inner breast pocket

qianˊ xiong¯ neiˋ daiˋ

袋 daiˋ
Pocket, Pouch, Bag, Back Pack, Sack, Container

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 前胸內袋 (yan-yong)

Grouped by first phone

qian, lian, tian, yan

前胸內袋 qianˊ xiong¯ neiˋ daiˋ

Inner breast pocket

qian, lian, tian, yan

連用 lianˊ yongˋ

Used together, Used together with, Used consecutively

qian, lian, tian, yan

填胸 tianˊ xiong¯

Fill the chest

qian, lian, tian, yan

沿用 yanˊ yongˋ

Continue to follow old practices

Grouped in tone pairs

21, 24

前胸內袋 qianˊ xiong¯ neiˋ daiˋ

Inner breast pocket

填胸 tianˊ xiong¯

Fill the chest

21, 24

連用 lianˊ yongˋ

Used together, Used together with, Used consecutively

沿用 yanˊ yongˋ

Continue to follow old practices


人-丷 : > : > [前]-前胸 : > [前]-前胸內袋 >

冂-月 : > : > [胸]-胸內 : > [胸]-前胸內袋 >

冂-冂 : > : > [內]-內袋 : > [內]-前胸內袋 >

丿-亻 : > : > [袋]-內袋 : > [袋]-前胸內袋 >

前胸內袋 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 袋

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