
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 剝


Stripping off

bo¯ xiaˋ

剝 bo¯, bao¯
Strip, Skin, Peel, Flay, Decay, Erode, Ravage

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 剝下 (o-ia)

Grouped by first phone

bo, mo, po

剝下 bo¯ xiaˋ

Stripping off

播下種子 bo¯ xiaˋ zhongˋ ziˇ

Sowing seeds

bo, mo, po

摸下 mo¯ xiaˋ

Stroking, Caressing

bo, mo, po

婆家 poˊ jia¯

Husband's family

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 21

剝下 bo¯ xiaˋ

Stripping off

播下種子 bo¯ xiaˋ zhongˋ ziˇ

Sowing seeds

摸下 mo¯ xiaˋ

Stroking, Caressing

14, 21

婆家 poˊ jia¯

Husband's family


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剝下 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 剝

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