Transform, Change, Make Into, Understand, Suffix Used As A Verbifier
Word Links for words containing 化 (sorted via character pairs)
化學 Chemistry, Chemical
化學式 Chemical formula, Chemical formulae, Molecular formula, Molecular formulae
化學分解 Chemically remove, Chemically break down, Chemically absorb
化學反應 Chemical reaction(s)
化學計量 Stoichiometry, Ratio of chemicals in chemical reactions, The measure of elements
化學乾燥粉 Chemical dessicant
其化學式寫為 Its molecular formulae is written as
產生化學變化 A chemical change occurs, Chemical changes occur, Produce chemical changes, Produces chemical changes
化學反應的式子 Chemical reaction formula
化學式中所含原子 Chemical formula's included atoms
物質發生化學變化產生新物質 A substance that undergoes a chemical change produces a new substance
化學反應式 Chemical reaction formula
下列各化學反應中 In each of the following chemical reactions
化簡 Simplify, Simplifies, Simplifying, Simplified, Simplification
計算化簡 Calculate and simplify
計算並化簡 Calculate and simplify
化簡根式 Radical simplification
化為 Transform, Turn into
化為了 Transformed (into), Turned to
化為塵土 Turned to dust
化為了灰燼 Turned to ashes, Destroyed
被佛化為花樹 Transformed into a tree by the Buddha
將係數化為最簡單整數 Reduce the coefficients to the simplest integers
化這些恐懼為力量 Turn these fears into strength, Turns these fears into strength, Turning these fears into strength, Turned these fears into strength, Use these these fears for strength, Uses these fears for strength, Using these fears for strength, Used these fears for strength
化合物 Compound, Chemical compound
某一種化合物 A certain compound, A particular compound
某一種化合物的分子量 A certain compound's molecular weight
固化 Solid, Solidify, Solidified
在衝撞表面時固化 Solidified as it impacted the surface, Solidifying as it crashed against the surface
暖化 Warm up, Make warm
地球暖化 Global warming
降低地球暖化衝擊 Reduce impact of global warming (in order to reduce), Global warming impact reduction
變化 Changes, Change, Conjugate
壓力變化 Change in pressure, Changes in pressure, Pressure changes
發生變化 Change, Changes, Changed
起了變化 Start to change
正負號變化 Changes in sign i.e. (a-b)(a-b)=a^2-2ab+b^2
產生化學變化 A chemical change occurs, Chemical changes occur, Produce chemical changes, Produces chemical changes
察覺到空氣漸層的變化 Sensing a change in air gradient
變化多端 Changeable
物質發生化學變化產生新物質 A substance that undergoes a chemical change produces a new substance
氧化 Oxidize, Oxidized
一氧化碳中毒 Carbon monoxide poisoning
氧化鎂 Magnesium oxide
氧化鐵 Iron oxide
一氧化碳 Carbon monoxide
二氧化碳 Carbon dioxide, CO2
氫氧化鈉 sodium hydroxide
產生二氧化碳 Produce carbon dioxide, Produces carbon dioxide, Producing carbon dioxide, Produced carbon dioxide
文化 Culture
母文化 Native culture, Culture one was raised with
卑南文化 Beinan culture, a culture of the Taiwan late neolithic age
圓山文化 Yuanshan culture, a culture of the Taiwan late neolithic age,
我母文化 My native culture
大坌坑文化 Dapenkeng culture, a northern Taiwan culture of the Neolithic age
對文化盲目 Blind to culture
多元文化融合 Multi-cultural
在他們的文化裡 In their culture
虛化 Blur
將虛化背景 Blurs the background, Causes the background to be blurred
將虛化背景以突出人物主體 Blurs the background so that the subject stands out
乾化 Desiccated, Dried
乾化的皮膚堆 Heap of desiccated skin, Pile of desiccated skin
在乾化的皮膚堆裡篩選 Sift through the pile of dried skin
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