Index for words including 匹

pi¯, piˇ

Horse, Unaided, Without Help, Match, Equal, Common, Married Couple, Waterfall, MW For Horses

Word Links for words containing 匹 (sorted via character pairs)

匹 pi¯, piˇ
Horse, Unaided, Without Help, Match, Equal, Common, Married Couple, Waterfall, MW For Horses

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


匹馬 This horse


阿斯匹靈 Aspirin

需要顆阿斯匹靈 Need an aspirin, Needed an aspirin

幾顆他媽的阿斯匹靈 Some fucking aspirin

阿斯匹靈藥片 Aspirin tablet

他需要顆阿斯匹靈止手痛 He needed an aspirin for the pain in his hand


匹配 Match


罕有其匹 Rarely equalled


一匹 A (e.g. a horse)

一匹 A horse

騎著一匹 Riding a horse

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