
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 去


Went looking for, Went searching for, Seek, Seek out

quˋ xunˊ zhaoˇ

去 quˋ
Go, Go To, Leave, Depart, Remove, Get Rid Of, Discard, Play A Role

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


尋找 xunˊ zhaoˇ

Words that rhyme with 去尋找 (yu-yun)

Grouped by first phone

qu, yu

去尋找 quˋ xunˊ zhaoˇ

Went looking for, Went searching for, Seek, Seek out

去尋找並毀滅 quˋ xunˊ zhaoˇ bingˋ huiˇ mieˋ

Seek and destroy

qu, yu

魚群 yuˊ qunˊ

School of fish, Fish

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 22

去尋找 quˋ xunˊ zhaoˇ

Went looking for, Went searching for, Seek, Seek out

去尋找並毀滅 quˋ xunˊ zhaoˇ bingˋ huiˇ mieˋ

Seek and destroy

42, 22

魚群 yuˊ qunˊ

School of fish, Fish


十-土 : > : > [去]-去尋 : > [去]-去尋找 >

𠃌-⺕ : > : > [尋]-尋找 : > [尋]-去尋找 >

十-扌 : > : > [找]-尋找 : > [找]-去尋找 >

去尋找 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 去

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