Also, And, More, Again, And So, Moreover, Furthermore
Word Links for words containing 又 (sorted via character pairs)
又髒 Was dirty
又累又髒 Tired and dirty
又舊又髒 Was old and dirty
又髒又皺 Dirty and wrinkled
一張又髒又皺的空白紙 Dirty and wrinkled blank piece of paper
又能 Also can
能直又能彎 Can straighten and bend
既能擋雨又能遮陽 Can not only provide shelter from the rain but also provide shade from the sun
又響 Was loud
又響又亮 Loud and clear, Loud and distinctive
哨子的聲音又響又亮 The sound of the whistle was loud and distinctive
又長又硬 Long and hard, Long and hardened
馬路又長又直 Long straight streets
細細又長長 Thin and long
又破又舊又長霉 Torn, old and musty
說話又直又衝 Straight talking and impulsive, Straight and impulsive talking, Straight talking, Straight talkers
又刻意吸一大口氣 Deliberately take another big breath, Deliberately takes another big breath, Deliberately taking another big breath, Deliberately took another big breath
又亮 Was clear
又響又亮 Loud and clear, Loud and distinctive
哨子的聲音又響又亮 The sound of the whistle was loud and distinctive
船破又遇打頭風 Encounter unfavorable winds with the boat damaged, Meet additional difficulties, A worsening situation
又對他們露出微笑 Smile at them again, Smiled at them again, give them another smile, Gave them another smile
又一 Another, Yet another
又一次 Again
又一聲 Said again
又一隻 Another
他又一聲 He said again
一堆又一堆 Piles and piles, Piles of
一塊又一塊 Pieces, Lots of pieces
一束又一束 Bunches and bunches, Bunches
一次又一次 Again and again, Repeatedly
一碼又一碼 Yards and yards
又一杯熱茶 Another cup of tea
倒給他又一杯熱茶 Pour him another cup of tea
又一隻蜘蛛 Another spider
又一周的薪水 Another week's salary
又不免 Inevitable, Inevitably, Inevitability
天氣又不夠暖 The weather isn't warm enough, The weather wasn't warm enough
你又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher
妳又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher
又雪白如昔 Be just as white as before
幾秒後它又雪白如昔 After a few seconds it will be as white as before, After a few seconds it would be as white as before
說話又直又衝 Straight talking and impulsive, Straight and impulsive talking, Straight talking, Straight talkers
馬路又長又直 Long straight streets
睽違已久又獲得的自由 Long lost freedom
好好品味睽違已久又獲得的自由 Enjoying the taste of freedom at last regained after so long
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