
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 水


Saliva, Spit

kouˇ shuiˇ

水 shuiˇ
Water, Liquid, Fluid, Lotion

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 口水 (ou-wei)

Grouped by first phone

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, mou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

口水 kouˇ shuiˇ

Saliva, Spit

口味 kouˇ weiˋ

Taste, Flavor

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, mou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

抽回 chou¯ huiˊ

Withdraw, Pull away from

抽水 chou¯ shuiˇ

Pump water, Draw water

抽水機 chou¯ shuiˇ ji¯

Water pump

抽水馬桶 chou¯ shuiˇ maˇ tongˇ

Toilet, Flushing toilet

臭味 chouˋ weiˋ

Smell, Stink, Reek, Reeked

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, mou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

都會折疊到一起 dou¯ huiˋ zheˊ dieˊ daoˋ yiˋ qiˇ

All folded together, All accordioned together

都會施放 dou¯ huiˋ shi¯ fangˋ

Will cast, will set off, will discharge

都會有 dou¯ huiˋ youˇ

Will have

都會立刻 dou¯ huiˋ liˋ keˋ

Will immediately, Would immediately

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, mou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

狗尾草 gouˇ weiˇ caoˇ


kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, mou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

吼回 houˇ huiˊ

Shout(s) back

吼回去 houˇ huiˊ quˋ

Shout back in return

後悔 houˋ huiˇ

Regret, Remorse

後退 houˋ tuiˋ

Retreat, Withdraw, Pull back

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, mou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

某位客戶 mouˇ weiˋ keˋ huˋ

One customer, A particular client

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, mou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

肉桂 rouˋ guiˋ


肉贅 rouˋ zhuiˋ


kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, mou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

收歸官辦 shou¯ gui¯ guan¯ banˋ

Operations and management taken over by the government

收回 shou¯ huiˊ

Recover, Retrieve, Recall, Recoup, Repossess

手揮琵琶 shouˇ hui¯ piˊ paˊ

Lift Hands Play Guitar, Strum Lute

受賄 shouˋ huiˋ


熟睡 shouˊ shuiˋ

Sleep soundly

首尾 shouˇ weiˇ

Beginning and end, Head and tail, From beginning to end, From head to tail, Always

首尾場景 shouˇ weiˇ changˇ jingˇ

First and last scenes

守衛 shouˇ weiˋ


kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, mou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

偷窺 tou¯ kui¯


頭盔 touˊ kui¯


偷水喝 tou¯ shuiˇ he¯

Steal water to drink

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, mou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

軸對稱 zhouˊ duiˋ cheng¯

Axial symmetry

周圍 zhou¯ weiˊ

Surrounding, Located around

周圍的 zhou¯ weiˊ de˙


週圍 zhou¯ weiˊ

Encompass, Surroundings, Environment

周位居商的西方 zhou¯ weiˋ ju¯ shang¯ de˙ xi¯ fang¯

Zhou 周 was located to the west of Shang

kou, chou, dou, gou, hou, mou, rou, shou, tou, zhou, zou

走回 zouˇ huiˊ

Return to, Went back to

走回家 zouˇ huiˊ jia¯

Walked home, Walked back home

Grouped in tone pairs

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44

狗尾草 gouˇ weiˇ caoˇ


口水 kouˇ shuiˇ

Saliva, Spit

首尾 shouˇ weiˇ

Beginning and end, Head and tail, From beginning to end, From head to tail, Always

首尾場景 shouˇ weiˇ changˇ jingˇ

First and last scenes

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44

收歸官辦 shou¯ gui¯ guan¯ banˋ

Operations and management taken over by the government

偷窺 tou¯ kui¯


33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44

抽回 chou¯ huiˊ

Withdraw, Pull away from

收回 shou¯ huiˊ

Recover, Retrieve, Recall, Recoup, Repossess

周圍 zhou¯ weiˊ

Surrounding, Located around

周圍的 zhou¯ weiˊ de˙


週圍 zhou¯ weiˊ

Encompass, Surroundings, Environment

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44

抽水 chou¯ shuiˇ

Pump water, Draw water

抽水機 chou¯ shuiˇ ji¯

Water pump

抽水馬桶 chou¯ shuiˇ maˇ tongˇ

Toilet, Flushing toilet

偷水喝 tou¯ shuiˇ he¯

Steal water to drink

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44

都會折疊到一起 dou¯ huiˋ zheˊ dieˊ daoˋ yiˋ qiˇ

All folded together, All accordioned together

都會施放 dou¯ huiˋ shi¯ fangˋ

Will cast, will set off, will discharge

都會有 dou¯ huiˋ youˇ

Will have

都會立刻 dou¯ huiˋ liˋ keˋ

Will immediately, Would immediately

周位居商的西方 zhou¯ weiˋ ju¯ shang¯ de˙ xi¯ fang¯

Zhou 周 was located to the west of Shang

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44

頭盔 touˊ kui¯


33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44

熟睡 shouˊ shuiˋ

Sleep soundly

軸對稱 zhouˊ duiˋ cheng¯

Axial symmetry

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44

手揮琵琶 shouˇ hui¯ piˊ paˊ

Lift Hands Play Guitar, Strum Lute

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44

吼回 houˇ huiˊ

Shout(s) back

吼回去 houˇ huiˊ quˋ

Shout back in return

走回 zouˇ huiˊ

Return to, Went back to

走回家 zouˇ huiˊ jia¯

Walked home, Walked back home

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44

口味 kouˇ weiˋ

Taste, Flavor

某位客戶 mouˇ weiˋ keˋ huˋ

One customer, A particular client

守衛 shouˇ weiˋ


33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44

後悔 houˋ huiˇ

Regret, Remorse

33, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44

臭味 chouˋ weiˋ

Smell, Stink, Reek, Reeked

後退 houˋ tuiˋ

Retreat, Withdraw, Pull back

肉桂 rouˋ guiˋ


肉贅 rouˋ zhuiˋ


受賄 shouˋ huiˋ



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口水 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 水

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