
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 得



chi¯ de˙

得 deˊ, deiˇ, de˙
Acquire, Obtain, Get, Succeed, Infix Used To Indicate Ability Or Success Or Acquisition (De5), (Dei3), Must, Should, Need, Adverbial

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 吃得 (i-e)

Grouped by first phone

chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

吃得了 chi¯ deˊ liaoˇ

Can finish eating

吃得精緻而不吃飽 chi¯ deˊ jing¯ zhiˋ erˊ buˋ chi¯ baoˇ

Eat well and not become full

吃得 chi¯ de˙


吃的 chi¯ de˙

Ate, Edible

持得住 chiˊ de˙ zhuˋ

Capacity for holding or maintaining

吃喝玩樂 chi¯ he¯ wanˊ leˋ

Eat, Drink and Be Merry

斥喝 chiˋ heˋ


吃了 chi¯ le˙

Ate, Ate up

吃了頓晚餐 chi¯ le˙ dunˋ wanˇ can¯

Eat dinner

斥責 chiˋ zeˊ

Vituperate, Reprove, Reproach, Censure, Denounce, Castigate

斥責的眼光 chiˋ zeˊ de˙ yanˇ guang¯

Vituperative glances, Censorious looks, Reproving looks, Reproachful looks

吃著 chi¯ zhe˙


chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

此刻 ciˇ keˋ

Currently, Now, At this moment, By this point

此刻仍未發現嫌犯 ciˇ keˋ rengˊ weiˋ fa¯ xianˋ xianˊ fanˋ

No suspects at this time

此刻他伸進口袋 ciˇ keˋ ta¯ shen¯ jinˋ kouˇ daiˋ

Now he reached into his pocket

此刻在做什麼 ciˇ keˋ zaiˋ zuoˋ shenˊ me˙

Was up to right now

刺客 ciˋ keˋ


刺客的 ciˋ keˋ de˙


刺了 ciˋ le˙

Stabbed, Pierced

chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

詩的片段 shi¯ de˙ pianˋ duanˋ

Scraps of poetry, Pieces of poetry, Poetry extracts

使得 shiˇ deˊ


是的 shiˋ de˙

Yes, Here

是的我明白了 shiˋ de˙ woˇ mingˊ baiˊ le˙

Yes, I see

詩歌 shi¯ ge¯

Poem, Poetry

時隔 shiˊ geˊ


十個 shiˊ ge˙

Ten, 10

視個人能力調 shiˋ geˋ renˊ nengˊ liˋ tiaoˊ

Adjust for individual ability, Adjust for individual competence

是個 shiˋ ge˙

Is a, Are a, Am a, Is an, Are an, Am an

是個受重視的客戶 shiˋ ge˙ shouˋ zhongˋ shiˋ de˙ keˋ huˋ

A valued customer

是個合夥 shiˋ ge˙ heˊ huoˇ

A partner

是個憲兵 shiˋ ge˙ xianˋ bing¯

An MP, a Military Policeman

是個老人 shiˋ ge˙ laoˇ renˊ

An old man

是個訓練有素的殺人機器 shiˋ ge˙ xunˋ lianˋ youˇ suˋ de˙ sha¯ renˊ ji¯ qiˋ

A well trained killing machine

是個謊言 shiˋ ge˙ huangˇ yanˊ

Was a lie

是合宜的 shiˋ heˊ yiˊ de˙

Was appropriate

適合 shiˋ heˊ

Suitable, Perfect fit, Make suitable

時刻 shiˊ keˋ

Continually, Always, Time, Hour

時刻表 shiˊ keˋ biaoˇ

Timetable, Schedule

是可以預備的 shiˋ keˇ yiˇ yuˋ beiˋ de˙

Be prepared for

試了 shiˋ le˙


什麼事 shiˊ me˙ shiˋ

What? What is it? What's the matter?

濕熱 shi¯ reˋ

Humid, Hot and damp

是什麼 shiˋ sheˊ me˙

What is, What would be

是什麼風把你吹到我的地盤上來 shiˋ sheˊ me˙ feng¯ baˇ niˇ chui¯ daoˋ woˇ de˙ diˋ panˊ shangˋ laiˊ

What brings you to my neck of the woods

是什麼風把妳吹到我的地盤上來 shiˋ sheˊ me˙ feng¯ baˇ niˇ chui¯ daoˋ woˇ de˙ diˋ panˊ shangˋ laiˊ

What brings you to my neck of the woods

使者 shiˇ zheˇ


駛著 shiˇ zhe˙

Plying, Piloting

侍者 shiˋ zheˇ

Attendant, Waiter

是這樣嗎 shiˋ zheˋ yangˋ ma˙

Is that it?, Is that so?, Is that what you think?

試著 shiˋ zhe˙

Trying, Experimenting

試著強迫自己思考 shiˋ zhe˙ qiangˊ poˋ ziˋ jiˇ si¯ kaoˇ

Tried to force themselves to think

試著思考 shiˋ zhe˙ si¯ kaoˇ

Tried to think

chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

撕扯 si¯ cheˇ

Tear, Cut, Rip, Pull

撕扯著 si¯ cheˇ zhe˙

Tore, Cut, Ripped, Pulled

死的 siˇ de˙


似的 siˋ de˙

Give the impression that

四個 siˋ ge˙


四個人 siˋ ge˙ renˊ

Four people

四個小長方形 siˋ ge˙ xiaoˇ changˊ fang¯ xingˊ

Four small rectangles, Four smaller rectangles

四個方格 siˋ ge˙ fang¯ geˊ

Four squares

四個班級的學生 siˋ ge˙ ban¯ jiˊ de˙ xueˊ sheng¯

Four school classes, The students of four classes

四個長方形 siˋ ge˙ changˊ fang¯ xingˊ

Four rectangles

四合院 siˋ heˊ yuanˋ

Courtyard house

死了 siˇ le˙

Dead, Is dead, Died

四捨五入 siˋ sheˇ wuˇ ruˋ

Rounding, Round off

四射 siˋ sheˋ

Radiating, Radiant, Sunburst

斯特布里奇 si¯ teˋ buˋ liˇ qiˊ


四則運算 siˋ zeˊ yunˋ suanˋ

Arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), Four operations of arithmetic i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

死者 siˇ zheˇ


死著 siˇ zhe˙

Be dead, Being dead

chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

值得一提 zhiˊ deˊ yiˋ tiˊ

Noteworthy, Worth mentioning

值得一提的特色 zhiˊ deˊ yiˋ tiˊ de˙ teˋ seˋ

Noteworthy features

值得一顧 zhiˊ deˊ yiˊ guˋ

Worth a look at, Worthy of attention

值得信賴 zhiˊ deˊ xinˋ laiˋ


值得兩個國家為它爆發戰爭 zhiˊ deˊ liangˇ ge˙ guoˊ jia¯ weiˋ ta¯ baoˋ fa¯ zhanˋ zheng¯

Valuable enough for two countries to go to war over it

值得留影的地方 zhiˊ deˊ liuˊ yingˇ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Photo worthy

值得 zhiˊ de˙

Worthwhile, Deserving

值得注目 zhiˊ de˙ zhuˋ muˋ

Noteworthy, Worthy of attention

值得注目的特色 zhiˊ de˙ zhuˋ muˋ de˙ teˋ seˋ

Noteworthy features

只得 zhiˇ deˊ

No alternative but, Have to, Obliged to

指的 zhiˇ de˙


止咳 zhiˇ keˊ


炙熱 zhiˋ reˋ


職責 zhiˊ zeˊ

Job, Duty, Responsibility

指責 zhiˇ zeˊ

Disparage, Charge, Accuse, Censure, Condemnation, Denouncement

執著 zhiˊ zhe˙


指著 zhiˇ zhe˙

Pointed at, Pointing at

指著其中一個 zhiˇ zhe˙ qiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ ge˙

Pointed at one of them, Pointed at one of these

chi, ci, shi, si, zhi, zi

自得 ziˋ deˊ

Complacent, Conceited, Self-satisfied, Find joy in one's life

自得其樂 ziˋ deˊ qiˊ leˋ

Had enjoyed themselves, To find happiness in one's own way

自遏抑 ziˋ eˋ yiˋ


資格 zi¯ geˊ

Eligibility, Qualifications, Entitlement

紫色 ziˇ seˋ


紫色的 ziˇ seˋ de˙


自責 ziˋ zeˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

吃得 chi¯ de˙


吃的 chi¯ de˙

Ate, Edible

吃了 chi¯ le˙

Ate, Ate up

吃了頓晚餐 chi¯ le˙ dunˋ wanˇ can¯

Eat dinner

吃著 chi¯ zhe˙


詩的片段 shi¯ de˙ pianˋ duanˋ

Scraps of poetry, Pieces of poetry, Poetry extracts

15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

吃喝玩樂 chi¯ he¯ wanˊ leˋ

Eat, Drink and Be Merry

詩歌 shi¯ ge¯

Poem, Poetry

15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

吃得了 chi¯ deˊ liaoˇ

Can finish eating

吃得精緻而不吃飽 chi¯ deˊ jing¯ zhiˋ erˊ buˋ chi¯ baoˇ

Eat well and not become full

資格 zi¯ geˊ

Eligibility, Qualifications, Entitlement

15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

撕扯 si¯ cheˇ

Tear, Cut, Rip, Pull

撕扯著 si¯ cheˇ zhe˙

Tore, Cut, Ripped, Pulled

15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

濕熱 shi¯ reˋ

Humid, Hot and damp

斯特布里奇 si¯ teˋ buˋ liˇ qiˊ


15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

時隔 shiˊ geˊ


值得一提 zhiˊ deˊ yiˋ tiˊ

Noteworthy, Worth mentioning

值得一提的特色 zhiˊ deˊ yiˋ tiˊ de˙ teˋ seˋ

Noteworthy features

值得一顧 zhiˊ deˊ yiˊ guˋ

Worth a look at, Worthy of attention

值得信賴 zhiˊ deˊ xinˋ laiˋ


值得兩個國家為它爆發戰爭 zhiˊ deˊ liangˇ ge˙ guoˊ jia¯ weiˋ ta¯ baoˋ fa¯ zhanˋ zheng¯

Valuable enough for two countries to go to war over it

值得留影的地方 zhiˊ deˊ liuˊ yingˇ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Photo worthy

職責 zhiˊ zeˊ

Job, Duty, Responsibility

15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

時刻 shiˊ keˋ

Continually, Always, Time, Hour

時刻表 shiˊ keˋ biaoˇ

Timetable, Schedule

15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

持得住 chiˊ de˙ zhuˋ

Capacity for holding or maintaining

十個 shiˊ ge˙

Ten, 10

什麼事 shiˊ me˙ shiˋ

What? What is it? What's the matter?

值得 zhiˊ de˙

Worthwhile, Deserving

值得注目 zhiˊ de˙ zhuˋ muˋ

Noteworthy, Worthy of attention

值得注目的特色 zhiˊ de˙ zhuˋ muˋ de˙ teˋ seˋ

Noteworthy features

執著 zhiˊ zhe˙


15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

使得 shiˇ deˊ


只得 zhiˇ deˊ

No alternative but, Have to, Obliged to

止咳 zhiˇ keˊ


指責 zhiˇ zeˊ

Disparage, Charge, Accuse, Censure, Condemnation, Denouncement

15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

使者 shiˇ zheˇ


死者 siˇ zheˇ


15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

此刻 ciˇ keˋ

Currently, Now, At this moment, By this point

此刻仍未發現嫌犯 ciˇ keˋ rengˊ weiˋ fa¯ xianˋ xianˊ fanˋ

No suspects at this time

此刻他伸進口袋 ciˇ keˋ ta¯ shen¯ jinˋ kouˇ daiˋ

Now he reached into his pocket

此刻在做什麼 ciˇ keˋ zaiˋ zuoˋ shenˊ me˙

Was up to right now

紫色 ziˇ seˋ


紫色的 ziˇ seˋ de˙


15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

駛著 shiˇ zhe˙

Plying, Piloting

死的 siˇ de˙


死了 siˇ le˙

Dead, Is dead, Died

死著 siˇ zhe˙

Be dead, Being dead

指的 zhiˇ de˙


指著 zhiˇ zhe˙

Pointed at, Pointing at

指著其中一個 zhiˇ zhe˙ qiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ ge˙

Pointed at one of them, Pointed at one of these

15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

斥責 chiˋ zeˊ

Vituperate, Reprove, Reproach, Censure, Denounce, Castigate

斥責的眼光 chiˋ zeˊ de˙ yanˇ guang¯

Vituperative glances, Censorious looks, Reproving looks, Reproachful looks

是合宜的 shiˋ heˊ yiˊ de˙

Was appropriate

適合 shiˋ heˊ

Suitable, Perfect fit, Make suitable

是什麼 shiˋ sheˊ me˙

What is, What would be

是什麼風把你吹到我的地盤上來 shiˋ sheˊ me˙ feng¯ baˇ niˇ chui¯ daoˋ woˇ de˙ diˋ panˊ shangˋ laiˊ

What brings you to my neck of the woods

是什麼風把妳吹到我的地盤上來 shiˋ sheˊ me˙ feng¯ baˇ niˇ chui¯ daoˋ woˇ de˙ diˋ panˊ shangˋ laiˊ

What brings you to my neck of the woods

四合院 siˋ heˊ yuanˋ

Courtyard house

四則運算 siˋ zeˊ yunˋ suanˋ

Arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), Four operations of arithmetic i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

自得 ziˋ deˊ

Complacent, Conceited, Self-satisfied, Find joy in one's life

自得其樂 ziˋ deˊ qiˊ leˋ

Had enjoyed themselves, To find happiness in one's own way

自責 ziˋ zeˊ


15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

是可以預備的 shiˋ keˇ yiˇ yuˋ beiˋ de˙

Be prepared for

侍者 shiˋ zheˇ

Attendant, Waiter

四捨五入 siˋ sheˇ wuˇ ruˋ

Rounding, Round off

15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

斥喝 chiˋ heˋ


刺客 ciˋ keˋ


刺客的 ciˋ keˋ de˙


視個人能力調 shiˋ geˋ renˊ nengˊ liˋ tiaoˊ

Adjust for individual ability, Adjust for individual competence

是這樣嗎 shiˋ zheˋ yangˋ ma˙

Is that it?, Is that so?, Is that what you think?

四射 siˋ sheˋ

Radiating, Radiant, Sunburst

炙熱 zhiˋ reˋ


自遏抑 ziˋ eˋ yiˋ


15, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45

刺了 ciˋ le˙

Stabbed, Pierced

是的 shiˋ de˙

Yes, Here

是的我明白了 shiˋ de˙ woˇ mingˊ baiˊ le˙

Yes, I see

是個 shiˋ ge˙

Is a, Are a, Am a, Is an, Are an, Am an

是個受重視的客戶 shiˋ ge˙ shouˋ zhongˋ shiˋ de˙ keˋ huˋ

A valued customer

是個合夥 shiˋ ge˙ heˊ huoˇ

A partner

是個憲兵 shiˋ ge˙ xianˋ bing¯

An MP, a Military Policeman

是個老人 shiˋ ge˙ laoˇ renˊ

An old man

是個訓練有素的殺人機器 shiˋ ge˙ xunˋ lianˋ youˇ suˋ de˙ sha¯ renˊ ji¯ qiˋ

A well trained killing machine

是個謊言 shiˋ ge˙ huangˇ yanˊ

Was a lie

試了 shiˋ le˙


試著 shiˋ zhe˙

Trying, Experimenting

試著強迫自己思考 shiˋ zhe˙ qiangˊ poˋ ziˋ jiˇ si¯ kaoˇ

Tried to force themselves to think

試著思考 shiˋ zhe˙ si¯ kaoˇ

Tried to think

似的 siˋ de˙

Give the impression that

四個 siˋ ge˙


四個人 siˋ ge˙ renˊ

Four people

四個小長方形 siˋ ge˙ xiaoˇ changˊ fang¯ xingˊ

Four small rectangles, Four smaller rectangles

四個方格 siˋ ge˙ fang¯ geˊ

Four squares

四個班級的學生 siˋ ge˙ ban¯ jiˊ de˙ xueˊ sheng¯

Four school classes, The students of four classes

四個長方形 siˋ ge˙ changˊ fang¯ xingˊ

Four rectangles


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吃得 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 得

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