Index for words including 否

fouˇ, piˇ

Not, No, Deny, Negate, Veto, (Pi3), Evil, Bad

Word Links for words containing 否 (sorted via character pairs)

否 fouˇ, piˇ
Not, No, Deny, Negate, Veto, (Pi3), Evil, Bad

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


否則 Otherwise, Or else

否則的話 If not, Otherwise


否認 Deny, Reject, Repudiate, Disown, Denies

無法否認 Can't deny


否定 Deny, Refute

否定 Negative Sentence, Negative

否定語氣詞 Negative Word Element


否決 Veto


是否 Whether or not, Do or do not, Is or isn't

是否 Whether or not he

是否 Whether or not you

會想知道是否 Would wonder whether or not

是否相等 Are the same or not

是否有潛力 Whether or not he had potential

是否也會等於 Would it be the same as, Would it be equal to

是否傷害他人 Whether or not to harm others

問他是否能過來 Asked if he could come

是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not they realized what they were doing

是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not she realized what she was doing


能否 Can or cannot

能否騙過 Whether or not could fool, Whether or not could lie, Whether or not could deceive


與否 Or not

存在與否 Exist or not


可否 Can, May

可否保證 Does this guarantee that, Will this ensure that

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