
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 亮


Peripheral lighting, Peripheral illumination

zhou¯ bian¯ liangˋ duˋ jiaoˋ zhengˋ

亮 liangˋ
Radiant, Bright, Light, Brilliant, Flash

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Phone , Tone


周邊 zhou¯ bian¯

亮度 liangˋ duˋ

校正 jiaoˋ zhengˋ

Words that rhyme with 周邊亮度校正 (ou-yan)

Grouped by first phone

zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

周邊 zhou¯ bian¯

Surrounding, Periphery, Peripheral

周邊亮度校正 zhou¯ bian¯ liangˋ duˋ jiaoˋ zhengˋ

Peripheral lighting, Peripheral illumination

周邊民族或國家 zhou¯ bian¯ minˊ zuˊ huoˋ guoˊ jia¯

Surrounding nations or countries

週年 zhou¯ nianˊ


zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

抽籤 chou¯ qian¯

Draw lots

抽閒 chou¯ xianˊ

Find time, Make time to do something

抽煙 chou¯ yan¯

Smoke a cigarette, Smoking

抽演 chou¯ yanˇ

Deduce, Figure out

zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

鬥劍 douˋ jianˋ

Sword fight, Fence, Duel, Duelling, Fencing, Sword fighting

斗煙絲 douˇ yan¯ si¯

Pipe tobacco

zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

構件 gouˋ jianˋ


構建 gouˋ jianˋ

Structure, Construct

zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

後邊 houˋ bian¯

Behind, To the rear, Back

後面 houˋ mianˋ

Back side, Last part, Tail end

後面口袋 houˋ mianˋ kouˇ daiˋ

Back pocket

後面的 houˋ mianˋ de˙

At the rear

後面的牆 houˋ mianˋ de˙ qiangˊ

The wall behind

後面那兩個 houˋ mianˋ naˋ liangˇ ge˙

Those last two, Those latter two, The last two, The latter two, The two at the back

後年 houˋ nianˊ

Year after next

厚片 houˋ pianˋ

Thick cut, Thick slice (of)

後天 houˋ tian¯

Day after tomorrow

zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

扣減 kouˋ jianˇ


zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

露面 louˋ mianˋ

Show up

zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

某件事 mouˇ jianˋ shiˋ

Something, Something in particular, A particular something

某天 mouˇ tian¯

One day

某天清晨 mouˇ tian¯ qing¯ chenˊ

One early morning, Early one morning

zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

剖面 pouˇ mianˋ

Profile, Cross-section, Section

zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

肉片 rouˋ pianˋ

Sliced meat, Slices of meat

肉眼 rouˋ yanˇ

Naked eye

zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

手電筒 shouˇ dianˋ tongˇ


收斂 shou¯ lianˇ


熟練 shouˊ lianˋ

Skillful, Experienced

手鏈 shouˇ lianˋ


熟眠 shouˊ mianˊ

Deep sleep, Sleep deeply

受騙 shouˋ pianˋ


收錢 shou¯ qianˊ

Make money

收現金的 shou¯ xianˋ jin¯ de˙


首先 shouˇ xian¯

First of all, At first

首先將 shouˇ xian¯ jiang¯

First gets

首先說明 shouˇ xian¯ shuo¯ mingˊ

Right away explains

zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

搜遍 sou¯ bianˋ

Searching everywhere, Combing

zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

投錢 touˊ qianˊ

Insert money

頭銜 touˊ xianˊ

Title, Honorific, Honorifics

偷眼 tou¯ yanˇ

Steal a glance, Sneak a peak, Daring to look

zhou, chou, dou, gou, hou, kou, lou, mou, pou, rou, shou, sou, tou, zou

走遍 zouˇ bianˋ

Travel all over

走前 zouˇ qianˊ

Before leaving, Before moving off

走前門 zouˇ qianˊ menˊ

Use the front door, Used the front door

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

抽籤 chou¯ qian¯

Draw lots

抽煙 chou¯ yan¯

Smoke a cigarette, Smoking

周邊 zhou¯ bian¯

Surrounding, Periphery, Peripheral

周邊亮度校正 zhou¯ bian¯ liangˋ duˋ jiaoˋ zhengˋ

Peripheral lighting, Peripheral illumination

周邊民族或國家 zhou¯ bian¯ minˊ zuˊ huoˋ guoˊ jia¯

Surrounding nations or countries

11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

抽閒 chou¯ xianˊ

Find time, Make time to do something

收錢 shou¯ qianˊ

Make money

週年 zhou¯ nianˊ


11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

抽演 chou¯ yanˇ

Deduce, Figure out

收斂 shou¯ lianˇ


偷眼 tou¯ yanˇ

Steal a glance, Sneak a peak, Daring to look

11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

收現金的 shou¯ xianˋ jin¯ de˙


搜遍 sou¯ bianˋ

Searching everywhere, Combing

11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

熟眠 shouˊ mianˊ

Deep sleep, Sleep deeply

投錢 touˊ qianˊ

Insert money

頭銜 touˊ xianˊ

Title, Honorific, Honorifics

11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

熟練 shouˊ lianˋ

Skillful, Experienced

11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

斗煙絲 douˇ yan¯ si¯

Pipe tobacco

某天 mouˇ tian¯

One day

某天清晨 mouˇ tian¯ qing¯ chenˊ

One early morning, Early one morning

首先 shouˇ xian¯

First of all, At first

首先將 shouˇ xian¯ jiang¯

First gets

首先說明 shouˇ xian¯ shuo¯ mingˊ

Right away explains

11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

走前 zouˇ qianˊ

Before leaving, Before moving off

走前門 zouˇ qianˊ menˊ

Use the front door, Used the front door

11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

某件事 mouˇ jianˋ shiˋ

Something, Something in particular, A particular something

剖面 pouˇ mianˋ

Profile, Cross-section, Section

手電筒 shouˇ dianˋ tongˇ


手鏈 shouˇ lianˋ


走遍 zouˇ bianˋ

Travel all over

11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

後邊 houˋ bian¯

Behind, To the rear, Back

後天 houˋ tian¯

Day after tomorrow

11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

後年 houˋ nianˊ

Year after next

11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

扣減 kouˋ jianˇ


肉眼 rouˋ yanˇ

Naked eye

11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

鬥劍 douˋ jianˋ

Sword fight, Fence, Duel, Duelling, Fencing, Sword fighting

構件 gouˋ jianˋ


構建 gouˋ jianˋ

Structure, Construct

後面 houˋ mianˋ

Back side, Last part, Tail end

後面口袋 houˋ mianˋ kouˇ daiˋ

Back pocket

後面的 houˋ mianˋ de˙

At the rear

後面的牆 houˋ mianˋ de˙ qiangˊ

The wall behind

後面那兩個 houˋ mianˋ naˋ liangˇ ge˙

Those last two, Those latter two, The last two, The latter two, The two at the back

厚片 houˋ pianˋ

Thick cut, Thick slice (of)

露面 louˋ mianˋ

Show up

肉片 rouˋ pianˋ

Sliced meat, Slices of meat

受騙 shouˋ pianˋ



冂-⺆ : > : > [周]-周邊 : > [周]-周邊亮度校正 >

丶-辶 : > : > [邊]-周邊 : > [邊]-周邊亮度校正 >

丶-亠 : > : > [亮]-亮度 : > [亮]-周邊亮度校正 >

丶-广 : > : > [度]-亮度 : > [度]-周邊亮度校正 >

十-木 : > : > [校]-校正 : > [校]-周邊亮度校正 >

一-正 : > : > [正]-校正 : > [正]-周邊亮度校正 >

周邊亮度校正 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 亮

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