Index for words including 哩

li¯, liˇ, li˙

Mumble, (Li3), One Mile

Word Links for words containing 哩 (sorted via character pairs)

哩 li¯, liˇ, li˙
Mumble, (Li3), One Mile

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


哩稀 Onomatopoeic for the sound of rain


哩半 A mile and a half

哩半的路 A mile and a half


這裡東北方五十哩處 50 miles northeast of here


咖哩 Curry

咖哩 Red Curry

咖哩 Green Curry

咖哩 Yellow Curry

馬沙曼咖哩 Masaman Curry

咖哩 Curry Dishes

咖哩 Curry rice

豬排咖哩 Pork Curry With Rice

卡拉雞腿咖哩 Fried Breaded Chicken Leg Curry with rice

香煎雞腿咖哩 Fried leg of chicken curry rice

咖哩牛肉 Red Curry With Beef, Beef red curry

咖哩牛肉 Green Curry With Beef, Beef green curry

馬沙曼咖哩牛肉 Masaman Curry With Beef, Beef masaman curry

咖哩雞肉 Red Curry With Chicken, Chicken red curry

咖哩雞肉 Green Curry With Chicken, Chicken green curry

馬沙曼咖哩雞肉 Masaman Curry With Chicken, Chicken masaman curry

咖哩鮮蝦 Red Curry With Shrimp, Shrimp red curry

咖哩鮮蝦 Green Curry With Shrimp, Shrimp green curry

咖哩炒蝦 Yellow Curry With Fried Shrimp


兩萬一千哩 Twenty-one thousand miles

加起來長度高達兩萬一千哩 Added up to a length of twenty-one thousand miles


稀哩稀哩 Onomatopoeic for the sound of rain


英哩 Mile


四分之三哩 Three quarters of a mile, Three quarter mile


時速一百哩 One hundred miles per hour


十哩 50 miles

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