Index for words including 哪

naˇ, na˙, neiˇ

Where, What, How, Which

Word Links for words containing 哪 (sorted via character pairs)

哪 naˇ, na˙, neiˇ
Where, What, How, Which

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


哪門 What kind of, What kind

這算哪門子負責任的大人 What kind of responsible adult does this?


哪兒 Where

知道要去哪兒 Know where to go?, Know where we are going?


哪知 I don't know


我是犯了哪條 What crime did I commit?


哪件 Which items of (clothes…)

你穿哪件衣服都好看 Everything you wear looks good, Whatever you wear looks good on you


哪個 Which one (of), Which one of these…

哪個最重要 Which is the most important

哪個科系 Which faculty, Which department, Which subject, What subject

上大學想念哪個科系 Want to study what subject at university, Wants to study what subject at university, Wanted to study what subject at university


哪看 Where was that? where did you see…?


哪種 What type of, What type


我該從哪說起呢 Where should I begin? Where do I begin?


哪家汽車旅館 Which motel

哪家汽車旅館裡 In which motel, Which motel


哪怕 Even if, Even


哪裡 Where

哪裡 Going where, Where to?

哪裡 Is where? Where is...

這是哪裡 Where am I?, Where are we?

原因在哪裡 What is the reason, What is the cause

我會去哪裡 Where would I go?

不管他在哪裡 No matter where he was

你這是去哪裡 Where are you going?

那我要去哪裡 Then where do I go?

你妻子去了哪裡 Where did your wife go?

接下來要去哪裡 Where to go next, Where do you want to go next?

她待在洛杉磯哪裡 Where is she staying in Los Angeles?

哪裡有時間 When is there time

哪裡發生 Where did it happen?, Where did it occur?, Where it happened

哪裡出問題了 What's wrong, What's the problem, Is there a problem, Is something wrong

問清楚哪裡出了問題 Find out exactly what the problem was

哪裡會是她覺得自在的落腳處 Where would she feel at home?, Where would she feel comfortable?, Where would she be comfortable?

媽媽去哪裡 Where did mother go?

那會在哪裡 So where?, So where then?


哪類工作 What kind of work?


哪一 Which one

哪一 What day?

哪一 What year?

哪一 Which section?

哪一 What kind of

哪一 Which side?

哪一 What kind of, Is what kind

哪一句話 Which sentence

下列哪一句話 Which of the following sentences

哪一種花 What kind of flower

哪一門課 Which class

哪一位皇帝 Which emperor

哪一條街上 Which street

哪一數的平方 The square of which number

這個是哪一年的 What year is this one?

哪一個分子數較多 Which molecular number is bigger

不管他做出哪一種體操動作 No matter what kind of gymnastic movement he did, No matter what gymnastic feat he performed


如果她哪天迷路 If she ever got lost


哪些 Which

哪些關係 Had what relationship?, Have what kind of relationship?, Had what kind of relationship?, What is the relationship?, What was the relationship?

哪些 What things?, What tasks?

哪些 Those people


哪有 What's the use

用講的哪有 What use is talking, What use would talking be, What use would talking have been, How would talking about it have helped


天哪 Heavens, Gosh, Christ, God

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