
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 家


Ask the banker, Asked the banker

wenˋ yinˊ xingˊ jia¯

家 jia¯
Family, Home, Household, Residence, Domestic, Writer, Artist, Specialist, Suffix Used To Indicate An Expert In A Field, MW For Families Or Businesses

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Phone , Tone


銀行 yinˊ hangˊ

行家 hangˊ jia¯

銀行家 yinˊ xingˊ jia¯

Words that rhyme with 問銀行家 (wen-yin)

Grouped by first phone

wen, chun, cun, hun, shun, tun

溫馨 wen¯ xin¯


問銀行家 wenˋ yinˊ xingˊ jia¯

Ask the banker, Asked the banker

wen, chun, cun, hun, shun, tun

脣音 chunˊ yin¯

Labial Sounds

wen, chun, cun, hun, shun, tun

存進 cunˊ jinˋ


村民 cun¯ minˊ

Local person, Villager

存心 cunˊ xin¯


寸陰是競 cunˋ yin¯ shiˋ jingˋ

A Brief Moment of time is worth fighting for

wen, chun, cun, hun, shun, tun

婚姻 hun¯ yin¯


wen, chun, cun, hun, shun, tun

順心 shunˋ xin¯


wen, chun, cun, hun, shun, tun

吞進 tun¯ jinˋ

Consume, Swallowed

吞進肚子裡 tun¯ jinˋ duˋ ziˇ liˇ

Consume, Swallow

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

問銀行家 wenˋ yinˊ xingˊ jia¯

Ask the banker, Asked the banker

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

婚姻 hun¯ yin¯


溫馨 wen¯ xin¯


42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

村民 cun¯ minˊ

Local person, Villager

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

吞進 tun¯ jinˋ

Consume, Swallowed

吞進肚子裡 tun¯ jinˋ duˋ ziˇ liˇ

Consume, Swallow

42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

脣音 chunˊ yin¯

Labial Sounds

存心 cunˊ xin¯


42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

存進 cunˊ jinˋ


42, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

寸陰是競 cunˋ yin¯ shiˋ jingˋ

A Brief Moment of time is worth fighting for

順心 shunˋ xin¯



口-門 : > : > [問]-問銀 : > [問]-問銀行家 >

人-金 : > : > [銀]-銀行 : > [銀]-問銀行家 >

丿-彳 : > : > [行]-銀行 : > [行]-問銀行家 >

丶-宀 : > : > [家]-行家 : > [家]-問銀行家 >

問銀行家 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 家

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