Index for words including 嘛


Sound, Exclamatory

Word Links for words containing 嘛 (sorted via character pairs)

嘛 ma˙
Sound, Exclamatory

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


個嘛 Well, Here it is


總要有代價的嘛 There is always a cost, There was always a cost, That was the cost


幹嘛 What's up?, What is this?, What's going on?

幹嘛 Why go?, What's this about?, What's going on?, What are you doing?

你來幹嘛 Why are you here?, What are you doing here?

你在幹嘛 What are you doing?

妳來幹嘛 Why are you here?, What are you doing here?

妳帶我來這裡幹嘛 Why did you bring me here?

幹嘛再上一次 Why are we doing this?, Why are we going over this?

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