
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 噴


Fountain, Fountains

pen¯ shuiˇ chiˊ

噴 pen¯, penˋ
Jet, Jet Out, Squirt, Spray, Spout, Spit, Snort, Blow, Puff, Spurt

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Phone , Tone


水池 shuiˇ chiˊ

Words that rhyme with 噴水池 (en-wei)

Grouped by first phone

pen, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, ren, shen, zhen

噴回 pen¯ huiˊ

Spat back, Jetted back, Shot back

噴回溫水 pen¯ huiˊ wen¯ shuiˇ

Spat back warm water, Jetted back warm water in return

噴水池 pen¯ shuiˇ chiˊ

Fountain, Fountains

噴嘴 pen¯ zuiˇ

Carburetor jet

pen, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, ren, shen, zhen

本為 benˇ weiˊ

Originally or formerly worked as

本為美國太空總署駕駛員和工程師 benˇ weiˊ meiˇ guoˊ taiˋ kong¯ zongˇ shuˇ jiaˋ shiˇ yuanˊ hanˋ gong¯ chengˊ shi¯

Originally worked as a pilot and engineer for NASA

本位 benˇ weiˋ


pen, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, ren, shen, zhen

沈睡 chenˊ shuiˋ

Sleeping, Slumbering

沉醉 chenˊ zuiˋ


pen, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, ren, shen, zhen

恩惠 en¯ huiˋ


pen, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, ren, shen, zhen

粉碎 fenˇ suiˋ

Smash, Shatter

分為 fen¯ weiˊ


氛圍 fen¯ weiˊ


pen, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, ren, shen, zhen

跟隨 gen¯ suiˊ


跟隨著 gen¯ suiˊ zhe˙

Followed, Following

pen, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, ren, shen, zhen

很會拍照 henˇ huiˋ pai¯ zhaoˋ

Good at taking pictures, Skilled at photography

很會猜 henˇ huiˋ cai¯

Good at guessing

很危險 henˇ weiˊ xianˇ

Very dangerous

pen, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, ren, shen, zhen

人為 renˊ weiˊ


人為開發區域 renˊ weiˋ kai¯ fa¯ qu¯ yuˋ

Developed areas

認為 renˋ weiˊ

Think that, Thinks that, Thinking that, Thought that, Consider, Considers, Considering, Considered, Admit, Acknowledge, Believe that, Of the opinion that

認為是 renˋ weiˊ shiˋ

Believes that, Believing that

認為這是某幽靈欲與她溝通所致 renˋ weiˊ zheˋ shiˋ mouˇ you¯ lingˊ yuˋ yuˇ ta¯ gou¯ tong¯ suoˇ zhiˋ

Believes that it is because a ghost is trying to communicate with her

認為會 renˋ weiˋ huiˋ

Thought it would

認為那只是燈光作怪 renˋ weiˋ naˋ zhiˇ shiˋ deng¯ guang¯ zuoˋ guaiˋ

Thinking that it was just a trick of the light

pen, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, ren, shen, zhen

神龜 shenˊ gui¯

Mythical tortoise

深灰 shen¯ hui¯


腎虧 shenˋ kui¯


深水 shen¯ shuiˇ

Deep water, Depths

深邃 shen¯ suiˋ

Deep, Profound

身為 shen¯ weiˋ


身為公民的責任 shen¯ weiˋ gong¯ minˊ de˙ zeˊ renˋ

Civic duties, Your responsibilities as a citizen

身為工程師 shen¯ weiˋ gong¯ chengˊ shi¯

As an engineer

身為法官 shen¯ weiˋ faˇ guan¯

As judge, As the judge

神威 shenˊ wei¯

Martial prowess, Invincible

什為都看不見 shenˊ weiˋ dou¯ kanˋ buˊ jianˋ


pen, ben, chen, en, fen, gen, hen, ren, shen, zhen

針對 zhen¯ duiˋ

Aim at, Focus on, In accordance with

珍貴 zhen¯ guiˋ


真偽 zhen¯ weiˇ

True or false, Genuine or fake

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

噴水池 pen¯ shuiˇ chiˊ

Fountain, Fountains

噴嘴 pen¯ zuiˇ

Carburetor jet

深水 shen¯ shuiˇ

Deep water, Depths

真偽 zhen¯ weiˇ

True or false, Genuine or fake

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

深灰 shen¯ hui¯


13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

分為 fen¯ weiˊ


氛圍 fen¯ weiˊ


跟隨 gen¯ suiˊ


跟隨著 gen¯ suiˊ zhe˙

Followed, Following

噴回 pen¯ huiˊ

Spat back, Jetted back, Shot back

噴回溫水 pen¯ huiˊ wen¯ shuiˇ

Spat back warm water, Jetted back warm water in return

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

恩惠 en¯ huiˋ


深邃 shen¯ suiˋ

Deep, Profound

身為 shen¯ weiˋ


身為公民的責任 shen¯ weiˋ gong¯ minˊ de˙ zeˊ renˋ

Civic duties, Your responsibilities as a citizen

身為工程師 shen¯ weiˋ gong¯ chengˊ shi¯

As an engineer

身為法官 shen¯ weiˋ faˇ guan¯

As judge, As the judge

針對 zhen¯ duiˋ

Aim at, Focus on, In accordance with

珍貴 zhen¯ guiˋ


13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

神龜 shenˊ gui¯

Mythical tortoise

神威 shenˊ wei¯

Martial prowess, Invincible

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

人為 renˊ weiˊ


13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

沈睡 chenˊ shuiˋ

Sleeping, Slumbering

沉醉 chenˊ zuiˋ


人為開發區域 renˊ weiˋ kai¯ fa¯ qu¯ yuˋ

Developed areas

什為都看不見 shenˊ weiˋ dou¯ kanˋ buˊ jianˋ


13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

本為 benˇ weiˊ

Originally or formerly worked as

本為美國太空總署駕駛員和工程師 benˇ weiˊ meiˇ guoˊ taiˋ kong¯ zongˇ shuˇ jiaˋ shiˇ yuanˊ hanˋ gong¯ chengˊ shi¯

Originally worked as a pilot and engineer for NASA

很危險 henˇ weiˊ xianˇ

Very dangerous

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

本位 benˇ weiˋ


粉碎 fenˇ suiˋ

Smash, Shatter

很會拍照 henˇ huiˋ pai¯ zhaoˋ

Good at taking pictures, Skilled at photography

很會猜 henˇ huiˋ cai¯

Good at guessing

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

腎虧 shenˋ kui¯


13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

認為 renˋ weiˊ

Think that, Thinks that, Thinking that, Thought that, Consider, Considers, Considering, Considered, Admit, Acknowledge, Believe that, Of the opinion that

認為是 renˋ weiˊ shiˋ

Believes that, Believing that

認為這是某幽靈欲與她溝通所致 renˋ weiˊ zheˋ shiˋ mouˇ you¯ lingˊ yuˋ yuˇ ta¯ gou¯ tong¯ suoˇ zhiˋ

Believes that it is because a ghost is trying to communicate with her

13, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

認為會 renˋ weiˋ huiˋ

Thought it would

認為那只是燈光作怪 renˋ weiˋ naˋ zhiˇ shiˋ deng¯ guang¯ zuoˋ guaiˋ

Thinking that it was just a trick of the light


口-口 : > : > [噴]-噴水 : > [噴]-噴水池 >

𠃌-水 : > : > [水]-水池 : > [水]-噴水池 >

丶-氵 : > : > [池]-水池 : > [池]-噴水池 >

噴水池 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 噴

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