
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 嚇



xiaˋ daoˋ

嚇 xiaˋ, heˋ
Frighten, Scare, (He4), Threaten, Intimidate, Sound Of Laughter

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 嚇到 (ia-ao)

Grouped by first phone

xia, jia, qia

嚇到 xiaˋ daoˋ


xia, jia, qia

家暴 jia¯ baoˋ

Domestic violence, Beaten

加號 jia¯ haoˋ

Addition symbol, Plus symbol

假冒 jiaˇ maoˋ


假造 jiaˇ zaoˋ

Forge, Fake, Counterfeit, Fabricate, Invent

假造得出 jiaˇ zaoˋ deˊ chu¯


駕照 jiaˋ zhaoˋ

Driving license

xia, jia, qia

卡到一起 qiaˇ daoˋ yiˋ qiˇ

Force together, Jam together

恰到好處 qiaˋ daoˋ haoˇ chuˇ

Just right

恰好 qiaˋ haoˇ

Exactly, Just at, Just right, Coincidentally, In the nick of time

恰好在高潮位之上 qiaˋ haoˇ zaiˋ gao¯ chaoˊ weiˋ zhi¯ shangˋ

Just above the high tide level

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 14, 34, 43

駕照 jiaˋ zhaoˋ

Driving license

恰到好處 qiaˋ daoˋ haoˇ chuˇ

Just right

嚇到 xiaˋ daoˋ


44, 14, 34, 43

家暴 jia¯ baoˋ

Domestic violence, Beaten

加號 jia¯ haoˋ

Addition symbol, Plus symbol

44, 14, 34, 43

假冒 jiaˇ maoˋ


假造 jiaˇ zaoˋ

Forge, Fake, Counterfeit, Fabricate, Invent

假造得出 jiaˇ zaoˋ deˊ chu¯


卡到一起 qiaˇ daoˋ yiˋ qiˇ

Force together, Jam together

44, 14, 34, 43

恰好 qiaˋ haoˇ

Exactly, Just at, Just right, Coincidentally, In the nick of time

恰好在高潮位之上 qiaˋ haoˇ zaiˋ gao¯ chaoˊ weiˋ zhi¯ shangˋ

Just above the high tide level


口-口 : > : > [嚇]-嚇到 : > [嚇]-嚇到 >

一-一 : > : > [到]-嚇到 : > [到]-嚇到 >

嚇到 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 嚇

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