
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 所


Because of

yin¯ suoˇ

所 suoˇ
One's, Personal, Pertaining To One's Self, Position, Place, Location, Here, There, That Which, Actually, MW For Houses Or Institutions Within A Building

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 因所 (yin-wo)

Grouped by first phone

yin, jin, lin, min, nin, qin

因果 yin¯ guoˇ

Cause and effect, Consequences, Consequence

因果報應 yin¯ guoˇ baoˋ ying¯


因所 yin¯ suoˇ

Because of

yin, jin, lin, min, nin, qin

巾幗 jin¯ guoˊ


筋絡 jin¯ luoˋ

Tendons And Veins

緊縮 jinˇ suo¯

Cut down, Reduce, Curtail

緊握 jinˇ woˋ


緊握著 jinˇ woˋ zhe˙

Tightly held, Clenched tightly

yin, jin, lin, min, nin, qin

鄰國 linˊ guoˊ

Neighboring countries

yin, jin, lin, min, nin, qin

民國 minˊ guoˊ

Democracy, Republic, Republic of China

yin, jin, lin, min, nin, qin

您所在地區 ninˊ suoˇ zaiˋ diˋ qu¯

Your area, In your area

yin, jin, lin, min, nin, qin

親過 qin¯ guoˋ

Loved, Kissed

秦國 qinˊ guoˊ

Qin State

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 12, 14, 22, 23, 31, 34

因果 yin¯ guoˇ

Cause and effect, Consequences, Consequence

因果報應 yin¯ guoˇ baoˋ ying¯


因所 yin¯ suoˇ

Because of

13, 12, 14, 22, 23, 31, 34

巾幗 jin¯ guoˊ


13, 12, 14, 22, 23, 31, 34

筋絡 jin¯ luoˋ

Tendons And Veins

親過 qin¯ guoˋ

Loved, Kissed

13, 12, 14, 22, 23, 31, 34

鄰國 linˊ guoˊ

Neighboring countries

民國 minˊ guoˊ

Democracy, Republic, Republic of China

秦國 qinˊ guoˊ

Qin State

13, 12, 14, 22, 23, 31, 34

您所在地區 ninˊ suoˇ zaiˋ diˋ qu¯

Your area, In your area

13, 12, 14, 22, 23, 31, 34

緊縮 jinˇ suo¯

Cut down, Reduce, Curtail

13, 12, 14, 22, 23, 31, 34

緊握 jinˇ woˋ


緊握著 jinˇ woˋ zhe˙

Tightly held, Clenched tightly


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因所 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 所

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