
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 線


International Date Line

guoˊ jiˋ huanˋ riˋ xianˋ

線 xianˋ
Line, Thread, Path, Clue, Circuit

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Phone , Tone


國際 guoˊ jiˋ

Words that rhyme with 國際換日線 (wo-yi)

Grouped by first phone

guo, duo, huo, kuo, luo, nuo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo, zuo

國籍 guoˊ jiˊ


國際 guoˊ jiˋ


國際巨星 guoˊ jiˋ juˋ xing¯

International superstar

國際換日線 guoˊ jiˋ huanˋ riˋ xianˋ

International Date Line

國際機場 guoˊ jiˋ ji¯ changˇ

International Airport

國立 guoˊ liˋ


國旗 guoˊ qiˊ

National flag

過期 guoˋ qi¯


過一星期 guoˋ yiˋ xing¯ qiˊ

Go for a week, Let a week pass by

過意不去 guoˋ yiˋ buˊ quˋ


guo, duo, huo, kuo, luo, nuo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo, zuo

躲避 duoˇ biˋ

Elude, Hide from, Evade capture (by)

多米尼加 duo¯ miˇ niˊ jia¯


躲起來 duoˇ qiˇ laiˊ

Hide, Avoid, Escape

躲起來了 duoˇ qiˇ laiˊ le˙


多一份 duo¯ yiˊ fenˋ

Extra portion, Additional serving

多一份濃縮咖啡 duo¯ yiˊ fenˋ nongˊ suo¯ ka¯ fei¯

Extra shot of espresso

多一個 duo¯ yiˊ ge˙

Has, in addition, Has an additional

多一個側管 duo¯ yiˊ ge˙ ceˋ guanˇ

Has an additional side tube

多一個你都找不到 duo¯ yiˋ ge˙ niˇ dou¯ zhaoˇ buˊ daoˋ

Not one more would you find

guo, duo, huo, kuo, luo, nuo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo, zuo

貨幣 huoˋ biˋ


霍地 huoˋ diˋ

Suddenly, Quickly

活力 huoˊ liˋ

Life, Vitality, Energy, Vigour

活力充沛 huoˊ liˋ chong¯ peiˋ

Vigorous, Vigorously, Energetic, Energetically

獲利 huoˋ liˋ

Make a profit, Profit from

獲利甚少 huoˋ liˋ shenˋ shaoˇ

Profit very little

活期 huoˊ qiˊ

Due on demand

火氣 huoˇ qiˋ


活體解剖 huoˊ tiˇ jieˇ pou¯


獲悉 huoˋ xi¯


活遺跡 huoˊ yiˊ ji¯

Living vestige, Living remains

獲益 huoˋ yiˋ

Benefit, Profit

guo, duo, huo, kuo, luo, nuo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo, zuo

闊肌膜張肌 kuoˋ ji¯ moˊ zhang¯ ji¯

Tensor Fascia Latae

guo, duo, huo, kuo, luo, nuo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo, zuo

落地 luoˋ diˋ

Fell, Fell down, Born, Landed

邏輯 luoˊ jiˊ


邏輯性 luoˊ jiˊ xingˋ


邏輯性的一和零 luoˊ jiˊ xingˋ de˙ yiˊ hanˋ lingˊ

Logical ones and zeroes

洛磯山脈 luoˋ ji¯ shan¯ maiˋ

The Rockies, The Rocky Mountains

落籍 luoˋ jiˊ

Discharged from military service, When a prostitute gets married

絡離子 luoˋ liˊ ziˇ

Complex ion

酪梨 luoˋ liˊ


羅米利 luo¯ miˇ liˋ


羅伊斯 luo¯ yi¯ si¯


洛伊的 luoˋ yi¯ de˙


絡繹不絕 luoˋ yiˋ buˋ jueˊ

Continuous stream

guo, duo, huo, kuo, luo, nuo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo, zuo

挪移 nuoˊ yiˊ


guo, duo, huo, kuo, luo, nuo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo, zuo

說起 shuo¯ qiˇ

Begin (talking about)

說起來 shuo¯ qiˇ laiˊ

Talk about

說一說 shuo¯ yiˋ shuo¯

Talk about, Discuss

guo, duo, huo, kuo, luo, nuo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo, zuo

鎖起來 suoˇ qiˇ laiˊ


瑣細 suoˇ xiˋ

Troublesome, Trivial, Trifling, Frivolous

所以 suoˇ yiˇ

Consequently, And so, Therefore

所以他們將 suoˇ yiˇ ta¯ men˙ jiang¯

So they then, As a result they

所以你不是 suoˇ yiˇ niˇ buˊ shiˋ

So you are not

所以你才會一個人 suoˇ yiˇ niˇ caiˊ huiˋ yiˊ ge˙ renˊ

That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone

所以大原則是 suoˇ yiˇ daˋ yuanˊ zeˊ shiˋ

So, first principles

所以妳來這裡 suoˇ yiˇ niˇ laiˊ zheˋ liˇ

So you came here

所以妳才會一個人 suoˇ yiˇ niˇ caiˊ huiˋ yiˊ ge˙ renˊ

That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone

所以我才落後了 suoˇ yiˇ woˇ caiˊ luoˋ houˋ le˙

That's why I was lagging behind, That's why I was late

所以有什麼好等的 suoˇ yiˇ youˇ sheˊ me˙ haoˇ dengˇ de˙

So why wait? So why bother waiting?

所以結論是 suoˇ yiˇ jieˊ lunˋ shiˋ

So, So in conclusion

所以跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有囉 suoˇ yiˇ gen¯ ta¯ baˇ niˇ daˇ shang¯ yiˋ dianˇ guan¯ xiˋ dou¯ meiˊ youˇ luo¯

So it has nothing to do with him hurting you?

所以頭髮濕濕的 suoˇ yiˇ touˊ faˇ shi¯ shi¯ de˙

So hair was still wet, And so hair was still damp

guo, duo, huo, kuo, luo, nuo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo, zuo

托比 tuo¯ biˇ


脫離 tuo¯ liˊ

Severe a relationship, Get away from, Break away

脫離現實 tuo¯ liˊ xianˋ shiˊ

Divorced from reality

脫離關係 tuo¯ liˊ guan¯ xiˋ

Severe relations, Divorce, Disown

脫皮 tuo¯ piˊ


guo, duo, huo, kuo, luo, nuo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo, zuo

我的確 woˇ diˊ queˋ

I certainly

我的確知道 woˇ diˊ queˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

I sure knew, I certainly knew

臥底 woˋ diˇ

Undercover, Working undercover

臥底特工 woˋ diˇ teˋ gong¯

Undercover agent(s)

臥底特工的 woˋ diˇ teˋ gong¯ de˙

Undercover agent's, Secret agents

我記得最後一件事 woˇ jiˋ de˙ zuiˋ houˋ yiˊ jianˋ shiˋ

The last thing I remember (is/was)

我立刻在筆記本上寫上 woˇ liˋ keˋ zaiˋ biˇ jiˋ benˇ shangˋ xieˇ shangˋ

I immediately wrote in my notebook

沃利恩 woˋ liˋ en¯


我妻子 woˇ qi¯ zi˙

My wife

我其實很忙 woˇ qiˊ shiˊ henˇ mangˊ

I'm actually quite busy, I'm actually rather busy

我起得來 woˇ qiˇ de˙ laiˊ

I can get up

我起得來嗎 woˇ qiˇ deˊ laiˊ ma˙

Can I get up?

我希望你回家 woˇ xi¯ wangˋ niˇ huiˊ jia¯

I want you to go home

我希望謝謝 woˇ xi¯ wangˋ xieˋ xieˋ

I would like to express my gratitude

我喜歡吃的食物 woˇ xiˇ huan¯ chi¯ de˙ shiˊ wuˋ

Food that I like to eat, Things that I like to eat

我喜歡聽你說話 woˇ xiˇ huan¯ ting¯ niˇ shuo¯ huaˋ

I like hearing you, I like hearing you speak

我以為 woˇ yiˇ weiˋ

I thought, I assumed

我已經 woˇ yiˇ jing¯

I've been, I've already, I've

我已經下定決心 woˇ yiˇ jing¯ xiaˋ dingˋ jueˊ xin¯

I am determined

我已經教 woˇ yiˇ jing¯ jiaoˋ

I've taught, I've been teaching

我一定會 woˇ yiˋ dingˋ huiˋ

I will

我一滿二十一歲 woˇ yiˋ manˇ erˋ shiˊ yi¯ suiˋ

As soon as I turned twenty-one

我一生病 woˇ yiˋ sheng¯ bingˋ

As soon as I got sick

我一直在思索 woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ si¯ suoˇ

I have been thinking, I've been pondering

我一直太忙了 woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ taiˋ mangˊ le˙

I've been so busy

我一直愛著他 woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ aiˋ zhe˙ ta¯

I've always loved him

我一直都在 woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ dou¯ zaiˋ

I was there, I was always there

我一直都是 woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ dou¯ shiˋ

I have always been

我一點兒也不老 woˇ yiˋ dianˇ erˊ yeˇ buˋ laoˇ

I'm not old

臥倚腳尖式 woˋ yiˇ jiaoˇ jian¯ shiˋ

Reclining Big Toe Pose, Supta Padangusthasana

guo, duo, huo, kuo, luo, nuo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo, zuo

著地 zhuoˊ diˋ

Land, Landed, Touched the ground, Felt the ground

捉迷藏 zhuo¯ miˊ cangˊ

Hide and seek, Play hide-and-seek

guo, duo, huo, kuo, luo, nuo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo, zuo

作弊 zuoˋ biˋ


坐第一排 zuoˋ diˋ yi¯ paiˊ

Sat in the first row

做記錄 zuoˋ jiˋ luˋ

Recorded, Logged, Record, Records, Log, Tally, Register

坐計程車 zuoˋ jiˋ chengˊ che¯

Take a cab, Take a taxi, Cab ride

做禮拜 zuoˋ liˇ baiˋ

Go to church service

坐立難安 zuoˋ liˋ nanˊ an¯

Uneasy, Fidgety, Restless

左起 zuoˇ qiˇ

From the left

坐騎上 zuoˋ qiˊ shangˋ

Mount, Saddle

做起來 zuoˋ qiˇ laiˊ

Do, While doing

做起白日夢 zuoˋ qiˇ baiˊ riˋ mengˋ

Daydreaming, Started daydreaming

坐起 zuoˋ qiˇ

Sit up, Sits up, Sat up

坐起身 zuoˋ qiˇ shen¯

Sit up, Sits up, Sitting up, Sat up

坐起身來 zuoˋ qiˇ shen¯ laiˊ

Sat up

座椅 zuoˋ yiˇ


做一個起點 zuoˋ yiˋ ge˙ qiˇ dianˇ

As a starting point

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

國際 guoˊ jiˋ


國際巨星 guoˊ jiˋ juˋ xing¯

International superstar

國際換日線 guoˊ jiˋ huanˋ riˋ xianˋ

International Date Line

國際機場 guoˊ jiˋ ji¯ changˇ

International Airport

國立 guoˊ liˋ


活力 huoˊ liˋ

Life, Vitality, Energy, Vigour

活力充沛 huoˊ liˋ chong¯ peiˋ

Vigorous, Vigorously, Energetic, Energetically

著地 zhuoˊ diˋ

Land, Landed, Touched the ground, Felt the ground

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

羅伊斯 luo¯ yi¯ si¯


24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

多一份 duo¯ yiˊ fenˋ

Extra portion, Additional serving

多一份濃縮咖啡 duo¯ yiˊ fenˋ nongˊ suo¯ ka¯ fei¯

Extra shot of espresso

多一個 duo¯ yiˊ ge˙

Has, in addition, Has an additional

多一個側管 duo¯ yiˊ ge˙ ceˋ guanˇ

Has an additional side tube

脫離 tuo¯ liˊ

Severe a relationship, Get away from, Break away

脫離現實 tuo¯ liˊ xianˋ shiˊ

Divorced from reality

脫離關係 tuo¯ liˊ guan¯ xiˋ

Severe relations, Divorce, Disown

脫皮 tuo¯ piˊ


捉迷藏 zhuo¯ miˊ cangˊ

Hide and seek, Play hide-and-seek

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

多米尼加 duo¯ miˇ niˊ jia¯


羅米利 luo¯ miˇ liˋ


說起 shuo¯ qiˇ

Begin (talking about)

說起來 shuo¯ qiˇ laiˊ

Talk about

托比 tuo¯ biˇ


24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

多一個你都找不到 duo¯ yiˋ ge˙ niˇ dou¯ zhaoˇ buˊ daoˋ

Not one more would you find

說一說 shuo¯ yiˋ shuo¯

Talk about, Discuss

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

國籍 guoˊ jiˊ


國旗 guoˊ qiˊ

National flag

活期 huoˊ qiˊ

Due on demand

活遺跡 huoˊ yiˊ ji¯

Living vestige, Living remains

邏輯 luoˊ jiˊ


邏輯性 luoˊ jiˊ xingˋ


邏輯性的一和零 luoˊ jiˊ xingˋ de˙ yiˊ hanˋ lingˊ

Logical ones and zeroes

挪移 nuoˊ yiˊ


24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

活體解剖 huoˊ tiˇ jieˇ pou¯


24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

我妻子 woˇ qi¯ zi˙

My wife

我希望你回家 woˇ xi¯ wangˋ niˇ huiˊ jia¯

I want you to go home

我希望謝謝 woˇ xi¯ wangˋ xieˋ xieˋ

I would like to express my gratitude

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

我的確 woˇ diˊ queˋ

I certainly

我的確知道 woˇ diˊ queˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

I sure knew, I certainly knew

我其實很忙 woˇ qiˊ shiˊ henˇ mangˊ

I'm actually quite busy, I'm actually rather busy

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

躲起來 duoˇ qiˇ laiˊ

Hide, Avoid, Escape

躲起來了 duoˇ qiˇ laiˊ le˙


鎖起來 suoˇ qiˇ laiˊ


所以 suoˇ yiˇ

Consequently, And so, Therefore

所以他們將 suoˇ yiˇ ta¯ men˙ jiang¯

So they then, As a result they

所以你不是 suoˇ yiˇ niˇ buˊ shiˋ

So you are not

所以你才會一個人 suoˇ yiˇ niˇ caiˊ huiˋ yiˊ ge˙ renˊ

That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone

所以大原則是 suoˇ yiˇ daˋ yuanˊ zeˊ shiˋ

So, first principles

所以妳來這裡 suoˇ yiˇ niˇ laiˊ zheˋ liˇ

So you came here

所以妳才會一個人 suoˇ yiˇ niˇ caiˊ huiˋ yiˊ ge˙ renˊ

That's why you are alone, That's why you were alone

所以我才落後了 suoˇ yiˇ woˇ caiˊ luoˋ houˋ le˙

That's why I was lagging behind, That's why I was late

所以有什麼好等的 suoˇ yiˇ youˇ sheˊ me˙ haoˇ dengˇ de˙

So why wait? So why bother waiting?

所以結論是 suoˇ yiˇ jieˊ lunˋ shiˋ

So, So in conclusion

所以跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有囉 suoˇ yiˇ gen¯ ta¯ baˇ niˇ daˇ shang¯ yiˋ dianˇ guan¯ xiˋ dou¯ meiˊ youˇ luo¯

So it has nothing to do with him hurting you?

所以頭髮濕濕的 suoˇ yiˇ touˊ faˇ shi¯ shi¯ de˙

So hair was still wet, And so hair was still damp

我起得來 woˇ qiˇ de˙ laiˊ

I can get up

我起得來嗎 woˇ qiˇ deˊ laiˊ ma˙

Can I get up?

我喜歡吃的食物 woˇ xiˇ huan¯ chi¯ de˙ shiˊ wuˋ

Food that I like to eat, Things that I like to eat

我喜歡聽你說話 woˇ xiˇ huan¯ ting¯ niˇ shuo¯ huaˋ

I like hearing you, I like hearing you speak

我以為 woˇ yiˇ weiˋ

I thought, I assumed

我已經 woˇ yiˇ jing¯

I've been, I've already, I've

我已經下定決心 woˇ yiˇ jing¯ xiaˋ dingˋ jueˊ xin¯

I am determined

我已經教 woˇ yiˇ jing¯ jiaoˋ

I've taught, I've been teaching

左起 zuoˇ qiˇ

From the left

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

躲避 duoˇ biˋ

Elude, Hide from, Evade capture (by)

火氣 huoˇ qiˋ


瑣細 suoˇ xiˋ

Troublesome, Trivial, Trifling, Frivolous

我記得最後一件事 woˇ jiˋ de˙ zuiˋ houˋ yiˊ jianˋ shiˋ

The last thing I remember (is/was)

我立刻在筆記本上寫上 woˇ liˋ keˋ zaiˋ biˇ jiˋ benˇ shangˋ xieˇ shangˋ

I immediately wrote in my notebook

我一定會 woˇ yiˋ dingˋ huiˋ

I will

我一滿二十一歲 woˇ yiˋ manˇ erˋ shiˊ yi¯ suiˋ

As soon as I turned twenty-one

我一生病 woˇ yiˋ sheng¯ bingˋ

As soon as I got sick

我一直在思索 woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ zaiˋ si¯ suoˇ

I have been thinking, I've been pondering

我一直太忙了 woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ taiˋ mangˊ le˙

I've been so busy

我一直愛著他 woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ aiˋ zhe˙ ta¯

I've always loved him

我一直都在 woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ dou¯ zaiˋ

I was there, I was always there

我一直都是 woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ dou¯ shiˋ

I have always been

我一點兒也不老 woˇ yiˋ dianˇ erˊ yeˇ buˋ laoˇ

I'm not old

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

過期 guoˋ qi¯


獲悉 huoˋ xi¯


闊肌膜張肌 kuoˋ ji¯ moˊ zhang¯ ji¯

Tensor Fascia Latae

洛磯山脈 luoˋ ji¯ shan¯ maiˋ

The Rockies, The Rocky Mountains

洛伊的 luoˋ yi¯ de˙


24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

落籍 luoˋ jiˊ

Discharged from military service, When a prostitute gets married

絡離子 luoˋ liˊ ziˇ

Complex ion

酪梨 luoˋ liˊ


坐騎上 zuoˋ qiˊ shangˋ

Mount, Saddle

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

臥底 woˋ diˇ

Undercover, Working undercover

臥底特工 woˋ diˇ teˋ gong¯

Undercover agent(s)

臥底特工的 woˋ diˇ teˋ gong¯ de˙

Undercover agent's, Secret agents

臥倚腳尖式 woˋ yiˇ jiaoˇ jian¯ shiˋ

Reclining Big Toe Pose, Supta Padangusthasana

做禮拜 zuoˋ liˇ baiˋ

Go to church service

做起來 zuoˋ qiˇ laiˊ

Do, While doing

做起白日夢 zuoˋ qiˇ baiˊ riˋ mengˋ

Daydreaming, Started daydreaming

坐起 zuoˋ qiˇ

Sit up, Sits up, Sat up

坐起身 zuoˋ qiˇ shen¯

Sit up, Sits up, Sitting up, Sat up

坐起身來 zuoˋ qiˇ shen¯ laiˊ

Sat up

座椅 zuoˋ yiˇ


24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

過一星期 guoˋ yiˋ xing¯ qiˊ

Go for a week, Let a week pass by

過意不去 guoˋ yiˋ buˊ quˋ


貨幣 huoˋ biˋ


霍地 huoˋ diˋ

Suddenly, Quickly

獲利 huoˋ liˋ

Make a profit, Profit from

獲利甚少 huoˋ liˋ shenˋ shaoˇ

Profit very little

獲益 huoˋ yiˋ

Benefit, Profit

落地 luoˋ diˋ

Fell, Fell down, Born, Landed

絡繹不絕 luoˋ yiˋ buˋ jueˊ

Continuous stream

沃利恩 woˋ liˋ en¯


作弊 zuoˋ biˋ


坐第一排 zuoˋ diˋ yi¯ paiˊ

Sat in the first row

做記錄 zuoˋ jiˋ luˋ

Recorded, Logged, Record, Records, Log, Tally, Register

坐計程車 zuoˋ jiˋ chengˊ che¯

Take a cab, Take a taxi, Cab ride

坐立難安 zuoˋ liˋ nanˊ an¯

Uneasy, Fidgety, Restless

做一個起點 zuoˋ yiˋ ge˙ qiˇ dianˇ

As a starting point


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冂-阝 : > : > [際]-國際 : > [際]-國際換日線 >

十-扌 : > : > [換]-換日 : > [換]-國際換日線 >

口-日 : > : > [日]-日線 : > [日]-國際換日線 >

𠄌-糸 : > : > [線]-日線 : > [線]-國際換日線 >

國際換日線 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 線

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