
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 圓


Yuanshan culture, a culture of the Taiwan late neolithic age,, (Cats: History next)

yuanˊ shan¯ wenˊ huaˋ

圓 yuanˊ
Round, Circular, Circle, Complete, Satisfying

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Phone , Tone


文化 wenˊ huaˋ

Words that rhyme with 圓山文化 (yuan-an)

Grouped by first phone

yuan, juan, quan, xuan

元旦 yuanˊ danˋ

New Year's day

遠看 yuanˇ kanˋ

Seen from afar

遠看像是 yuanˇ kanˋ xiangˋ shiˋ

From a distance it looks like, From afar it looks like

圓滿 yuanˊ manˇ

Satisfactory, Satisfactorily, Complete, Finished satisfactorily

圓盤 yuanˊ panˊ


圓山文化 yuanˊ shan¯ wenˊ huaˋ

Yuanshan culture, a culture of the Taiwan late neolithic age,

遠山近水 yuanˇ shan¯ jinˋ shuiˇ

Distant mountains and nearby water, Body of water against a backdrop of distant mountains, Beautiful scenery

yuan, juan, quan, xuan

捲盤 juanˇ panˊ


yuan, juan, quan, xuan

全班同學 quanˊ ban¯ tongˊ xueˊ

Whole class, All (my) classmates

全餐 quanˊ can¯

Complete meal, Meal

全看 quanˊ kanˋ

Depends on, Completely depends on, All depends

全盤 quanˊ panˊ

Overall, Total, Wholesale, Complete, Completely

全盤改變了 quanˊ panˊ gaiˇ bianˋ le˙

Everything changed, It all changed

全然 quanˊ ranˊ

Completely, Totally, Entirely

全然不解 quanˊ ranˊ buˋ jieˇ

Completely puzzled, Completely unable to understand

yuan, juan, quan, xuan

選單 xuanˇ dan¯

Menu (equipment or device)

選單操作 xuanˇ dan¯ cao¯ zuoˋ

Menu Operations

選單設定 xuanˇ dan¯ sheˋ dingˋ

Menu settings

渲染 xuanˋ ranˇ

Render, Color with paint, Embellish, Exaggerate, Exaggerated

渲染過的圖畫 xuanˋ ranˇ guoˋ de˙ tuˊ huaˋ

Painted picture

Grouped in tone pairs

21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

全班同學 quanˊ ban¯ tongˊ xueˊ

Whole class, All (my) classmates

全餐 quanˊ can¯

Complete meal, Meal

圓山文化 yuanˊ shan¯ wenˊ huaˋ

Yuanshan culture, a culture of the Taiwan late neolithic age,

21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

全盤 quanˊ panˊ

Overall, Total, Wholesale, Complete, Completely

全盤改變了 quanˊ panˊ gaiˇ bianˋ le˙

Everything changed, It all changed

全然 quanˊ ranˊ

Completely, Totally, Entirely

全然不解 quanˊ ranˊ buˋ jieˇ

Completely puzzled, Completely unable to understand

圓盤 yuanˊ panˊ


21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

圓滿 yuanˊ manˇ

Satisfactory, Satisfactorily, Complete, Finished satisfactorily

21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

全看 quanˊ kanˋ

Depends on, Completely depends on, All depends

元旦 yuanˊ danˋ

New Year's day

21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

選單 xuanˇ dan¯

Menu (equipment or device)

選單操作 xuanˇ dan¯ cao¯ zuoˋ

Menu Operations

選單設定 xuanˇ dan¯ sheˋ dingˋ

Menu settings

遠山近水 yuanˇ shan¯ jinˋ shuiˇ

Distant mountains and nearby water, Body of water against a backdrop of distant mountains, Beautiful scenery

21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

捲盤 juanˇ panˊ


21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

遠看 yuanˇ kanˋ

Seen from afar

遠看像是 yuanˇ kanˋ xiangˋ shiˋ

From a distance it looks like, From afar it looks like

21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 43

渲染 xuanˋ ranˇ

Render, Color with paint, Embellish, Exaggerate, Exaggerated

渲染過的圖畫 xuanˋ ranˇ guoˋ de˙ tuˊ huaˋ

Painted picture


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丶-亠 : > : > [文]-文化 : > [文]-圓山文化 >

丿-亻 : > : > [化]-文化 : > [化]-圓山文化 >

圓山文化 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 圓

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