
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 圓


Round and smooth, Rounded and smooth

yuanˊ huaˊ

圓 yuanˊ
Round, Circular, Circle, Complete, Satisfying

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 圓滑 (yuan-wa)

Grouped by first phone

yuan, xuan

圓滑 yuanˊ huaˊ

Round and smooth, Rounded and smooth

yuan, xuan

懸掛 xuanˊ guaˋ

Dangle, Hang, Dangling, Hanging

懸掛式 xuanˊ guaˋ shiˋ


喧嘩 xuan¯ hua¯

Noise, Clamour

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 11, 24

圓滑 yuanˊ huaˊ

Round and smooth, Rounded and smooth

22, 11, 24

喧嘩 xuan¯ hua¯

Noise, Clamour

22, 11, 24

懸掛 xuanˊ guaˋ

Dangle, Hang, Dangling, Hanging

懸掛式 xuanˊ guaˋ shiˋ



口-囗 : > : > [圓]-圓滑 : > [圓]-圓滑 >

丶-氵 : > : > [滑]-圓滑 : > [滑]-圓滑 >

圓滑 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 圓

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