
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 盛


In anger, While angry

zaiˋ shengˋ nuˋ zhong¯

盛 shengˋ, chengˊ
Glorious, Rich, Exuberant, Prosperous, Full Bloom, Raging, In Vogue, Popular, Rising, (Cheng2), Place Into, Hold, Contain

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 在盛怒中 (ai-eng)

Grouped by first phone

zai, ai, cai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, tai

再等等 zaiˋ dengˇ dengˇ

Wait, Be put on hold

在等你 zaiˋ dengˇ niˇ

Waiting for you

在等我 zaiˋ dengˇ woˇ

Waiting for me

在風中到處亂飛 zaiˋ feng¯ zhong¯ daoˋ chuˋ luanˋ fei¯

Flapping about in the wind, Flapping about

在風雨摧殘下 zaiˋ feng¯ yuˇ cui¯ canˊ xiaˋ

Worn down by wind and rain, Worn by wind and rain

再生 zaiˋ sheng¯

Just like, Like a reincarnation of

在生 zaiˋ sheng¯

Alive, Living

在盛怒中 zaiˋ shengˋ nuˋ zhong¯

In anger, While angry

在聖誕節前 zaiˋ shengˋ danˋ jieˊ qianˊ

Before Christmas

在聖誕節前一天 zaiˋ shengˋ danˋ jieˊ qianˊ yiˋ tian¯

The day before Christmas, One day before Christmas

在正式場合 zaiˋ zhengˋ shiˋ changˇ heˊ

In official circumstances, During formal occasions, On official occasions

zai, ai, cai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, tai

愛稱 aiˋ cheng¯

Like to call, Like to refer as

愛憎 aiˋ zeng¯

Love and hate

癌症 aiˊ zhengˋ


zai, ai, cai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, tai

才成為廉價的主食 caiˊ chengˊ weiˋ lianˊ jiaˋ de˙ zhuˇ shiˊ

Became a cheap staple food

才能 caiˊ nengˊ

In order, In order to, Ability, Talent, Talents

才能使 caiˊ nengˊ shiˇ

Only then will, In order to cause, So that

才能夠 caiˊ nengˊ gouˋ

Only then could, Only then be able to

才能快樂 caiˊ nengˊ kuaiˋ leˋ

In order to happily, Be happy

才能進 caiˊ nengˊ jinˋ

In order to enter, In order to get into

才能進入 caiˊ nengˊ jinˋ ruˋ

Can get into

才能進行 caiˊ nengˊ jinˋ xingˊ

In order to proceed, In order to carry out, To proceed

財政 caiˊ zhengˋ


zai, ai, cai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, tai

改成 gaiˇ chengˊ

Change into

該升級了 gai¯ sheng¯ jiˊ le˙

It was time for a promotion, It was time to move up the ladder

改正 gaiˇ zhengˋ

Rectify, Amend, Make right, Make correct

zai, ai, cai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, tai

還能說話 haiˊ nengˊ shuo¯ huaˋ

Can still talk, Can still speak

zai, ai, cai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, tai

開誠布公 kai¯ chengˊ buˋ gong¯

To be frank, Honest

zai, ai, cai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, tai

來乘涼 laiˊ chengˊ liangˊ

Come to cool down, Come and enjoy the shade

來證明 laiˊ zhengˋ mingˊ

And then prove, Later prove

zai, ai, cai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, tai

排成 paiˊ chengˊ

Arranged, Lined up

排成一列 paiˊ chengˊ yiˊ lieˋ

Line up

zai, ai, cai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, tai

檯燈 taiˊ deng¯

Lamp, Desk lamp

颱風 taiˊ feng¯


太冷 taiˋ lengˇ

Too cold

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 12, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43

在盛怒中 zaiˋ shengˋ nuˋ zhong¯

In anger, While angry

在聖誕節前 zaiˋ shengˋ danˋ jieˊ qianˊ

Before Christmas

在聖誕節前一天 zaiˋ shengˋ danˋ jieˊ qianˊ yiˋ tian¯

The day before Christmas, One day before Christmas

在正式場合 zaiˋ zhengˋ shiˋ changˇ heˊ

In official circumstances, During formal occasions, On official occasions

44, 11, 12, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43

該升級了 gai¯ sheng¯ jiˊ le˙

It was time for a promotion, It was time to move up the ladder

44, 11, 12, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43

開誠布公 kai¯ chengˊ buˋ gong¯

To be frank, Honest

44, 11, 12, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43

檯燈 taiˊ deng¯

Lamp, Desk lamp

颱風 taiˊ feng¯


44, 11, 12, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43

才成為廉價的主食 caiˊ chengˊ weiˋ lianˊ jiaˋ de˙ zhuˇ shiˊ

Became a cheap staple food

才能 caiˊ nengˊ

In order, In order to, Ability, Talent, Talents

才能使 caiˊ nengˊ shiˇ

Only then will, In order to cause, So that

才能夠 caiˊ nengˊ gouˋ

Only then could, Only then be able to

才能快樂 caiˊ nengˊ kuaiˋ leˋ

In order to happily, Be happy

才能進 caiˊ nengˊ jinˋ

In order to enter, In order to get into

才能進入 caiˊ nengˊ jinˋ ruˋ

Can get into

才能進行 caiˊ nengˊ jinˋ xingˊ

In order to proceed, In order to carry out, To proceed

還能說話 haiˊ nengˊ shuo¯ huaˋ

Can still talk, Can still speak

來乘涼 laiˊ chengˊ liangˊ

Come to cool down, Come and enjoy the shade

排成 paiˊ chengˊ

Arranged, Lined up

排成一列 paiˊ chengˊ yiˊ lieˋ

Line up

44, 11, 12, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43

癌症 aiˊ zhengˋ


財政 caiˊ zhengˋ


來證明 laiˊ zhengˋ mingˊ

And then prove, Later prove

44, 11, 12, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43

改成 gaiˇ chengˊ

Change into

44, 11, 12, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43

改正 gaiˇ zhengˋ

Rectify, Amend, Make right, Make correct

44, 11, 12, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43

愛稱 aiˋ cheng¯

Like to call, Like to refer as

愛憎 aiˋ zeng¯

Love and hate

在風中到處亂飛 zaiˋ feng¯ zhong¯ daoˋ chuˋ luanˋ fei¯

Flapping about in the wind, Flapping about

在風雨摧殘下 zaiˋ feng¯ yuˇ cui¯ canˊ xiaˋ

Worn down by wind and rain, Worn by wind and rain

再生 zaiˋ sheng¯

Just like, Like a reincarnation of

在生 zaiˋ sheng¯

Alive, Living

44, 11, 12, 21, 22, 24, 32, 34, 41, 43

太冷 taiˋ lengˇ

Too cold

再等等 zaiˋ dengˇ dengˇ

Wait, Be put on hold

在等你 zaiˋ dengˇ niˇ

Waiting for you

在等我 zaiˋ dengˇ woˇ

Waiting for me


十-𠂇 : > : > [在]-在盛 : > [在]-在盛怒中 >

丶-弋 : > : > [盛]-盛怒 : > [盛]-在盛怒中 >

𠄌-女 : > : > [怒]-怒中 : > [怒]-在盛怒中 >

丨-中 : > : > [中]-怒中 : > [中]-在盛怒中 >

在盛怒中 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 盛

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