
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 相


While picture is being taken

zaiˋ xiangˋ pianˋ pai¯ sheˋ wanˊ chengˊ zhi¯ qianˊ

相 xiang¯, xiangˋ
Mutual, Together, Accompany, Side By Side, Towards Each Other, Look At, Examine, Similar, Alike, (Xiang4), Picture, Photo, Countenance, Study

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Phone , Tone


在相 zaiˋ xiangˋ

相片 xiangˋ pianˋ

拍攝 pai¯ sheˋ

完成 wanˊ chengˊ

之前 zhi¯ qianˊ

Words that rhyme with 在相片拍攝完成之前 (ai-yang)

Grouped by first phone

zai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, mai, tai

在將領勸說下 zaiˋ jiang¯ lingˇ quanˋ shuo¯ xiaˋ

Persuaded by generals, Under the urging of generals

在強迫 zaiˋ qiangˊ poˋ

Force, Forcing, Forced, Command, Commanding, Commanded

在牆上 zaiˋ qiangˊ shangˋ

On the wall, On a wall

在牆外 zaiˋ qiangˊ waiˋ

Outside the wall, On the outside of the wall

在相同的 zaiˋ xiang¯ tongˊ de˙

On the same, At the same

在相同的軸心上 zaiˋ xiang¯ tongˊ de˙ zhouˊ xin¯ shangˋ

On the same axis

再想想 zaiˋ xiangˇ xiangˇ

On second thought

在相 zaiˋ xiangˋ

Open (e.g. a book)

在相片拍攝完成之前 zaiˋ xiangˋ pianˋ pai¯ sheˋ wanˊ chengˊ zhi¯ qianˊ

While picture is being taken

在陽光下 zaiˋ yangˊ guang¯ xiaˋ

In the sunlight, beneath the sun lit sky

zai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, mai, tai

矮牆 aiˇ qiangˊ

Low wall

zai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, mai, tai

百香果 baiˇ xiang¯ guoˇ

Passion Fruit

百香果汁 baiˇ xiang¯ guoˇ zhi¯

Passion Fruit Juice

白羊 baiˊ yangˊ


白羊座 baiˊ yangˊ zuoˋ


zai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, mai, tai

才兩個月大 caiˊ liangˇ ge˙ yueˋ daˋ

Just two months old

猜想 cai¯ xiangˇ

Guess, Surmise, Supposed, Speculate

猜想他永遠也不會 cai¯ xiangˇ ta¯ yongˇ yuanˇ yeˇ buˊ huiˋ

Surmised he never would

猜想會發生什麼 cai¯ xiangˇ huiˋ fa¯ sheng¯ shenˊ me˙

Speculate on what was about to happen, Guessing what was going to occur

才想得出來 caiˊ xiangˇ deˊ chu¯ laiˊ

Ever think of, Ever think up

zai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, mai, tai

戴氧氣面罩 daiˋ yangˇ qiˋ mianˋ zhaoˋ

Wearing oxygen masks

zai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, mai, tai

改良 gaiˇ liangˊ

To improve

zai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, mai, tai

海量 haiˇ liangˋ


還想學 haiˊ xiangˇ xueˊ

Still want to study

海洋 haiˇ yangˊ


zai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, mai, tai

開講 kai¯ jiangˇ

Lecture, Give a lecture, Speak

開槍 kai¯ qiang¯

Shoot, Open fire

開槍打死 kai¯ qiang¯ daˇ siˇ

Shot and killed, Open fire and kill

zai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, mai, tai

麥香 maiˋ xiang¯

Breaded and fried

zai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, mai, tai

太強 taiˋ qiangˊ

Too strong

太相信 taiˋ xiang¯ xinˋ

Completely certain, Convinced

太陽 taiˋ yangˊ


太陽下山 taiˋ yangˊ xiaˋ shan¯

Sunset, Sun goes down

太陽下山後 taiˋ yangˊ xiaˋ shan¯ houˋ

After the sunset, After the sun goes down

太陽的角度 taiˋ yangˊ de˙ jiaoˇ duˋ

The sun's angle, The angle of the sun

太陽眼鏡 taiˋ yangˊ yanˇ jingˋ

Sun glasses

太陽神 taiˋ yangˊ shenˊ

Sun God

太陽穴 taiˋ yangˊ xueˋ

Temple, Temples, Side of the forehead

太陽能 taiˋ yangˊ nengˊ

Solar energy

太陽能板 taiˋ yangˊ nengˊ banˇ

Solar panels

太陽西沈 taiˋ yangˊ xi¯ chenˊ

Sun set

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 13, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43

在相 zaiˋ xiangˋ

Open (e.g. a book)

在相片拍攝完成之前 zaiˋ xiangˋ pianˋ pai¯ sheˋ wanˊ chengˊ zhi¯ qianˊ

While picture is being taken

44, 11, 13, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43

開槍 kai¯ qiang¯

Shoot, Open fire

開槍打死 kai¯ qiang¯ daˇ siˇ

Shot and killed, Open fire and kill

44, 11, 13, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43

猜想 cai¯ xiangˇ

Guess, Surmise, Supposed, Speculate

猜想他永遠也不會 cai¯ xiangˇ ta¯ yongˇ yuanˇ yeˇ buˊ huiˋ

Surmised he never would

猜想會發生什麼 cai¯ xiangˇ huiˋ fa¯ sheng¯ shenˊ me˙

Speculate on what was about to happen, Guessing what was going to occur

開講 kai¯ jiangˇ

Lecture, Give a lecture, Speak

44, 11, 13, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43

白羊 baiˊ yangˊ


白羊座 baiˊ yangˊ zuoˋ


44, 11, 13, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43

才兩個月大 caiˊ liangˇ ge˙ yueˋ daˋ

Just two months old

才想得出來 caiˊ xiangˇ deˊ chu¯ laiˊ

Ever think of, Ever think up

還想學 haiˊ xiangˇ xueˊ

Still want to study

44, 11, 13, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43

百香果 baiˇ xiang¯ guoˇ

Passion Fruit

百香果汁 baiˇ xiang¯ guoˇ zhi¯

Passion Fruit Juice

44, 11, 13, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43

矮牆 aiˇ qiangˊ

Low wall

改良 gaiˇ liangˊ

To improve

海洋 haiˇ yangˊ


44, 11, 13, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43

海量 haiˇ liangˋ


44, 11, 13, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43

麥香 maiˋ xiang¯

Breaded and fried

太相信 taiˋ xiang¯ xinˋ

Completely certain, Convinced

在將領勸說下 zaiˋ jiang¯ lingˇ quanˋ shuo¯ xiaˋ

Persuaded by generals, Under the urging of generals

在相同的 zaiˋ xiang¯ tongˊ de˙

On the same, At the same

在相同的軸心上 zaiˋ xiang¯ tongˊ de˙ zhouˊ xin¯ shangˋ

On the same axis

44, 11, 13, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43

太強 taiˋ qiangˊ

Too strong

太陽 taiˋ yangˊ


太陽下山 taiˋ yangˊ xiaˋ shan¯

Sunset, Sun goes down

太陽下山後 taiˋ yangˊ xiaˋ shan¯ houˋ

After the sunset, After the sun goes down

太陽的角度 taiˋ yangˊ de˙ jiaoˇ duˋ

The sun's angle, The angle of the sun

太陽眼鏡 taiˋ yangˊ yanˇ jingˋ

Sun glasses

太陽神 taiˋ yangˊ shenˊ

Sun God

太陽穴 taiˋ yangˊ xueˋ

Temple, Temples, Side of the forehead

太陽能 taiˋ yangˊ nengˊ

Solar energy

太陽能板 taiˋ yangˊ nengˊ banˇ

Solar panels

太陽西沈 taiˋ yangˊ xi¯ chenˊ

Sun set

在強迫 zaiˋ qiangˊ poˋ

Force, Forcing, Forced, Command, Commanding, Commanded

在牆上 zaiˋ qiangˊ shangˋ

On the wall, On a wall

在牆外 zaiˋ qiangˊ waiˋ

Outside the wall, On the outside of the wall

在陽光下 zaiˋ yangˊ guang¯ xiaˋ

In the sunlight, beneath the sun lit sky

44, 11, 13, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43

戴氧氣面罩 daiˋ yangˇ qiˋ mianˋ zhaoˋ

Wearing oxygen masks

再想想 zaiˋ xiangˇ xiangˇ

On second thought

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