Index for words including 在


Now, Located, In, At, On, By, Alive, Present, Presently

Word Links for words containing 在 (sorted via character pairs)

在 zaiˋ
Now, Located, In, At, On, By, Alive, Present, Presently

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


是嬰兒在哭的聲音 It is the sound of a baby crying, It was the sound of a baby crying


在別無選擇下 Having no other choice


在另外一邊的 On the other side


在吃 Eating grass, While eating grass

當你在吃早餐時 While you are eating breakfast


在吊大衣的鉤子上 Hang on a coat hook, Hangs on a coat hook, Hanging on a coat hook, Hanging on the coat hook, Hung on a coat hook


獨自坐在吧檯旁 Sitting alone at the bar


他仍在吸大拇指 He still sucked his thumb


管樂團在吹 A brass band was playing


在哪 Is where? Where is...

原因在哪 What is the reason, What is the cause

不管他在哪 No matter where he was

在哪看到 Where was that? where did you see…?

在哪裡發生 Where did it happen?, Where did it occur?, Where it happened

那會在哪裡呢 So where?, So where then?


在唸植物學 While studying botany, In the study of botany


在嗎 Where are you?

在嗎 Are you there


不斷被人掛在嘴 Always hanging on peoples lips, Constantly repeated, Said constantly


在咫 Close as possible, Closer than ever


兩手撐在臀 Hands on hips


在屋簷下 Beneath the eaves, Under the eaves

在屋頂邊緣蹲下來 He crouched down at the edge of the roof


在屠宰前 Before slaughter, Before slaughtering


在路 On the street, On the streets


在四月初或四月底摘 Picked in early or late April


一直在困擾情我 Has always puzzle me, Constantly perplexes me


在日常生活中 In every day life, In daily life

在日正當中時 Right at noon, As the sun reached its height

終於在日正當中時 Finally at the peak of noon


在暑 During summer vacation


在最高點 At the highest point, At the peak

在最高的樹枝上 On the highest branch, On the topmost bough

在最高的樹枝上築起巢 Build a nest on the highest branch, Built a nest on the topmost bough


在暗示切身知道的一些事 Allude to things known to oneself, Alluding to things known to oneself


在曙光中 In the light of dawn


在門 Hanging behind the door, Behind the door

在門 Hid behind the door, Hiding behind the door

將耳朵貼帶在門 Placed an ear against the door


在開玩笑 Was joking, Was in a jocular mood, Was in a jocose mood

不像在開玩笑 Did not appear to be joking, Did not appear to be in a jocular mood, Did not appear to be in a jocose mood

在開什麼玩笑 You gotta be kidding me?, You're joking right?

多半在開始出現細紋的眼睛四周 Mostly around the eyes where wrinkles were starting to appear


在間 In the space

在間隔開儲存槽的外壁內 In the walls separating the storage tanks


我一直在思 I have been thinking, I've been pondering


在黑夜裡 In the dark

在黑暗中 In the dark

在黑暗的房間裡 In the dark room

在黑蛛網上的蒼蠅 Fly stuck in a spider's web

在黑暗夜空中 In the dark night sky

在黑暗的夜空中 In the dark night sky


在買 Is buying, Am buying, Are buying


在目 Watches, Witnesses

在目前的情況下 Under the circumstances

在目前的情況下 But under the circumstances


在眼 Out in plain sight, Easily visible, Easy to see


在同一時間 At the same time


在內 Within

包含我在內 Including me, Include me


在雕像上 On the statue, On the statues


在月光下 Beneath the moonlight, In the moonlight


在肚子上頭 Lie on the belly, Lie belly down


在胸 In front of the chest


畫面在腦 Mental picture


在腳 Over the foot, On the foot

維持重心在腳 Keep center of gravity over the foot, Keeping center of gravity over the foot


在腿 Hold or held on their lap


兩手搭在膝蓋上 Hands on knees


風將她的暗色頭髮吹打在臉 The wind blew her dark hair across her face


在風雨摧殘下 Worn down by wind and rain, Worn by wind and rain

在風中到處亂飛 Flapping about in the wind, Flapping about


在助手的協助下 With the help of the assistant


在附 Sit nearby

在附近聊天 Sit nearby and chat

在附近隨機循環移動 Circulated stochastically through the neighborhood


在陽光下 In the sunlight, beneath the sun lit sky


在階 For now, At this stage


在軍 In the army


在山 In the mountains

在山坡下 Lying on the hillside


在比路面高的地方 At a place high above street level, High above street level


在牆 On the wall, On a wall

在牆 Outside the wall, On the outside of the wall

在牆 Hanging on the wall

一手在牆壁上摸索 Felt along the wall with one hand


那還是在狀況好的時候 And that was if conditions were right, And that was on a good day


在裝槍之前 Before installing the gun, Before fitting the gun


在將領勸說下 Persuaded by generals, Under the urging of generals


在女人身旁醒來 Woke up next to a woman


在她 In her

在她臉上 On her face

狠狠地打在她臉上 Hit her face hard, Hits her face hard, Hitting her hard in the face

在她後面 Follow her

在她的世界裡 In her world

掉落在她腳邊 Fell next to her foot, Fell at her feet

之後坐在她身邊 Afterwards, sat beside her

在她因背傷無法工作時 When she couldn't work because of a back injury, While she couldn't work due to back injuries

在她罩裙蕾絲領子之中 In the lace collar of her smock

在她看過並經歷過那些事情後 After what she'd seen and been through


在妳面前 In front of you


在台灣新竹縣以北 North of Hsinchu county in Taiwan


在幾天內 Within a few days

在幾分鐘前 A few minutes ago

在幾個小時內 Within a few hours

在幾十公尺下 Dozens of meters below, Several dozen meters below

在幾百公尺外 A few hundred meters away

停泊在幾百公尺外 Moored a few hundred meters away


在組合後 After compiling, After it was compiled

在組員離開後 After the crew had left


在網路上 On the internet


在線 Online

在線上等待 Put on hold


在那 Stuck in place, Froze up, Didn't move

在那一刻 At that moment

在那之後 After that

在那底下 Below, Underneath

在那個當下 At that moment

在那個狀況下 Under the circumstances

在那兒睡覺時 While sleeping there

在那間屋子裡 In that room

在那兒示眾 Locked up there for public display,

在那邊的抽屜裡 In that drawer

在那兒站了一會兒 He stood there for a while

在那麼多下船的人裡面 In the crowd of people getting of the boat

在那之後他持續和我聯繫 After that he kept in contact with me

在那 In there

在那 There, Over there

在那 Still here, Still there

在那 Still there

在那 Was there, Was already there

在那 Locked up there

他想要永遠待在那 He wanted to stay there forever

他的拳頭已經等在那 His fist was already there

她的拳頭已經等在那 Her fist was waiting right there

在那個時代 In those days, At the time

在那十六小時裡 In those sixteen hours


在召 Is communicating (with), Is summoning


在強 Force, Forcing, Forced, Command, Commanding, Commanded


在水 In the water

溶解在水 Dissolved in water

在水平面 At the waterline, At the level of the water

在水面上 On the water, On the surface of the water

在水溝裡尿溼自己 Pissing oneself in a gutter, Pissing yourself in a gutter


在發射前 Just before launch time

在發射後 After launching

在發射時 At launch time, During the launch


在了那裡 Still in there

在了城市中 Collapsed inside the city


已經在飛機上了 Already on the plane, Already in the air, On the plane now, In the air now

大人多數留在飛船上 Most of the grown ups stayed on the airship, Most of the adults remained on the spaceship


一直擺在原 Remained in place


人們在戶外活動 People doing things outdoors


在房間角落 Sat in the corner of the room


在學校裡 At school, In school

在學校還好嗎 How was school?, Was school okay?


在與我們的關係中 In our relationship


在長凳上 Sit on a bench, Sits on a bench, Sitting on a bench, Sat on a bench


在鬆軟的泥土上 On the soft earth, In the soft earth


在馬路旁 At the side of the road, By the roadside

在馬桶上 Sitting on the toilet

赤裸著身子坐在馬桶上 Sitting naked on the toilet


被貼在驗屍報告裡 Stuck inside an autopsy report


在片刻間 In that moment, In that moment


在皮膚上 Stick to skin, Sticks to skin, Sticking to skin, Stuck to skin, Stuck to my skin


在危機時 During a crisis


在急救時 For the purpose of first aid, While administering first aid


在外 On the outside

整夜在外 Out all night

在外 On the Bund, Along the Bund

在外 Outside, Outdoors

在外 Sit outside, Sitting outside

在外 Keep out

時常在外 Often outside, Frequently outdoors

很多民眾坐在外 Many people sit outside

平常很多民眾坐在外 Usually there are lots of people sitting outside

在外灘一串老樓之中 Among a bunch of old buildings on the Bund, In one of the old buildings along the Bund


在各方面都 In all sorts of ways

在各方面都很有用 Useful in all sorts of ways


被繫在牠的供給 Tied to its feed


如果反應必須在特殊條件下才能進行 If the reaction requires certain conditions in order to proceed


在生 Alive, Living


你是在告訴我 You are telling me, Are you telling me


在無線電上 On the radio

在無線電上講話 Talk on the radio, Speak on the radio


在舞台外 Outside the stage


在雙腳之間 Over both feet

在雙水槽正上方 Located above the double sink

平均分佈在雙 Even on both feet, Evenly distributed between both feet

在雙腳的中間點上 Above a point midway between both feet, Over a point midway between both feet

將重心落在雙腳中間 Centering your weight between your feet


在他 In him, In his

在他 In them, In their

在他面前 In front of him

在他們眼中 In their eyes

在他旁邊 Walking by his side, walked by his side, Walk beside him, Walks beside him, Walked beside him

在他上面 Knelt over him

在他前面的人 The person in front of him

在他的世界裡 In his world

在他耳邊迴盪 Echoing in his ears, Echoed in his ears

在他空暇時間 In his spare time

在他們的文化裡 In their culture

在他捧起的手中 In his cupped hand, In his cupped hands

在他的護照裡 Placed inside his passport

在他憂傷的行步裡 In his sad walk, In his melancholy walk

在他身邊長椅上 Sitting on the bench beside him

狠狠地打在他臉上 Hit his face hard, Hits his face hard, Hitting him hard in the face

在他眉頭的皮膚 Glued to the skin of his brow

在他木髓製的遮陽帽下 Under his pith helmet, Beneath his pith helmet

在他語無倫次的祈禱中 In their unspoken prayers

在他身旁的床上坐下來 Sat down on the bed beside him, Sat on the bed beside him

在他們眼中墮落的是我們 In their eyes it is us who are degenerates

在他的世界裡根本沒這回事 No such thing in his world, Did not belong in his world

在他腦中 In his mind

在他的電腦裡 Stored on his computer, Stored on his computers, In his computer

在他們後面 Behind them

在他後面 Follow him

在他們後面 Follow them

在他床墊下 Under his mattress

藏了什麼在他床墊下 Hid something under his mattress

在他的桌上 On his desk

在他的桌上 Sitting on his desk, Piled on his desk

仍集中在他身上 Still focused on him

她的注意力集中在他身上 Her awareness was focused on him

在他嘴上的那一點 The spot over his mouth

在他前面的人有一個 One of the people in front of him


就無法定居在任何地 Unable to settle down anywhere


在位 Position, Positioned


在低光源條件下 In low light conditions


在佛前求了 Prayed to the Buddha

在佛前求了 Prayed to the Buddha


在你身後 Behind you

有一天意外降臨在你身上 If unforeseen circumstances befall you

在你造訪期間 During your visit, During your stay

停滯在你的舌尖上 Stuck on the tip of the tongue

在你鼻子前方幾吋 A few inches in front of your nose

在你和銀行解決問題的過程裡 While you and the bank resolve any difficulties

在你鼻子前方幾吋的一點 A point a few inches in front of your nose

你的小孩在你造訪期間當然可以跟你在一起 Off course your children can stay with you during your visit


別人在做 Someone else is doing it

已經在做 Already doing it, Is already doing it, Am already doing it, Are already doing it, Was already doing it, Were already doing it

此刻在做什麼 Was up to right now

想像他此刻在做什麼 Wondered what he was doing right now, Wondering what he was doing right now

想像她此刻在做什麼 Wondering what she was doing right now

想像他們此刻在做什麼 Wondering what they were doing right now

在做他們當時做的事 Am doing the same thing they did, Am now doing what they did (back) then

那就是他們在做的事 That was what they were doing

他毫不懷疑那就是他們在做的事 He has no doubt that that was what they were doing

意識到自己在做這件事 Realized what they were doing

是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not they realized what they were doing

她是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not she realized what she was doing


在傍晚洗澡 Bathe in the early evening


在動 Move, Moving, Moved

不斷在動 Keep moving

要讓下標的不斷在動 Keep those bids moving, Moving those bids

完全照著她的動作在動 Match her movements completely, Move exactly as she moved


在我看來 In my opinion

在我窗前 At my window, In front of my window

在我位置的人 A man in my position

在我黑板上 Drew on my blackboard

在我正式報告裡 In my official report

在我還很年輕的時候 When I was still young, When I was young

在我喝下第一杯咖啡以前 Before my first cup of coffee, Before I've had my first cup of coffee

在我看來是很合理的回應 In my opinion it was a very reasonable response, It was a very reasonable response in my opinion

至少在我看來是那樣沒錯 At least that's what it looks like to me

在我身旁 Beside me

在我身邊 At my side, Right beside me

在我身旁 Gather around me

在我身旁 Stand beside me, stood beside me

喜歡圍在我身旁 Like to gather around me

在我們之間 Among us, With us

在我擺脫她之前 Before I got rid of her

在我的掌控之中 Under my control


在看 Watching

在看 She was watching

都好像在看 All seemed to be looking at him


好像在和你打招呼 Seems as if to be greeting you


在毯子下 Under a blanket, Covered by a blanket, Hiding under a blanket


在乎 Depend on, Whether, Care, Mind

不大在乎 Don't care much at all

不會在乎 Don't care, Wouldn't care, Don't have minded, Wouldn't have minded

他不會在乎 He doesn't care, He wouldn't care, He wouldn't have minded

她不會在乎 She doesn't care, She wouldn't care, She wouldn't have minded


在行過時 In passing


在街 On the street

背躺在街 Lie back on the street

在街上小馳步奔來 Coming down the street at a moderate gallop


在衝撞表面時固化 Solidified as it impacted the surface, Solidifying as it crashed against the surface


在很多情況 In many situations

在很短時間內 In a short period of time

任何東西在很短時間內都可長成 Anything could be grown in a short period of time


在後 Sat in the back seat

在後 Sitting in the back, Sat in the back

一路坐在後 Sat all the way in the back

他只是安靜地坐在後 He just sat quietly in the back seat, He just sat quiet in the back

拖曳在後 Trailing, Dragging

在後面的送貨區停車 Parked in the loading area at the back


在微風中 In a breeze

在微弱的火光照映中 In the dim firelight, In the faint light of the fire


在第一聲鐘響 On the first stroke, On the first ring


我立刻在筆記本上寫上 I immediately wrote in my notebook


在等 Waiting for you

在等 Waiting for me

在等 I am waiting for you

你的語氣聽起來像在等 From your tone, it sounds as if you were waiting for me, You sound like you were waiting for me

妳的語氣聽起來像在等 From your tone, it sounds as if you were waiting for me, You sound like you were waiting for me

已經在等 Was waiting, Were waiting, Already waiting

三個人已經在等 Three people were waiting


在夜色中 In the darkness, Into the darkness, In the night, Into the night


不會在市中心 Wouldn't be in the city center, Wouldn't be downtown


在離開前 Before leaving

在離家不遠的地點 At a location close to home

你會被關在離家不遠的地點 You will be held at a location close to home


在交流道下方 Below the interchange


在高速公路上 On the highway, On the motorway

在高度戒備狀態 In a high state of alertness


在於 Is in, Lie in, Lies in, Lay in, Consist of, Consists of


在新的制度下 Under the new system

在新竹縣到雲林縣之間 Between Hsinchu county and Yunlin county


在意 Mind, Take to heart, Care about, Take notice of

沒人在意 Nobody cares, Nobody minds


隨時在旁支援 Support at any time, Support at all times

即使沒人在旁邊觀看 Even if there was no one there to see


在計算其 Calculate that


開始在記憶中模糊 Beginning to fade from memory


在許多情況下 In many cases


語氣像是在說 The tone seemed to say

好像在說著過往的故事 Seemingly speaking about old experiences


一直在講 Been talking

你知道我在講什麼嗎 Are you getting all of this?, Do you understand what I am saying?


在寒冷的氣候裡 In a cold climate


在定義上有很大的不同 Have vastly different definitions, Are defined with vast differences


在家 Is at home, Are at home, Was at home

一人在家 Alone at home

在家工作 Work from home

在家自學 Home-schooled

在家的時候 When he was home

在家自學到十四歲 Home-schooled up until the age of fourteen

在家門口 At the door, At the door of the house, At the front door, On the porch

一起坐在家門口 Sit together in front of the house

我們可以一起坐在家門口 We can sit together in front of the house


說出課文在寫些什麼 Describe what the text is about


緊繃在寬闊的顴骨 Stretched tight over broad cheekbones


在空 In (to) the sky

在空 Suspended in mid-air, Hanging in the air

在空中飛舞 Dancing in mid air

在空格中填入 Fill in the blanks

兩腿在空中擺盪 Legs dangling in the air, Legs swinging in open air

在空格中填入適當的數 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate number


在突破時 While breaking through


在盛怒中 In anger, While angry


在床 In bed, On the bed

在床 Sit on the bed, Sits on the bed, Sitting on the bed, Sat on the bed, Sit up in bed, Sitting up in bed

在床 Lie on a bed, Lies on a bed, Lie in bed, Lies in bed, Lying in bed

在床墊上 Laid down upon the mattress

在床上很放得開 He was very free in bed, He was uninhibited sexually

她已經在床上睡覺了 She is already in bed, She was already in bed


在座 Be present, In attendance


在廚房水槽前停下腳步 Stopped in front of the kitchen sink


他搶在自 He steeled himself

在自己的聲音中 In their own voice, In his own voice, In her own voice

在自家工作室做的 Made in their home workshop

他搶在自己退縮之前 He steeled himself before he could runaway


在身 Trailing behind

把那些劍帶在身 Carry those swords


在躺下前 Before lying down


在凄涼的奴役中 In bleak servitude


在沙發上 Sit on the couch, Sits on the couch, Sitting on the sofa, Sat on the sofa


在泡 While brewing tea


在波浪中跑進跑出 Ran in and out of the waves


有人在注意我們 We are being watched


在洛杉磯的車陣中 In Los Angeles traffic

她待在洛杉磯哪裡 Where is she staying in Los Angeles?


在洞穴裡 In caves, In the cave, In a cave

在洞穴裡 Slept in a cave, Slept in the cave, Slept in caves


在浴缸裡 In a bathtub, In the bathtub

在浴室外 Dropped outside the bathroom

把自己鎖在浴 Locked themselves in the bathroom


在海岸上 On the shore

擱淺在海岸上 Stranded on the shore

在海床上 On the seafloor, On the seabed

一直在海 Always under the sea, Been on the bottom of the ocean


在液晶螢幕上顯示 Will then be displayed in the LCD monitor

拍攝的影像將在液晶螢幕上顯示 Captured image will then be displayed on the LCD monitor


在深溝邊緣的矮牆上 At the low wall at the edge of the pit, On the low wall at the pit's edge


在溪 By the side of a stream, At the side of a stream


在激烈的衝動之下 Under a violent impulse, On a violent impulse


像是在瀏覽菜單 As if browsing a menu


在灌木叢裡 In the bushes, In the underbrush

在灌木叢後 Hide behind the bushes, Hiding behind the bushes


在返回營區時 While returning to the site


在追蹤你 To track you, Tracking you

在追蹤妳 Was tracking you, To track you


在這 Here

在這 Here, It's here

在這 I am here

可是在這 But here

問題在這 Here's the problem, Here's the thing

你作麼會在這 How did you get here?

他搭的那輛巴士剛好停在這 The bus he was on just happened to have stopped here

在這之下 Below this

在這之前 Before this

在這一刻之前 Until now, Until this moment, Up until this moment

在這個國家之外 Keep out of the country, Keep out of this country

在這事上 In this matter, In this case

在這件事上 On this matter, With respect to this matter

在這種事上 In such matters, In this sort of thing

在這裡面 Here, In here

在這棵樹上 Up in this tree, Upon this tree

在這個狀況下 In this condition, In this situation, In this state

在這裡討論案子 Discuss the case here, Discusses the case here, Discussing the case here, Discussed the case here

在這裡跟你見面 (to) meet you here

在這裡有段過去 He has a history here

在這些神經上傳達 Transmit along these nerves

在這裡的原因是 The reason that I'm here is

在這項計畫上也做了些工作 Did some work on this project

在這個時代 These days, Nowadays, At this time, Now

在這新時代 In this modern era, In these new times


在通道走上走下 Roam up and down the aisle, Roam up and down the aisles


一直在進 Always progressing, Always improving

在進行分類中 In the process of being sorted or classified


在過去三個月 Over the last three months, For the last three months

在過去幾十年內 Within the past few decades

在過去幾十年內發展出來 Been developed within the last few decades


在道路和河流之間 Between the road and the river


在情況變得棘手以前 Before things got rough


在憤怒下 Angrily, While angry


在心裡反覆回顧 Replaying it over and over again in her mind

事後她在心裡反覆回顧 Replaying it over and over again in her mind afterwards

在心理上讓他留下了不少疤痕 Scarred him mentally, Scarred him emotionally


在禮的規範下 Under the rules of etiquette


舒服地躲在被窩裡 Snuggled up under a quilt, Snuggled up under the covers, Snuggled up


在裡 Inside, Is inside

在裡 Go stuck in there, Got stuck inside

在裡 Trap inside, Trap, Trapped


在人長大之後 As people get older

在人潮洶湧的街上 On a crowded street

在人海茫茫的洛杉磯 In the vast crowds of Los Angeles, In the crowds of Los Angeles

在人潮洶湧的街上玩 Playing in a crowded street, Having fun in a crowded street

在人行道上叩叩作響 Knocked on the pavement, Clacked on the sidewalk


在全球注目下 And while the whole planet watched

在全自動模式下 In full auto mode


在念研究院期間 While studying at graduate school


在金融黑話裡 In financial jargon, In financial speak, In financial cant


在鍊子上 On a chain, On the chain

在鍊子上 Connected to a chain, On a chain, On the chain


在鏡子前 In front of the mirror

一個反射在鏡子裡的人形 A figure reflected in a mirror, A reflected figure in a mirror, A reflected image in a mirror


被綁在鐵軌上 Tied to the rails of a railroad track, Tied to the tracks


在公園內 Within the park, In the park


在分 Sharing

在分享他的風景 Sharing his view of the scenery, Sharing his view


智力的發展在小小孩可視為天真 The level of intelligence in a small child could be seen as innocence


在火 On Mars

在火堆裡 In the fire

可直接在火焰上加熱 Can be heated directly over a flame


在煩 Hassle me, Vex me, Trouble me, Bother me, Annoy me, Hassling me, Vexing me, Troubling me, Bothering me, Annoying me


在爆炸中受了極嚴重的傷 Were seriously injured in the explosion, Was badly hurt in the explosion


在類似牙醫器材的靈巧機械臂上 On a dexterous robotic arm that was similar to a dentist's tool

在類似牙醫器材的靈巧機械臂上的機器 A device that was on a nimble robotic arm similar to a dentist's tool


在對焦時 While focusing

在對焦時或對焦後 While focusing or after focusing

有人在對他背誦英詩 Someone was reciting poetry to him


在前 On the previous page

在前 Walk in front, Lead the way

在前方等著他 Ahead of him, Awaiting him

在前腳掌上方 Over the forefoot, Over the forefeet, Above the forefoot, Above the forefeet

在前後輪的中間 Midway between the front and back wheels

我們在前一節學過 We learned in the previous section

在前往洛杉磯的路上 On the way to Los Angeles


在塑膠裡木乃伊化 Mummified in plastic


在美國生活了五年 I lived in America for 5 years.


在半 Hanging in midair, Hanging around

在半空中 In mid air

在半空中翻了個筋斗 Somersaulted in mid air, Flipped in mid air

在半私人小隔間組成的巨大矩陣中 In a vast matrix of semiprivate cubicles


在掌 Held in his palm, Held in her palm, Held in their palm, Hold it in your palm


在當天晚上 In the evening, That same evening


在觀察他 Watching him

顯示在觀景器中 Appear on display screen, Are shown on display screen


在花園裡 In the garden

在花傘下躲雨 Take cover under the foliage to avoid the rain, Use flowers like an umbrella to escape the rain

在花園裡做事 Work in the garden, Worked in the garden, Was working in the garden, Labored in the garden


在落地以前 Before landing, Before falling


他沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 He couldn't do it while panicking

她沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 She couldn't do it while panicking


在黃昏的光線裡 In twilight, In the dim light of twilight


在某方面 In a way, In some ways

在某些方面 In some respects, In some ways, From a certain point of view

在某件調查裡 During a certain investigation

在某處吃早餐 Was eating breakfast somewhere

停留在某個地方 Stay somewhere, Pick a place to stay

在某個地方定下來 Settle down somewhere

在某個四人座裡 Sitting in a booth, Sitting in a four person booth

在某些方面長大了許多 In some respects you are a lot older now

在某方面來說也確是如此 In a way it is true, In a way it is, In a way it was

在某個舒適的小咖啡館外頭喝酒 Drinking outside some comfortable little cafe


在其他場合 In other surroundings, In other settings, In other contexts

在其家族支持下 With their families support

在其他科學資訊的背景下 Context of other scientific information


在基因上 Genetically

在基因上相同 Genetically the same, Not genetically different


在一 Nearby, next to

在一 On one end

在一 Together

在一 Sit together

在一 Grouped together, Line up, Align

在一 Crash together, Crashed together

在一 Connected together, Linked together

安排在一 Arrange them together, Arranges them together, Arranging them together, Arranged them together, Arranged together

疊合在一 Superimposed, Stacked over together

緊抓在一 Clutching in one hand

可以跟你在一 Can be with you, Can stay with you

當他跟她在一 When he was with her

你的小孩在你造訪期間當然可以跟你在一 Off course your children can stay with you during your visit

在一塊兒 Gather together

在一個池塘中央 In the center of a pond, In the middle of a pond

在一千五百年前 1500 years ago

在一場沙塵暴中 During a sandstorm

在一邊顴骨高處 High on one cheekbone

在一切亂了套之前 Before everything went crazy

在一旁觀看很難受 Difficult to watch, Uncomfortable to watch

生活在一個生態系統裡 Living within an ecosystem


在三年內 In three years


將荷葉摘下來高舉在頭 Holding plucked lotus leaves high up over their head(s)


在下 At the bottom

在下 At the bottom

在下 Beneath, Below

在下面放 Put under, Put beneath, Place under

在下列各題 For each question below

在下面出現 Appear beneath, Appearing beneath, Appeared beneath

在下列空格中 Using the blanks below, Using the following blanks

深埋在下意識裡 Buried deep in the layer of the subconscious


在不 Is she there?

在不久的未來 In the near future, In the not-too-distant future

在不同飛航之間 Between flights, Between trips, Between voyages

花錢在不需要的東西上 Spending money on things that weren't needed

他覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need, He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need

她覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 She thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, She thought it was pointless spending money on things she didn't need, She didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need


高高掛在天空上 Hanging high up in the sky


在丙試管中 In the third test tube, In test tube 丙


海灘在兩英里外 The beach is two miles away, The beach was two miles away


在二十四小時內 Within 24 hours


在工 Is working, Was working, Were working

一直在工 Work continuously, Worked continuously


在正式場合 In official circumstances, During formal occasions, On official occasions


在弄 Working on

在弄什麼 Work at something, Working at something


在現 Were present

只有四個人在現 Only four people were present

在現代用法上 In modern usage, In the modern usage

在現代用法上意思就是 In the modern usage meant that


在雨 In the rain


在雪堆中的 Buried in a pile of snow


在雷達上有獨特的信號調 Has a unique radar signature


在電視機上 On Television

在電話線上 Was on the line

在電話旁 Sitting next to the phone

在電話簿裡查得到 Look it up in the phone book, Find it in the phone book

可不是隨便在電話簿裡查得到的正式組織 Was not a a formal organization that could be found in a phone book


在霧 In the fog, Through the fog


在露天的地方 In the open air


在西 On the west side


在聚會中 In a meeting


在聖誕節前 Before Christmas

在聖誕節前一天 The day before Christmas, One day before Christmas


在職 Working


在聽 Listening

在聽 Wasn't listening

在聽證會裡 In the meeting


在夏綠蒂公主的信號下 At Princess Charlotte's signal, At the signal of Princess Charlotte, At a signal given by Princess Charlotte


在頁面上 On the page

在頁面上凝聚成形 Coalesced on the page


在死 Before dying


在石圈旁 Next to the circle of stones

在石圈旁 Squatted next to the circle of stones


在碼 On the dock, At the dock, At the docks

在碼頭旁 By the pier, Beside the pier

在碼頭旁站了 Stood beside the pier, Stood by the pier


在中 In the middle

在中 In China

在中 In the central

在中 In the middle

在中國北方 Northern China

在中間停下來 Stop in the middle

在中南部住了一段時間 Lived in the mid-South for awhile

在中央的巨大噴水池裡 In the central great fountain


在史坦福商業學院進修期間 While studying at Stanford Business School


在桌子下 Underneath the table, Below the table


在上 On the top

在上 In a high position, In high positions

在上 In Shanghai

在上 On top

保持在上 Stayed aloft, Kept station overhead

我剛剛在上 I was just online

在上床前 Before going to bed

在上車前 Before boarding, Before getting on

在上週二 On last Tuesday, Last Tuesday

在上海開會期間 During the time of the conference in Shanghai


在顱槍的範圍之外 Outside the range of the skull canon


在此 Here

在此刻當場 On the spot

在此 Now, At this point

在此時此刻 Real quick, Really quickly, Really soon, Now


在背 Strapped on their back, Strapped to their back


懸浮在南中國海上 Hovering over the South China Sea, Hovered over the South China Sea


在支撐的那隻腳上 On the supporting foot, Over the supporting foot


在教室裡 In the classroom

在教這個女孩識字 Teaching this girl to read


在老地方 At the usual place

在老師身邊 Gathered around the teacher


在乾化的皮膚堆裡篩選 Sift through the pile of dried skin


在幹 What are you doing?

你很清楚自己在幹什麼 You know what you are doing

看起來你很清楚自己在幹什麼 It looks like you know what you are doing


在土 Walking on earth


在執行之前 Before carrying out, Before doing it

在執行判刑之前 Before a sentence is carried out


在走廊上奔跑 Run in the hallway


在地 On the floor

在地 In the earth, In the ground

在地 Fell to the ground, Fell

在地 Fell to the ground, Fell

在地 Fall to the floor, Falls to the floor, Fell to the floor, Drop to the floor, Drops to the floor, Dropped to the floor, Land, Lands, Landed

在地 Crawl on the floor

在地 Crouch, Crouches, Crouching, Crouched, Squat, Squats, Squatting, Squatted

重重摔在地 Fell hard

在地板上 On the floor

躺臥在地板上 Lying on the floor

僅是籠罩在地平線上 Encompassed the horizon


消失在城市裡 Disappear into the city, Disappeared into the city

一下船就消失在城市裡 Disembarking and then disappearing into the city, Got off the boat and then disappeared into the city, Stepping off the boat and disappearing into the city


在場 Be on the scene, On the spot, At the location, Be present


形成一個在未來將會影響他政治見解的看法 Form an idea or opinion that would in the future shape his political views


在春季交易會期間 During the Spring Trade Fair


在書的首頁圖中 In the picture on the first page of the book


在畫一幅很大很大的畫 Painting a big, big picture


覆蓋在架子上綁牢 Placed over the top of of the frame and fastened securely in place


在大樹下 Beneath a large tree

在大洋中 In the ocean

在大街上 On the street

在大公司裡 In a big company

在大限來時 At time of death, When the time came to die

在大竹子內 Hidden within the large pieces of bamboo

集中在大儲存槽 Gathered in a giant tank, Gathered in giant tanks

在大學主修英國文學 I studied English Literature at University, I studied English Literature in college


在林子裡沿著山側蜿蜒而上 Winding through trees up the hillside, Wound up the hillside through the woods


在禁止閃光燈攝影的場所 In areas where flash photography is prohibited


在本 In this section, In this section's


在想 I am thinking, I think

在想 Seems to miss, Seemingly reminiscing

在想什麼 What are you thinking?

你到底他媽的在想什麼 What the fuck were you thinking?


在枕 Under the pillow, Under their pillow

她醒來在枕下找到 She woke up and found beneath her pillow, On awakening she found beneath her pillow, She had awakened and found beneath her pillow


在柱子上 Tied to a pillar, Tied to a post


在樓梯處 Go to the stairs, Use stairs


在樹 Sit under a tree, sat under a tree


在檯面下交易 Did business under the table, Did business off the record

在檯燈的燈光下 In the lamplight, Beneath the lamplight

在檯燈的燈光下閃爍 Twinkled in the lamplight, Twinkling in the lamplight


在相 Open (e.g. a book)

在相同的 On the same, At the same

在相同的軸心上 On the same axis

在相片拍攝完成之前 While picture is being taken


在事過境遷之後 After the event, After the occurrence

在事情終於發生之前 Before it finally happened


在右 On the right

在右 On the starboard side

在右 On the right side, On the right

在右半邊 On the right side

在右半邊擺了一張辦公桌 On the right was a desk


在左 On the left

在左 Both left and right, On the left and the right, From the left and the right

在左 On the left side, On the left

在左半邊 On the left side

在左右舷 To port and starboard

在左右舷處 To port and starboard

在左半邊擺了縫紉機 On the left was a sewing machine


在在 Everywhere

他現在在家工作 How he worked from home

雖然他現在在家工作 Even though he now worked from home


在打高爾夫 While playing golf


可能在找 May look, May be looking


被列在括 Placed in brackets, Written within brackets


他已經蹲下在指尖摩弄一小撮泥土 He was already crouched down and rubbing a pinch of dirt between his fingertips


在採橘子 Picking oranges


正和她一起在探索奇觀 Was exploring wonders with her right now


在接下來的 Over the next, During the next


在提醒眾人 To remind everyone, Reminding everyone

好像在提醒眾人 As if to remind everyone, As if reminding everyone


在搭巴士的旅程 During a bus journey

在搭校車回家的路上吃 Saved to eat while riding the school bus home


在撞擊下 On impact


在撤離時 While evacuating

在撤離時 But while evacuating, But during the evacuation


在擔心某件事 He is worried about something

在擔心某件事 She is worried about something


在世 Alive, Living, In this world

在世紀之交 At the turn of the century


在軟軟的東西上 Lying on something soft


在轉 Around the corner


照在 Shine on, Shining on

照在他身上 Shining on him, Illuminating him

拿手電筒照在他身上 Holding a flashlight on him, Illuminating him with a flashlight


內在 Built in, Inherent

內在每一分能量 Every ounce of inner strength, Every bit of inner strength

內在計時器 Built in timer

內在計時器 Has a built in timer, Had a built in timer


嵌在 Embedded in, Tucked into, Dug into


旨在 Aim at


好在 Fortunate circumstance, Fortunately, Luckily, Thankfully

好在高潮位之上 Just above the high tide level


位置約在 Are positioned at about, Is positioned at about


所在 Position, Location, Positioned, Located

所在 Was positioned, Was located, Was

奧秘所在 Where the secret lies, Where the mystery lies, The secret, The mystery

目前所在 Current location, Current position

是真錢之所在 Where the real money was

所在 Location

也會知道奧秘所在 Will also understand this mystery, Will also know where the mystery lies

所在地區 Your area, In your area


長在 Grown in


外在 External


生在 Born in, Born at

生在英國 Born in England

生在韓國 Born in Korea

生在有戰爭的時候 Born in a time of war

如果這件事發生在你身上 If this happened to you

一切發生在僅僅二十分鐘內 It had all happened in just 20 minutes


靠在 Lean against


把重量均勻分佈在 Evenly distribute the weight over, Evenly distribute your weight over, Center the weight on, Center your weight over


位在 Located, Positioned


住在 Live in, Living in

以前我住在 I used to live in, Before I lived in

住在一起 Lived together

住在臺北 Live in Taipei, Living in Taipei

根本像住在教堂裡 It was like living in a church


何在 Where is…? What is

證據何在 What evidence


就在 Just, Just at

就在大樹下 Is beneath a large tree

就在鍋裡了 It's in the pot, Been in the pot

答案就在書本裡 Books contain the answers

階級差異就在這裡 That was the difference between classes


放在 Put, Placed

放在桌上 Put on the table, Placed on the table

放在桌上 Placed them all on the table, Place them all on the table

放在秤上 Put on a scale

放在裡面 Put in

放在他的盔甲裡 Placed in his armor, In his armor

放在陶瓷纖維網上 Should be placed on a ceramic fiber mesh

原子可以被放在選定的地方 Atoms can be placed in selected or predetermined locations


站在 Standing (on)

站在 Standing (on)

站在四周 Stand around, Standing around

站在椅子上 Stood on a chair

不想站在這兒 Didn't want to stand here

站在他面前的是誰 Who was standing in front of him

站在窗口 Standing by the window

一直站在窗邊 Been standing by the window, Standing at the window

站在公園裡 Standing in the park

安靜的站在公園裡 Quietly standing in the park

站在他的窗戶正下方 Standing directly beneath his window, Stood directly beneath his window

站在她的窗戶正下方 Standing directly beneath her window, Stood directly beneath her window


誰在 Who is

誰在乎啊 Who cares?

誰在唱歌 Who is singing?, Who is that singing?

誰在煮麵 Who is cooking?, Who is that cooking?

誰在說話 Who is speaking?, Who is that speaking?

誰在讀書 Who is studying?, Who is that studying?

誰在跳舞 Who is dancing?, Who is that dancing?

誰在搔我臉癢癢 Who is tickling my face


實在 Really

實在太詭異了 Really too strange, Really too weird

子彈的射程實在 The bullets had a short range

子彈的射程實在短得令人失望 The bullets had a disappointingly short range

實在不太喜歡這個畫面 Really don't like the look of this picture, Really don't like the way things are looking, Really don't like the way that this looks

實在不太喜歡這個畫面 I really don't like the look of this picture, I really don't like the way things are looking, I really don't like the way that this looks


自在 Comfortable, At ease

舒適自在 Comfortable and at ease

自在 Comfortable, Unfettered, Free

覺得自在 Feel comfortable, Feet at ease

自由自在的玩遊戲 Free to play games, Free to have fun

哪裡會是她覺得自在的落腳處 Where would she feel at home?, Where would she feel comfortable?, Where would she be comfortable?


潛在 Latent, Dormant, Hidden and inactive, Potential, Hidden ability, Hidden potential

潛在意識 Subconsciousness

潛在敵意 Latent hostility

潛在能力 Potential

潛在的輪廓 Outlines of potential, Outlines of its potential

雖有潛在的威脅 Despite the implicit threat, Despite the potential threat


還在 Still present, Still there

要是還在 If it was still there

還在跑動 Was still running

還在這裡 Is still here

還在沒完沒了 Continued, Went on

還在進行分類中 Still in the process of being sorted

還在他耳邊迴盪 Still echoing in his ears


曾在 Once, Formerly, Used to, Used to be

曾在部隊待過十三年 Served in the army for 13 years


花在 Spend on, Spent on

把所有的錢花在 Spend all of their money on

把時間都花在了工作 Work all the time, Spend all available time working


藏在 Hide, Shroud, Mask

藏在問題裡 Hidden in the question

答案就藏在問題裡 The answer was hidden in the question


到處到在 Everywhere


不在 Was gone

她在不在 Is she there?

已經不在 Already gone

無所不在 Ubiquitous, Omnipresent, Everywhere

無處不在 Ubiquitous, Everywhere

不在 Doesn't care, Doesn't give a damn about it, Doesn't give a damn

不在 Was gone

不在 Not at home

不在 Didn't mind, Wasn't bothered, Untroubled

不在 Wasn't at all bothered, Was untroubled

不在 You aren't at home, You weren't at home

不在 Absent-minded, Forgetful

但他不在 But he doesn't care, But he doesn't give a damn, But he didn't care

反正不在 Wouldn't care in any case, Totally wouldn't care

完全不在 Completely don't care at all

努力心不在 Tried not to pay attention

有點心不在 A little absent-minded, Not quite present

非常努力心不在 Tried hard not to pay attention

不在那裡 Not there, It's not there

不在其中 Was not one of them, Was not included

才不得不在盛怒中動用 Until being compelled to use in anger

不在大乎 Didn't much care

我也不在大乎 I didn't much care


正在 Currently, Is currently, Am currently, Are currently, At that moment, Directly, Exactly at that location, In the midst of

正在 Doing

正在 Really cares about, Truly cares about

可能正在 Is probably busy, Is apt to be busy, Was probably busy, Was apt to be busy

正在思考 Thinking about now

正在腐爛 Was rotting, Was decaying

正在讀書 Is studying, Is reading

正在進行 Underway, In progress

正在學走路 Learning to walk

他們正在交談 They were speaking

正在寫功課 I am doing homework

正在樹下休息 While resting under a tree


現在 Right now, Now

現在 Until now, Up until now

從開學到現在 From the start of school up until now

現在 Present Tense

現在 Now

現在 Present

現在換誰 Now who is (as if positions reversed)

現在才七點 It's only 7 o'clock

現在的國家 The modern day state, Modern day states

現在裝新槍 Now installing the new gun

現在你腦海 Comes to your mind

現在才展開 Delayed till now, Only now started

現在仰仗你 I am relying on you

現在距離拉近 Had approached, Had come closer

現在還有時間 Now there's still time

現在也不適用囉 Is now no longer useful, Now no longer works

現在已經絕種了 Now extinct

怎麼現在才告訴我 Why is it that only now do you tell me

現在還有時間挽回 There's still time for retrieve the situation, There's still time to turn the tide

現在你稍微大一點了 You're a little bit older now

那他現在全身是疤嗎 Does he have scars all over his body now?, Is he scarred all over now?, Is his whole body scarred now?

他們現在是城主的人了 Now they belonged to the prince, Now they were the prince's men

現在事情大大不一樣了 Things are very different now, Things were a lot different now

現在在家工作 How he worked from home

雖然他現在在家工作 Even though he now worked from home

現在有了個徒弟 He has an apprentice now

現在有了個徒弟 She now has an apprentice


死在 Die

死在 Dies


都在 Is all, Are all

一直都在 Was there, Was always there

我一直都在 I was there, I was always there

不過我一直都在 But I was there, But I was always there

都在 All busy

也許他們都在 Perhaps they are all busy


封在 Sealed, Enclosed, Stored


夾在 Sandwich between, Place between, Caught between, Caught up in

夾在兩面 Sandwiched between two surfaces, Sandwiched between

把話筒夾在耳邊 Kept the receiver at their ear

夾在鐵架上 Clamped to ring stand, Clamp to ring stand

夾在鐵架上 Can be clamped to a ring stand


存在 Exist

存在 Existed

真實存在 Real, Truly existed

確實存在 Truly exist, Truly existed

可能不存在 Might not exist

也可能不存在 Might not exist

儘管看不見卻真實存在 Despite not being visible was still real, Invisible but real

存在 Is no more

已經存在 Has existed, Has been around for

存在與否 Exist or not

存在玻璃紙裡 Sealed in cellophane


擠在 Crowded (in)

一起擠在 Crammed together, Jammed together

擠在一起 Crowd together

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