Sat in the back seat
zuoˋ zaiˋ houˋ zuoˋ
坐 zuoˋ
Sit, Sits, Sitting, Sat, Travel, Travel By Train, Travel By Bus, Travel By Plane, Travel By Boat
後座 houˋ zuoˋ
Grouped by first phone
zuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo
做愛 zuoˋ aiˋ
Make love, Have sex
做菜 zuoˋ caiˋ
Cook food, Cooking
坐在一起 zuoˋ zaiˋ yiˋ qiˇ
Sit together
坐在他身邊長椅上 zuoˋ zaiˋ ta¯ shen¯ bian¯ changˊ yiˇ shangˋ
Sitting on the bench beside him
坐在外面 zuoˋ zaiˋ waiˋ mianˋ
Sit outside, Sitting outside
坐在床上 zuoˋ zaiˋ chuangˊ shangˋ
Sit on the bed, Sits on the bed, Sitting on the bed, Sat on the bed, Sit up in bed, Sitting up in bed
坐在後座 zuoˋ zaiˋ houˋ zuoˋ
Sat in the back seat
坐在後面 zuoˋ zaiˋ houˋ mianˋ
Sitting in the back, Sat in the back
坐在房間角落 zuoˋ zaiˋ fangˊ jian¯ jiaoˇ luoˋ
Sat in the corner of the room
坐在某個四人座裡 zuoˋ zaiˋ mouˇ ge˙ siˋ renˊ zuoˋ liˇ
Sitting in a booth, Sitting in a four person booth
坐在樹下 zuoˋ zaiˋ shuˋ xiaˋ
Sit under a tree, sat under a tree
坐在沙發上 zuoˋ zaiˋ sha¯ fa¯ shangˋ
Sit on the couch, Sits on the couch, Sitting on the sofa, Sat on the sofa
坐在長凳上 zuoˋ zaiˋ changˊ dengˋ shangˋ
Sit on a bench, Sits on a bench, Sitting on a bench, Sat on a bench
坐在附近 zuoˋ zaiˋ fuˋ jinˋ
Sit nearby
坐在附近聊天 zuoˋ zaiˋ fuˋ jinˋ liaoˊ tian¯
Sit nearby and chat
坐在電話旁 zuoˋ zaiˋ dianˋ huaˋ pangˊ
Sitting next to the phone
坐在馬桶上 zuoˋ zaiˋ maˇ tongˇ shangˋ
Sitting on the toilet
zuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo
躲開 duoˇ kai¯
Dodge, Ward off, Run away from, Escape, Evade, Shirk, Slink away, Sulk away, Sneak off
墮胎 duoˋ tai¯
Abortion, Miscarriage, Abort, Miscarry
躲在大竹子內 duoˇ zaiˋ daˋ zhuˊ ziˇ neiˋ
Hidden within the large pieces of bamboo
躲在灌木叢後 duoˇ zaiˋ guanˋ muˋ congˊ houˋ
Hide behind the bushes, Hiding behind the bushes
躲在門後 duoˇ zaiˋ menˊ houˋ
Hid behind the door, Hiding behind the door
zuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo
果菜 guoˇ caiˋ
Fruit And Vegetables
過海 guoˋ haiˇ
Cross the sea
過海到上海的跨 guoˋ haiˇ daoˋ shangˋ haiˇ de˙ kuaˋ
Straddled the sea to Shanghai
過海到上海的跨海堤道 guoˋ haiˇ daoˋ shangˋ haiˇ de˙ kuaˋ haiˇ tiˊ daoˋ
The causeway that straddled the sea to Shanghai, The sea straddling causeway to Shanghai
過海進入上海 guoˋ haiˇ jinˋ ruˋ shangˋ haiˇ
Cross the sea into Shanghai
過來 guoˋ laiˊ
Come, Come over
過來看看 guoˋ laiˊ kanˋ kanˋ
Come and look
zuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo
火柴 huoˇ chaiˊ
Match, Matches, Match or matches for lighting fires
火柴棒 huoˇ chaiˊ bangˋ
Match stick, Match sticks
活該 huoˊ gai¯
Serves them right, Got what they deserved
禍害 huoˋ haiˋ
活埋 huoˊ maiˊ
Buried alive
活塞 huoˊ sai¯
活塞環 huoˊ sai¯ huanˊ
Piston ring
火災 huoˇ zai¯
Fire, Blaze
zuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo
落敗 luoˋ baiˋ
Lose, Be defeated
摞在他的桌上 luoˋ zaiˋ ta¯ de˙ zhuo¯ shangˋ
Sitting on his desk, Piled on his desk
落在地上 luoˋ zaiˋ diˋ shangˋ
Fall to the floor, Falls to the floor, Fell to the floor, Drop to the floor, Drops to the floor, Dropped to the floor, Land, Lands, Landed
zuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo
說白了 shuo¯ baiˊ liaoˇ
To be honest
說來 shuo¯ laiˊ
Said to, This is (what I am about to say next)
zuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo
所愛 suoˇ aiˋ
Favorite place
瑣才 suoˇ caiˊ
A person of limited talent
所帶動 suoˇ daiˋ dongˋ
Driven by
所在 suoˇ zaiˋ
Position, Location, Positioned, Located
所在地 suoˇ zaiˋ diˋ
zuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo
脫胎換骨 tuo¯ tai¯ huanˋ guˇ
Become immortal through disembodiment, Change oneself
拖在身後 tuo¯ zaiˋ shen¯ houˋ
Trailing behind
zuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, shuo, suo, tuo, wo
我愛他 woˇ aiˋ ta¯
I love him
我愛她 woˇ aiˋ ta¯
I love her
我愛看 woˇ aiˋ kanˋ
I love to watch, I love to see
我擺脫她 woˇ baiˇ tuo¯ ta¯
I got rid of her
我猜 woˇ cai¯
I guess, I am guessing
我才五十一歲 woˇ caiˊ wuˇ shiˊ yiˋ suiˋ
I'm only 51 years old
我才知道 woˇ caiˊ zhi¯ daoˋ
I now know
我帶 woˇ daiˋ
I brought
我帶了個禮物給你 woˇ daiˋ le˙ ge˙ liˇ wuˋ geiˇ niˇ
I brought you a present
我戴著 woˇ daiˋ zhe˙
I wear, I am wearing
我該 woˇ gai¯
I should
我該從哪說起呢 woˇ gai¯ congˊ naˇ shuo¯ qiˇ ne˙
Where should I begin? Where do I begin?
我該怎麼做 woˇ gai¯ zenˇ me˙ zuoˋ
What I needed to do
我還來不及回神 woˇ haiˊ laiˊ buˋ jiˊ huiˊ shenˊ
Before I know it, Before I knew it
我還是新手 woˇ haiˊ shiˋ xin¯ shouˇ
I'm still a novice
我還是覺得 woˇ haiˊ shiˋ jueˊ de˙
I still feel that, I still think that
我還沒完 woˇ haiˊ meiˊ wanˊ
I am not done yet
我還真覺得 woˇ haiˊ zhen¯ jueˊ de˙
I really do believe that
我還聽說 woˇ haiˊ ting¯ shuo¯
And I heard, I also heard
我開始享受它 woˇ kai¯ shiˇ xiangˇ shouˋ ta¯
I began to enjoy
我來 woˇ laiˊ
I've come, I am here (to)
我來了 woˇ laiˊ le˙
I am here, I came, I have arrived
我來幫你吧 woˇ laiˊ bang¯ niˇ ba˙
Let me help you out, Let me help you
我來想想 woˇ laiˊ xiangˇ xiangˇ
Let me think about it, Let me think
我來自 woˇ laiˊ ziˋ
I come from, I came from, I've arrived from
我來自山裡 woˇ laiˊ ziˋ shan¯ liˇ
I come from the mountains, I came from the mountains
我來買單 woˇ laiˊ maiˇ dan¯
I'll get the check, My treat, I'll pay
我太優雅了 woˇ taiˋ you¯ yaˇ le˙
I'm too graceful, I'm far too elegant
我再也不會見她了 woˇ zaiˋ yeˇ buˊ huiˋ jianˋ ta¯ le˙
I can't see her ever again
我在大學主修英國文學 woˇ zaiˋ daˋ xueˊ zhuˇ xiu¯ ying¯ guoˊ wenˊ xueˊ
I studied English Literature at University, I studied English Literature in college
我在想 woˇ zaiˋ xiangˇ
I am thinking, I think
我在等你 woˇ zaiˋ dengˇ niˇ
I am waiting for you
我在美國生活了五年 woˇ zaiˋ meiˇ guoˊ sheng¯ huoˊ le˙ wuˇ nianˊ
I lived in America for 5 years.
我在這裡 woˇ zaiˋ zheˋ liˇ
I am here
我在這裡的原因是 woˇ zaiˋ zheˋ liˇ de˙ yuanˊ yin¯ shiˋ
The reason that I'm here is
握在掌心 woˋ zaiˋ zhangˇ xin¯
Held in his palm, Held in her palm, Held in their palm, Hold it in your palm
Grouped in tone pairs
44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43
禍害 huoˋ haiˋ
落敗 luoˋ baiˋ
Lose, Be defeated
摞在他的桌上 luoˋ zaiˋ ta¯ de˙ zhuo¯ shangˋ
Sitting on his desk, Piled on his desk
落在地上 luoˋ zaiˋ diˋ shangˋ
Fall to the floor, Falls to the floor, Fell to the floor, Drop to the floor, Drops to the floor, Dropped to the floor, Land, Lands, Landed
握在掌心 woˋ zaiˋ zhangˇ xin¯
Held in his palm, Held in her palm, Held in their palm, Hold it in your palm
做愛 zuoˋ aiˋ
Make love, Have sex
做菜 zuoˋ caiˋ
Cook food, Cooking
坐在一起 zuoˋ zaiˋ yiˋ qiˇ
Sit together
坐在他身邊長椅上 zuoˋ zaiˋ ta¯ shen¯ bian¯ changˊ yiˇ shangˋ
Sitting on the bench beside him
坐在外面 zuoˋ zaiˋ waiˋ mianˋ
Sit outside, Sitting outside
坐在床上 zuoˋ zaiˋ chuangˊ shangˋ
Sit on the bed, Sits on the bed, Sitting on the bed, Sat on the bed, Sit up in bed, Sitting up in bed
坐在後座 zuoˋ zaiˋ houˋ zuoˋ
Sat in the back seat
坐在後面 zuoˋ zaiˋ houˋ mianˋ
Sitting in the back, Sat in the back
坐在房間角落 zuoˋ zaiˋ fangˊ jian¯ jiaoˇ luoˋ
Sat in the corner of the room
坐在某個四人座裡 zuoˋ zaiˋ mouˇ ge˙ siˋ renˊ zuoˋ liˇ
Sitting in a booth, Sitting in a four person booth
坐在樹下 zuoˋ zaiˋ shuˋ xiaˋ
Sit under a tree, sat under a tree
坐在沙發上 zuoˋ zaiˋ sha¯ fa¯ shangˋ
Sit on the couch, Sits on the couch, Sitting on the sofa, Sat on the sofa
坐在長凳上 zuoˋ zaiˋ changˊ dengˋ shangˋ
Sit on a bench, Sits on a bench, Sitting on a bench, Sat on a bench
坐在附近 zuoˋ zaiˋ fuˋ jinˋ
Sit nearby
坐在附近聊天 zuoˋ zaiˋ fuˋ jinˋ liaoˊ tian¯
Sit nearby and chat
坐在電話旁 zuoˋ zaiˋ dianˋ huaˋ pangˊ
Sitting next to the phone
坐在馬桶上 zuoˋ zaiˋ maˇ tongˇ shangˋ
Sitting on the toilet
44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43
脫胎換骨 tuo¯ tai¯ huanˋ guˇ
Become immortal through disembodiment, Change oneself
44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43
說白了 shuo¯ baiˊ liaoˇ
To be honest
說來 shuo¯ laiˊ
Said to, This is (what I am about to say next)
44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43
活該 huoˊ gai¯
Serves them right, Got what they deserved
活塞 huoˊ sai¯
活塞環 huoˊ sai¯ huanˊ
Piston ring
44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43
躲開 duoˇ kai¯
Dodge, Ward off, Run away from, Escape, Evade, Shirk, Slink away, Sulk away, Sneak off
火災 huoˇ zai¯
Fire, Blaze
我猜 woˇ cai¯
I guess, I am guessing
我該 woˇ gai¯
I should
我該從哪說起呢 woˇ gai¯ congˊ naˇ shuo¯ qiˇ ne˙
Where should I begin? Where do I begin?
我該怎麼做 woˇ gai¯ zenˇ me˙ zuoˋ
What I needed to do
我開始享受它 woˇ kai¯ shiˇ xiangˇ shouˋ ta¯
I began to enjoy
44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43
火柴 huoˇ chaiˊ
Match, Matches, Match or matches for lighting fires
火柴棒 huoˇ chaiˊ bangˋ
Match stick, Match sticks
瑣才 suoˇ caiˊ
A person of limited talent
我才五十一歲 woˇ caiˊ wuˇ shiˊ yiˋ suiˋ
I'm only 51 years old
我才知道 woˇ caiˊ zhi¯ daoˋ
I now know
我還來不及回神 woˇ haiˊ laiˊ buˋ jiˊ huiˊ shenˊ
Before I know it, Before I knew it
我還是新手 woˇ haiˊ shiˋ xin¯ shouˇ
I'm still a novice
我還是覺得 woˇ haiˊ shiˋ jueˊ de˙
I still feel that, I still think that
我還沒完 woˇ haiˊ meiˊ wanˊ
I am not done yet
我還真覺得 woˇ haiˊ zhen¯ jueˊ de˙
I really do believe that
我還聽說 woˇ haiˊ ting¯ shuo¯
And I heard, I also heard
我來 woˇ laiˊ
I've come, I am here (to)
我來了 woˇ laiˊ le˙
I am here, I came, I have arrived
我來幫你吧 woˇ laiˊ bang¯ niˇ ba˙
Let me help you out, Let me help you
我來想想 woˇ laiˊ xiangˇ xiangˇ
Let me think about it, Let me think
我來自 woˇ laiˊ ziˋ
I come from, I came from, I've arrived from
我來自山裡 woˇ laiˊ ziˋ shan¯ liˇ
I come from the mountains, I came from the mountains
我來買單 woˇ laiˊ maiˇ dan¯
I'll get the check, My treat, I'll pay
44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43
躲在大竹子內 duoˇ zaiˋ daˋ zhuˊ ziˇ neiˋ
Hidden within the large pieces of bamboo
躲在灌木叢後 duoˇ zaiˋ guanˋ muˋ congˊ houˋ
Hide behind the bushes, Hiding behind the bushes
躲在門後 duoˇ zaiˋ menˊ houˋ
Hid behind the door, Hiding behind the door
果菜 guoˇ caiˋ
Fruit And Vegetables
所愛 suoˇ aiˋ
Favorite place
所帶動 suoˇ daiˋ dongˋ
Driven by
所在 suoˇ zaiˋ
Position, Location, Positioned, Located
所在地 suoˇ zaiˋ diˋ
我愛他 woˇ aiˋ ta¯
I love him
我愛她 woˇ aiˋ ta¯
I love her
我愛看 woˇ aiˋ kanˋ
I love to watch, I love to see
我帶 woˇ daiˋ
I brought
我帶了個禮物給你 woˇ daiˋ le˙ ge˙ liˇ wuˋ geiˇ niˇ
I brought you a present
我戴著 woˇ daiˋ zhe˙
I wear, I am wearing
我太優雅了 woˇ taiˋ you¯ yaˇ le˙
I'm too graceful, I'm far too elegant
我再也不會見她了 woˇ zaiˋ yeˇ buˊ huiˋ jianˋ ta¯ le˙
I can't see her ever again
我在大學主修英國文學 woˇ zaiˋ daˋ xueˊ zhuˇ xiu¯ ying¯ guoˊ wenˊ xueˊ
I studied English Literature at University, I studied English Literature in college
我在想 woˇ zaiˋ xiangˇ
I am thinking, I think
我在等你 woˇ zaiˋ dengˇ niˇ
I am waiting for you
我在美國生活了五年 woˇ zaiˋ meiˇ guoˊ sheng¯ huoˊ le˙ wuˇ nianˊ
I lived in America for 5 years.
我在這裡 woˇ zaiˋ zheˋ liˇ
I am here
我在這裡的原因是 woˇ zaiˋ zheˋ liˇ de˙ yuanˊ yin¯ shiˋ
The reason that I'm here is
44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43
墮胎 duoˋ tai¯
Abortion, Miscarriage, Abort, Miscarry
44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43
過來 guoˋ laiˊ
Come, Come over
過來看看 guoˋ laiˊ kanˋ kanˋ
Come and look
44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43
過海 guoˋ haiˇ
Cross the sea
過海到上海的跨 guoˋ haiˇ daoˋ shangˋ haiˇ de˙ kuaˋ
Straddled the sea to Shanghai
過海到上海的跨海堤道 guoˋ haiˇ daoˋ shangˋ haiˇ de˙ kuaˋ haiˇ tiˊ daoˋ
The causeway that straddled the sea to Shanghai, The sea straddling causeway to Shanghai
過海進入上海 guoˋ haiˇ jinˋ ruˋ shangˋ haiˇ
Cross the sea into Shanghai
人-人 : > 坐: > [坐]-坐在 : > [坐]-坐在後座 >
十-𠂇 : > 在: > [在]-在後 : > [在]-坐在後座 >
丿-彳 : > 後: > [後]-後座 : > [後]-坐在後座 >
丶-广 : > 座: > [座]-後座 : > [座]-坐在後座 >
坐在後座 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 坐
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