
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 培


Course, Training class

peiˊ xunˋ ban¯

培 peiˊ
Cultivate, Pile Up, Bank Earth, Nourish, Bacon, Translit for Ba

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Phone , Tone


培訓 peiˊ xunˋ

Words that rhyme with 培訓班 (ei-yun)

Grouped by first phone

pei, bei, mei

培訓 peiˊ xunˋ


培訓班 peiˊ xunˋ ban¯

Course, Training class

培訓計劃 peiˊ xunˋ jiˋ huaˋ

Training program

pei, bei, mei

被允許 beiˋ yunˇ xuˇ

Was allowed

pei, bei, mei

黴菌 meiˊ jun¯

Mold, Fungi, Germs, Bacteria

美軍 meiˇ jun¯

American Military, American Army, American troops

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 21, 31, 43

培訓 peiˊ xunˋ


培訓班 peiˊ xunˋ ban¯

Course, Training class

培訓計劃 peiˊ xunˋ jiˋ huaˋ

Training program

24, 21, 31, 43

黴菌 meiˊ jun¯

Mold, Fungi, Germs, Bacteria

24, 21, 31, 43

美軍 meiˇ jun¯

American Military, American Army, American troops

24, 21, 31, 43

被允許 beiˋ yunˇ xuˇ

Was allowed


十-土 : > : > [培]-培訓 : > [培]-培訓班 >

丶-言 : > : > [訓]-培訓 : > [訓]-培訓班 >

一-王 : > : > [班]-訓班 : > [班]-培訓班 >

培訓班 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 培

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