
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 醬


Spread jam

tuˊ guoˇ jiangˋ

醬 jiangˋ
Jam, Spread, Sauce

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Phone , Tone


果醬 guoˇ jiangˋ

Words that rhyme with 塗果醬 (wu-wo)

Grouped by first phone

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

塗果醬 tuˊ guoˇ jiangˋ

Spread jam

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

不錯 buˊ cuoˋ

Not bad, Good, Well done, Not wrong

不錯的未來 buˊ cuoˋ de˙ weiˋ laiˊ

Decent prospects, A good future

不多 buˋ duo¯

Not many, Very few

不過 buˊ guoˋ

But, Though, Except, Only, Merely

不過一旦我們 buˊ guoˋ yiˊ danˋ woˇ men˙

But once we

不過一旦我們逮到她 buˊ guoˋ yiˊ danˋ woˇ men˙ daiˋ daoˋ ta¯

But once we catch her

不過不像任何 buˊ guoˋ buˊ xiangˋ renˋ heˊ

But not like any

不過不是 buˊ guoˋ buˊ shiˋ

But it isn't

不過並不是 buˊ guoˋ bingˋ buˊ shiˋ

But not, But isn't, But it isn't

不過也沒什麼用 buˊ guoˋ yeˇ meiˊ shenˊ me˙ yongˋ

Not that it matters, Not that it mattered

不過倒也未必 buˊ guoˋ daoˇ yeˇ weiˋ biˋ

Not necessarily, Perhaps not

不過做了 buˊ guoˋ zuoˋ le˙

Had only done

不過別給他們 buˊ guoˋ bieˊ geiˇ ta¯ men˙

But don't give it to them

不過即使 buˊ guoˋ jiˊ shiˇ

But even if

不過反正 buˊ guoˋ fanˇ zhengˋ

But in any case, But anyway

不過只要 buˊ guoˋ zhiˇ yaoˋ

But as long as

不過嘿 buˊ guoˋ hei¯

But hey

不過度 buˊ guoˋ duˋ

Does not go beyond, Does not exceed

不過從另方面 buˊ guoˋ congˊ lingˋ fang¯ mianˋ

But from another point of view, But in another way

不過我一直都在 buˊ guoˋ woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ dou¯ zaiˋ

But I was there, But I was always there

不過我沒想到 buˊ guoˋ woˇ meiˊ xiangˇ daoˋ

But I never thought

不過沒那麼簡單 buˊ guoˋ meiˊ naˋ me˙ jianˇ dan¯

But it wasn't that simple, It wasn't easy

不過確實有幫助 buˊ guoˋ queˋ shiˊ youˇ bang¯ zhuˋ

But it really helped

不過總之 buˊ guoˋ zongˇ zhi¯

But anyway, But anyways

不過要怎麼 buˊ guoˋ yaoˋ zenˇ me˙

But how do we, But how to

不過誰知道呢 buˊ guoˋ sheiˊ zhi¯ daoˋ ne˙

But who knows?, But perhaps there is a chance

不過這該不太可能 buˊ guoˋ zheˋ gai¯ buˊ taiˋ keˇ nengˊ

This was not too likely, Which was not terribly likely

不過還是 buˊ guoˋ haiˊ shiˋ

But still, However, But never the less, But even so

布洛迪 buˋ luoˋ diˊ


部落 buˋ luoˋ

Tribe, Tribes, Tribal community, Tribal communities

部落格 buˋ luoˋ geˊ


不說一聲 buˋ shuo¯ yiˋ sheng¯

Not say a thing

不說話的 buˋ shuo¯ huaˋ de˙

Non-speaking, Unspeakable

不妥協 buˋ tuoˇ xieˊ


捕捉 buˇ zhuo¯

Catch, Capture, Seize, Arrest, Hunt down

捕捉到 buˇ zhuo¯ daoˋ


tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

出錯 chu¯ cuoˋ

Make a mistake, Err

出國 chu¯ guoˊ

Go abroad, Going abroad, Gone abroad

出貨 chu¯ huoˋ

Send goods, Deliver, Ship out goods

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

粗濁 cu¯ zhuoˊ

Course, Rough

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

讀過 duˊ guoˋ

Had read

讀過一本他早期寫的書 duˊ guoˋ yiˋ benˇ ta¯ zaoˇ qiˊ xieˇ de˙ shu¯

Had read one of his earlier books

賭過 duˇ guoˋ

Bet on horse races

賭過賽馬 duˇ guoˋ saiˋ maˇ

Bet on horse races

度過 duˋ guoˋ

Duration of, Over the duration of

度過餘生 duˋ guoˋ yuˊ sheng¯

For the remainder of one's life

渡過 duˋ guoˋ

Passed, Across, Cross

渡過了 duˋ guoˋ le˙


渡過太平洋 duˋ guoˋ taiˋ pingˊ yangˊ

Across the Pacific Ocean

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

俘獲 fuˊ huoˋ


復活 fuˋ huoˊ

Resurrection, Resurrect, Resurrects, Resurrecting, Resurrected

俯臥 fuˇ woˋ

Lying prone, Lying belly down

付我 fuˋ woˇ

Pay me

附著處 fuˋ zhuoˊ chuˇ

Attachment, Attachment point, Point of attachment

附著點 fuˋ zhuoˊ dianˇ

Point of attachment

副作用 fuˋ zuoˋ yongˋ

Side effect

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

古羅馬 guˇ luo¯ maˇ

Ancient Rome

故作崇拜 guˋ zuoˋ chongˊ baiˋ

Mock admiration

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

胡說 huˊ shuo¯


胡說什麼 huˊ shuo¯ sheˊ me˙

What nonsense, Speaking nonsense

胡說八道 huˊ shuo¯ ba¯ daoˋ

Nonsense, Bullshit, Horseshit, Bogus

忽左忽右看來看去 hu¯ zuoˇ hu¯ youˋ kanˋ laiˊ kanˋ quˋ

Snapping back and forwards, Repeatedly looking left and right

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

哭過 ku¯ guoˋ

Had been crying

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

路過 luˋ guoˋ

Passing, Passerby

爐火 luˊ huoˇ

Fire, Cooking fire

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

怒火 nuˋ huoˇ

Indignant, Anger

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

撲朔迷離 pu¯ shuoˋ miˊ liˊ

Androgynous, Vague, Ambiguous, Confusing

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

如果 ruˊ guoˇ

As if, If

如果不是 ruˊ guoˇ buˊ shiˋ

If it isn't, If it wasn't

如果今天是她去上課 ruˊ guoˇ jin¯ tian¯ shiˋ ta¯ quˋ shangˋ keˋ

If she goes to class today, If she'd gone to class today

如果他們 ruˊ guoˇ ta¯ men˙

If they

如果你來我家 ruˊ guoˇ niˇ laiˊ woˇ jia¯

If you come to my house, If you come to my home

如果你用的是 ruˊ guoˇ niˇ yongˋ de˙ shiˋ

If you had been using, If you were using

如果你認為你見過 ruˊ guoˇ niˇ renˋ weiˋ niˇ jianˋ guoˋ

If you think you've seen

如果來真的話 ruˊ guoˇ laiˊ zhen¯ de˙ huaˋ

When it's for real

如果反應必須在特殊條件下才能進行 ruˊ guoˇ fanˇ yingˋ biˋ xu¯ zaiˋ teˋ shu¯ tiaoˊ jianˋ xiaˋ caiˊ nengˊ jinˋ xingˊ

If the reaction requires certain conditions in order to proceed

如果她哪天迷路 ruˊ guoˇ ta¯ naˇ tian¯ miˊ luˋ

If she ever got lost

如果將絞車換成踏車 ruˊ guoˇ jiang¯ jiaoˇ che¯ huanˋ chengˊ taˋ che¯

If the winch is replaced with a treadmill

如果我想當 ruˊ guoˇ woˇ xiangˇ dang¯

If I wanted to

如果我想當個 ruˊ guoˇ woˇ xiangˇ dang¯ ge˙

If I wanted to be a

如果我是她 ruˊ guoˇ woˇ shiˋ ta¯

If I was her

如果我沒有會錯意 ruˊ guoˇ woˇ meiˊ youˇ huiˋ cuoˋ yiˋ

If I understand correctly

如果我聽懂你 ruˊ guoˇ woˇ ting¯ dongˇ niˇ

If I understand you

如果我認識那個人 ruˊ guoˇ woˇ renˋ shiˋ naˋ ge˙ renˊ

If I know that person, If that person is someone I know

如果換作是別人 ruˊ guoˇ huanˋ zuoˋ shiˋ bieˊ renˊ

If it were someone else, Were it anyone else

如果是我 ruˊ guoˇ shiˋ woˇ

If it was me, If it were me

如果是我的話 ruˊ guoˇ shiˋ woˇ de˙ huaˋ

If it were me

如果有什麼東西壞 ruˊ guoˇ youˇ sheˊ me˙ dong¯ xi¯ huaiˋ

If something breaks

如果有任何人 ruˊ guoˇ youˇ renˋ heˊ renˊ

If anyone else

如果沿著日落大道走 ruˊ guoˇ yanˊ zhe˙ riˋ luoˋ daˋ daoˋ zouˇ

If following Sunset Boulevard, If going along Sunset Boulevard

如果發生了什麼 ruˊ guoˇ fa¯ sheng¯ le˙ shenˊ me˙

If something happened

如果發生了什麼我不知道的犯罪行為 ruˊ guoˇ fa¯ sheng¯ le˙ shenˊ me˙ woˇ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ de˙ fanˋ zuiˋ xingˊ weiˋ

If a criminal act occurred that I was not aware of

如果說 ruˊ guoˇ shuo¯

Assume, If we assume, If, say

如果這件事發生在你身上 ruˊ guoˇ zheˋ jianˋ shiˋ fa¯ sheng¯ zaiˋ niˇ shen¯ shangˋ

If this happened to you

如果這是真的 ruˊ guoˇ zheˋ shiˋ zhen¯ de˙

If that is true

如果這樣都還不用提 ruˊ guoˇ zheˋ yangˋ dou¯ haiˊ buˊ yongˋ tiˊ

If that isn't worth bringing up, If that isn't worth mentioning

乳酪 ruˇ luoˋ

Milk Curds, Cheese

入座 ruˋ zuoˋ

Take a seat, Sit down

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

蔬果 shu¯ guoˇ

Fruit and vegetable (vegetables and fruits)

疏闊 shu¯ kuoˋ

Inaccurate, Rough, Lacking precision, Estrange, Alienate, Distant, Cold

恕我 shuˋ woˇ

Forgive me (for)

書桌 shu¯ zhuo¯


疏鑿 shu¯ zuoˋ

Cut through

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

訴說 suˋ shuo¯

Tell, Say, Speak

肅坐 suˋ zuoˋ

Sit solemnly in silence

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

無梭織布機 wuˊ suo¯ zhi¯ buˋ ji¯

Shuttleless loom

無所不在 wuˊ suoˇ buˊ zaiˋ

Ubiquitous, Omnipresent, Everywhere

無所不有 wuˊ suoˇ buˋ youˇ

Omnifarious, Of all forms, Of all varieties

無所不用其極 wuˊ suoˇ buˊ yongˋ qiˊ jiˊ

Go to extremes in every matter, Stop at nothing when doing anything

無所不知 wuˊ suoˇ buˋ zhi¯

Omniscient, To know all, To know everything

無所不能 wuˊ suoˇ buˋ nengˊ

Can do anything, Omnipotent

無所不至 wuˊ suoˇ buˊ zhiˋ

Ubiquitous, Everywhere, Attentive, Thorough, Thoughtful

無所事事 wuˊ suoˇ shiˋ shiˋ

Doing nothing

無所作為 wuˊ suoˇ zuoˋ weiˊ

Do nothing

無所畏懼 wuˊ suoˇ weiˋ juˋ

Without fear, Fearless, Undaunted, Dauntless

無所謂 wuˊ suoˇ weiˋ

Don't mind, Don't care

無所適從 wuˊ suoˇ shiˋ congˊ

Lacking decisiveness, Indecisive, Lacking direction, Not sure what to do, Not sure whose advice to follow

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

諸多 zhu¯ duo¯


住過 zhuˋ guoˋ

Have lived (someplace)

諸羅 zhu¯ luo¯

Zhuluo, former province of Taiwan

諸羅縣 zhu¯ luo¯ xianˋ

Zhuluo, former province in Taiwan

侏羅紀 zhu¯ luoˊ jiˋ


住所 zhuˋ suoˇ


著作 zhuˋ zuoˋ

Literary work, Write

tu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, wu, zhu, zu

祖國 zuˇ guoˊ

Homeland, Fatherland, Motherland

Grouped in tone pairs

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

爐火 luˊ huoˇ

Fire, Cooking fire

如果 ruˊ guoˇ

As if, If

如果不是 ruˊ guoˇ buˊ shiˋ

If it isn't, If it wasn't

如果今天是她去上課 ruˊ guoˇ jin¯ tian¯ shiˋ ta¯ quˋ shangˋ keˋ

If she goes to class today, If she'd gone to class today

如果他們 ruˊ guoˇ ta¯ men˙

If they

如果你來我家 ruˊ guoˇ niˇ laiˊ woˇ jia¯

If you come to my house, If you come to my home

如果你用的是 ruˊ guoˇ niˇ yongˋ de˙ shiˋ

If you had been using, If you were using

如果你認為你見過 ruˊ guoˇ niˇ renˋ weiˋ niˇ jianˋ guoˋ

If you think you've seen

如果來真的話 ruˊ guoˇ laiˊ zhen¯ de˙ huaˋ

When it's for real

如果反應必須在特殊條件下才能進行 ruˊ guoˇ fanˇ yingˋ biˋ xu¯ zaiˋ teˋ shu¯ tiaoˊ jianˋ xiaˋ caiˊ nengˊ jinˋ xingˊ

If the reaction requires certain conditions in order to proceed

如果她哪天迷路 ruˊ guoˇ ta¯ naˇ tian¯ miˊ luˋ

If she ever got lost

如果將絞車換成踏車 ruˊ guoˇ jiang¯ jiaoˇ che¯ huanˋ chengˊ taˋ che¯

If the winch is replaced with a treadmill

如果我想當 ruˊ guoˇ woˇ xiangˇ dang¯

If I wanted to

如果我想當個 ruˊ guoˇ woˇ xiangˇ dang¯ ge˙

If I wanted to be a

如果我是她 ruˊ guoˇ woˇ shiˋ ta¯

If I was her

如果我沒有會錯意 ruˊ guoˇ woˇ meiˊ youˇ huiˋ cuoˋ yiˋ

If I understand correctly

如果我聽懂你 ruˊ guoˇ woˇ ting¯ dongˇ niˇ

If I understand you

如果我認識那個人 ruˊ guoˇ woˇ renˋ shiˋ naˋ ge˙ renˊ

If I know that person, If that person is someone I know

如果換作是別人 ruˊ guoˇ huanˋ zuoˋ shiˋ bieˊ renˊ

If it were someone else, Were it anyone else

如果是我 ruˊ guoˇ shiˋ woˇ

If it was me, If it were me

如果是我的話 ruˊ guoˇ shiˋ woˇ de˙ huaˋ

If it were me

如果有什麼東西壞 ruˊ guoˇ youˇ sheˊ me˙ dong¯ xi¯ huaiˋ

If something breaks

如果有任何人 ruˊ guoˇ youˇ renˋ heˊ renˊ

If anyone else

如果沿著日落大道走 ruˊ guoˇ yanˊ zhe˙ riˋ luoˋ daˋ daoˋ zouˇ

If following Sunset Boulevard, If going along Sunset Boulevard

如果發生了什麼 ruˊ guoˇ fa¯ sheng¯ le˙ shenˊ me˙

If something happened

如果發生了什麼我不知道的犯罪行為 ruˊ guoˇ fa¯ sheng¯ le˙ shenˊ me˙ woˇ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ de˙ fanˋ zuiˋ xingˊ weiˋ

If a criminal act occurred that I was not aware of

如果說 ruˊ guoˇ shuo¯

Assume, If we assume, If, say

如果這件事發生在你身上 ruˊ guoˇ zheˋ jianˋ shiˋ fa¯ sheng¯ zaiˋ niˇ shen¯ shangˋ

If this happened to you

如果這是真的 ruˊ guoˇ zheˋ shiˋ zhen¯ de˙

If that is true

如果這樣都還不用提 ruˊ guoˇ zheˋ yangˋ dou¯ haiˊ buˊ yongˋ tiˊ

If that isn't worth bringing up, If that isn't worth mentioning

塗果醬 tuˊ guoˇ jiangˋ

Spread jam

無所不在 wuˊ suoˇ buˊ zaiˋ

Ubiquitous, Omnipresent, Everywhere

無所不有 wuˊ suoˇ buˋ youˇ

Omnifarious, Of all forms, Of all varieties

無所不用其極 wuˊ suoˇ buˊ yongˋ qiˊ jiˊ

Go to extremes in every matter, Stop at nothing when doing anything

無所不知 wuˊ suoˇ buˋ zhi¯

Omniscient, To know all, To know everything

無所不能 wuˊ suoˇ buˋ nengˊ

Can do anything, Omnipotent

無所不至 wuˊ suoˇ buˊ zhiˋ

Ubiquitous, Everywhere, Attentive, Thorough, Thoughtful

無所事事 wuˊ suoˇ shiˋ shiˋ

Doing nothing

無所作為 wuˊ suoˇ zuoˋ weiˊ

Do nothing

無所畏懼 wuˊ suoˇ weiˋ juˋ

Without fear, Fearless, Undaunted, Dauntless

無所謂 wuˊ suoˇ weiˋ

Don't mind, Don't care

無所適從 wuˊ suoˇ shiˋ congˊ

Lacking decisiveness, Indecisive, Lacking direction, Not sure what to do, Not sure whose advice to follow

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

書桌 shu¯ zhuo¯


諸多 zhu¯ duo¯


諸羅 zhu¯ luo¯

Zhuluo, former province of Taiwan

諸羅縣 zhu¯ luo¯ xianˋ

Zhuluo, former province in Taiwan

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

出國 chu¯ guoˊ

Go abroad, Going abroad, Gone abroad

粗濁 cu¯ zhuoˊ

Course, Rough

侏羅紀 zhu¯ luoˊ jiˋ


23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

忽左忽右看來看去 hu¯ zuoˇ hu¯ youˋ kanˋ laiˊ kanˋ quˋ

Snapping back and forwards, Repeatedly looking left and right

蔬果 shu¯ guoˇ

Fruit and vegetable (vegetables and fruits)

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

出錯 chu¯ cuoˋ

Make a mistake, Err

出貨 chu¯ huoˋ

Send goods, Deliver, Ship out goods

哭過 ku¯ guoˋ

Had been crying

撲朔迷離 pu¯ shuoˋ miˊ liˊ

Androgynous, Vague, Ambiguous, Confusing

疏闊 shu¯ kuoˋ

Inaccurate, Rough, Lacking precision, Estrange, Alienate, Distant, Cold

疏鑿 shu¯ zuoˋ

Cut through

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

胡說 huˊ shuo¯


胡說什麼 huˊ shuo¯ sheˊ me˙

What nonsense, Speaking nonsense

胡說八道 huˊ shuo¯ ba¯ daoˋ

Nonsense, Bullshit, Horseshit, Bogus

無梭織布機 wuˊ suo¯ zhi¯ buˋ ji¯

Shuttleless loom

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

不錯 buˊ cuoˋ

Not bad, Good, Well done, Not wrong

不錯的未來 buˊ cuoˋ de˙ weiˋ laiˊ

Decent prospects, A good future

不過 buˊ guoˋ

But, Though, Except, Only, Merely

不過一旦我們 buˊ guoˋ yiˊ danˋ woˇ men˙

But once we

不過一旦我們逮到她 buˊ guoˋ yiˊ danˋ woˇ men˙ daiˋ daoˋ ta¯

But once we catch her

不過不像任何 buˊ guoˋ buˊ xiangˋ renˋ heˊ

But not like any

不過不是 buˊ guoˋ buˊ shiˋ

But it isn't

不過並不是 buˊ guoˋ bingˋ buˊ shiˋ

But not, But isn't, But it isn't

不過也沒什麼用 buˊ guoˋ yeˇ meiˊ shenˊ me˙ yongˋ

Not that it matters, Not that it mattered

不過倒也未必 buˊ guoˋ daoˇ yeˇ weiˋ biˋ

Not necessarily, Perhaps not

不過做了 buˊ guoˋ zuoˋ le˙

Had only done

不過別給他們 buˊ guoˋ bieˊ geiˇ ta¯ men˙

But don't give it to them

不過即使 buˊ guoˋ jiˊ shiˇ

But even if

不過反正 buˊ guoˋ fanˇ zhengˋ

But in any case, But anyway

不過只要 buˊ guoˋ zhiˇ yaoˋ

But as long as

不過嘿 buˊ guoˋ hei¯

But hey

不過度 buˊ guoˋ duˋ

Does not go beyond, Does not exceed

不過從另方面 buˊ guoˋ congˊ lingˋ fang¯ mianˋ

But from another point of view, But in another way

不過我一直都在 buˊ guoˋ woˇ yiˋ zhiˊ dou¯ zaiˋ

But I was there, But I was always there

不過我沒想到 buˊ guoˋ woˇ meiˊ xiangˇ daoˋ

But I never thought

不過沒那麼簡單 buˊ guoˋ meiˊ naˋ me˙ jianˇ dan¯

But it wasn't that simple, It wasn't easy

不過確實有幫助 buˊ guoˋ queˋ shiˊ youˇ bang¯ zhuˋ

But it really helped

不過總之 buˊ guoˋ zongˇ zhi¯

But anyway, But anyways

不過要怎麼 buˊ guoˋ yaoˋ zenˇ me˙

But how do we, But how to

不過誰知道呢 buˊ guoˋ sheiˊ zhi¯ daoˋ ne˙

But who knows?, But perhaps there is a chance

不過這該不太可能 buˊ guoˋ zheˋ gai¯ buˊ taiˋ keˇ nengˊ

This was not too likely, Which was not terribly likely

不過還是 buˊ guoˋ haiˊ shiˋ

But still, However, But never the less, But even so

讀過 duˊ guoˋ

Had read

讀過一本他早期寫的書 duˊ guoˋ yiˋ benˇ ta¯ zaoˇ qiˊ xieˇ de˙ shu¯

Had read one of his earlier books

俘獲 fuˊ huoˋ


23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

捕捉 buˇ zhuo¯

Catch, Capture, Seize, Arrest, Hunt down

捕捉到 buˇ zhuo¯ daoˋ


古羅馬 guˇ luo¯ maˇ

Ancient Rome

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

祖國 zuˇ guoˊ

Homeland, Fatherland, Motherland

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

賭過 duˇ guoˋ

Bet on horse races

賭過賽馬 duˇ guoˋ saiˋ maˇ

Bet on horse races

俯臥 fuˇ woˋ

Lying prone, Lying belly down

乳酪 ruˇ luoˋ

Milk Curds, Cheese

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

不多 buˋ duo¯

Not many, Very few

不說一聲 buˋ shuo¯ yiˋ sheng¯

Not say a thing

不說話的 buˋ shuo¯ huaˋ de˙

Non-speaking, Unspeakable

訴說 suˋ shuo¯

Tell, Say, Speak

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

復活 fuˋ huoˊ

Resurrection, Resurrect, Resurrects, Resurrecting, Resurrected

附著處 fuˋ zhuoˊ chuˇ

Attachment, Attachment point, Point of attachment

附著點 fuˋ zhuoˊ dianˇ

Point of attachment

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

不妥協 buˋ tuoˇ xieˊ


付我 fuˋ woˇ

Pay me

怒火 nuˋ huoˇ

Indignant, Anger

恕我 shuˋ woˇ

Forgive me (for)

住所 zhuˋ suoˇ


23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

布洛迪 buˋ luoˋ diˊ


部落 buˋ luoˋ

Tribe, Tribes, Tribal community, Tribal communities

部落格 buˋ luoˋ geˊ


度過 duˋ guoˋ

Duration of, Over the duration of

度過餘生 duˋ guoˋ yuˊ sheng¯

For the remainder of one's life

渡過 duˋ guoˋ

Passed, Across, Cross

渡過了 duˋ guoˋ le˙


渡過太平洋 duˋ guoˋ taiˋ pingˊ yangˊ

Across the Pacific Ocean

副作用 fuˋ zuoˋ yongˋ

Side effect

故作崇拜 guˋ zuoˋ chongˊ baiˋ

Mock admiration

路過 luˋ guoˋ

Passing, Passerby

入座 ruˋ zuoˋ

Take a seat, Sit down

肅坐 suˋ zuoˋ

Sit solemnly in silence

住過 zhuˋ guoˋ

Have lived (someplace)

著作 zhuˋ zuoˋ

Literary work, Write


丶-氵 : > : > [塗]-塗果 : > [塗]-塗果醬 >

口-田 : > : > [果]-果醬 : > [果]-塗果醬 >

𠄌-將 : > : > [醬]-果醬 : > [醬]-塗果醬 >

塗果醬 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 醬

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