
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 美



zhuangˋ meiˇ

美 meiˇ
Beautiful, Captivating, Handsome, Fine, Attractive, Happy, America

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 壯美 (wang-ei)

Grouped by first phone

zhuang, guang, shuang, wang

裝備 zhuang¯ beiˋ

Equipment, Outfit, Equip

裝備師 zhuang¯ beiˋ shi¯

Quarter Master

裝備架 zhuang¯ beiˋ jiaˋ

Equipment rack

壯美 zhuangˋ meiˇ


裝配 zhuang¯ peiˋ

Assembled, Rigged, Set up

zhuang, guang, shuang, wang

廣內 guangˇ neiˋ

Royal Library during Han dynasty

zhuang, guang, shuang, wang

雙倍 shuang¯ beiˋ

Double, Twice

雙倍的 shuang¯ beiˋ de˙

Double the amount, Twice the amount

zhuang, guang, shuang, wang

往北走 wangˇ beiˇ zouˇ

Headed north, Went north, Walked north

Grouped in tone pairs

43, 14, 33, 34

壯美 zhuangˋ meiˇ


43, 14, 33, 34

雙倍 shuang¯ beiˋ

Double, Twice

雙倍的 shuang¯ beiˋ de˙

Double the amount, Twice the amount

裝備 zhuang¯ beiˋ

Equipment, Outfit, Equip

裝備師 zhuang¯ beiˋ shi¯

Quarter Master

裝備架 zhuang¯ beiˋ jiaˋ

Equipment rack

裝配 zhuang¯ peiˋ

Assembled, Rigged, Set up

43, 14, 33, 34

往北走 wangˇ beiˇ zouˇ

Headed north, Went north, Walked north

43, 14, 33, 34

廣內 guangˇ neiˋ

Royal Library during Han dynasty


𠄌-壯 : > : > [壯]-壯美 : > [壯]-壯美 >

人-丷 : > : > [美]-壯美 : > [美]-壯美 >

壯美 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 美

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