She, Her
Word Links for words containing 她 (sorted via character pairs)
她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life
祝她早日康復 Hoping that she gets well soon
她早就和童年的朋友疏遠了 Had long ago drifted apart form her childhood friends
她是最可怕的 She was the worst, She was the most frightening
她是個小氣的人 She is cheap, She was cheap, She is tight fisted, She is stingy
我不喜歡她是因為 I don't like her because
那時我不知道她是誰 At the time I didn't know who she was
她不知道她是怎麼辦到的 She doesn't know how she does it
我不喜歡她是因為她很邪惡 I don't like her because she is evil
她是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not she realized what she was doing
她目前的程度 Her current level, Her current level of ability, Her current ability, Her current abilities
她已經在床上睡覺了 She is already in bed, She was already in bed
她已經越來越進步了 She is getting better, She was getting better, She is improving, She was improving
她覺得 She felt
讓她覺得安全 Made her feel safe
哪裡會是她覺得自在的落腳處 Where would she feel at home?, Where would she feel comfortable?, Where would she be comfortable?
她覺得即使乖張的小孩也比成人好 She felt that even bratty children where better than adults, She preferred even recalcitrant children over adults
她覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 She thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, She thought it was pointless spending money on things she didn't need, She didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need
她知道 She knows, She knew
讓她知道 Let her know
她知道了 She knows
她知道了多少 How much does she know?
只有她知道的事 Only things she knew, Only things she could know
她知道是什麼了嗎 Does she know what it is?, Does she know what it was?
要是讓她知道真相 If she knew the truth
她知道這輩子要做什麼 She knows what she wants to do with her life, She knew what she wanted to do with her life
她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life
她們 They
她們戴著 They wore, They all wore
她們喝的酒 Their drinks
聽著她們說話 Listened to them
她們戴著絲帶裝飾的遮陽帽 They all wore silk ribboned sun-bonnets
盯著她看 Peering at her, Staring at her
只能給她看 For her eyes only, Only she can see this
從窗外盯著她看 Peering at her from outside the window
她從街道的一側跳到另一側 She jumped from one side of the street to the other, She leaped from one side of the street to the other
她很欣慰 She was very glad that
她很邪惡 She is evil
她很快就會來 She will come soon, She will arrive soon, She will soon join us
問了她很多問題 Asked her a lot of questions
這不是說她很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that she's poor or mean, It's not that she was poor or mean
她得 She needed, She had to
她得了 She's got, She's acquired
她得到 She got
她得去上班了 She had gone to work
她得到她需要的 She got what she needed
毀了她得意的日子 Ruined her day
她就忍不住皺了下鼻子 Wrinkle her nose in distaste
她就會知道該怎麼回答了 She'll know how to answer, She knew how she would have answered
她就算閉著眼睛也不會迷路 Could find her way even with her eyes closed
以前她認為 She'd believed, She'd thought, She'd once believed, She'd once thought
她認識的某人 Someone she knows, Someone she knew
是她認識的人 Was someone she knew
她說 She said
可是他沒跟她說 But he didn't tell her
等她說完 Waited for her to finish, Waiting for her to finish
她感到 She feels, She felt
她感覺 She Noticed, She Felt, She Sensed, She Perceived
她感覺到 She felt, She sensed, She noticed
令她感到難過 Made her feel sad
她感覺到空間是如何連接的 She felt how the spaces connected
她的 Her
他或她的 His or her
她的臉 Her face
猜到她的話 Guessed what she was saying
不會生她的氣 Was not angry at her, Harbored no resentment toward her
第一次見到她的人 Someone seeing her for the first time, Anyone seeing her for the first time
整理帶子環住她的頭 Positioned the straps around her head
她的兒子 Her son, Her boy
她的全名 Her name
她的叫聲 Sound of her shout, Sound of her shouting
她的微笑 Her smile
她的樣子 Her appearance
她的父母 Her mother and father
她的盔甲 Her armor
她的聲音 Her voice
她的裙子 Her skirt, Her skirts
她的新生活 Her new life
他踢她的膝蓋 He kicked her knee
博取她的歡心 Win her favor, Gain her love
回答她的人是 The person who answered her was
套句她的說法 To paraphrase her
她的一塊餅乾 Her cookie, One of her cookies
她的嘴唇分開 Her lips parted
她的手捂著嘴 Her hand covered her mouth
她的手臂和腿 Her arms and legs
她的胳臂很壯 Her arms are strong, Her arms were strong
她的話還真多 She talks a lot
她的長劍脫手 Her sword fell from her hand
她的面孔扭曲 Her face twisted
插進她的肉裡 Piercing her flesh, Pierced her flesh
揪住她的手腕 Grabbed her wrist
交疊起她的長腿 Folded her long legs
她的手腕被抓住 Her wrist was grabbed
破壞了她的計畫 Ruined her plan, Foiled her plan
能聞到她的味道 Could smell her
她的分身點了點頭 Her doppelgänger nodded, Her reflection nodded
她的笑容變得嬌羞 Her smile became shy, Her smile became coy
她的行動有個目標 Her actions have a purpose, Her actions had a purpose
她的衣服是深色的 Her clothes were dark
展現她的殷切期盼 Show her eagerness, To show her eagerness
用前臂切她的咽喉 Slammed a forearm across her throat
進入她的視線範圍 Enter her line of sight, Entered her line of sight
一隻腳踢中她的小腿 A foot kicked her lower leg
她的拳頭已經等在那裡 Her fist was waiting right there
完全照著她的動作在動 Match her movements completely, Move exactly as she moved
感覺到空氣抵著她的掌心 Feel the air against her palm, Feeling the air against her palm
我認識她的時間比你還久 I've known her longer than you
一天的回憶就湧進她的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into her mind, A days worth of memories flooded into her mind
十次裡她的看法總有九次是對的 She is proved right nine out of ten times
她的臉部 Her face
風將她的暗色頭髮吹打在臉上 The wind blew her dark hair across her face
她的一邊肩膀 One of her shoulders, Her shoulder
壓住了她的一邊肩膀 Press her shoulder, Presses one of her shoulders, Pressing one of her shoulders, Pressed one of her shoulders
纏著她的胸部 Wrapped around her chest
一隻手肘撞進她的胸口 An elbow crashed into her chest
恐懼開始滲透她的身體 Fear started to work through her body, Fear started to work through her
她的注意力集中在他身上 Her awareness was focused on him
讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Make people fall in love with her when first meeting her, Making people fall in love with her when first meeting her
喜歡讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Liked to make people fall in love with her on first site
她自己 Her own
她自己的 Her own
她自己也沒出力氣幫助 She herself had not expended any effort to help, She herself had not lifted a finger to help
直到她自己判斷合作對她最有利為止 Until she decides on her own that it's in her best interests to cooperate
她沒事嗎 Is she okay?
她沒穿鞋 She wasn't wearing shoes
她沒有食物 She didn't have food, She didn't have any food
可是她沒跟他說 But she didn't tell him
她沒有直接回答 She didn't answer directly
於是她沒說什麼 And so she didn't say anything
要是她沒先殺死我的話 If she doesn't kill me first
回答了她沒有問出口的問題 Answered her unspoken question
她沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 She couldn't do it while panicking
欲與她溝通 Wants to communicate with her
認為這是某幽靈欲與她溝通所致 Believes that it is because a ghost is trying to communicate with her
她還沒完 She is not done yet
她還是單身 She's still single
她還是懷念游泳 She still misses swimming, She still missed swimming
假如她還活著的話 That is if she was still living
她會回來的 She will come back
你是覺得她會到這裡來嗎 Do you think she will come here?
我知道她會 I know she will, I know she can
她會不會擔心 Was she worried, Did it worry her
她會到這裡來 She will come here
她會記得他們嗎 Would she remember them?
她會想辦法阻止他 She would find some way to stop him, She would try and stop him
她會一再一再地回來 She'll keep on coming back
她小孩 Her kid, Her kids
她小時候 When she was young, When she was a child
她小孩可以開得到處跑的車 A car her kid could drive around in, A car her kids could drive around in
她一落地 As she landed, As soon as she landed
她一個轉身 She turned
她一無所知 She knew nothing
她一存到足夠 Once she'd saved enough
她一聽到電話鈴響 As soon as she heard the phone ring
正和她一起在探索奇觀 Was exploring wonders with her right now
等到只剩下她一個人了 Wait until she is alone
一個跟她一模一樣的複製品 An exact copy of her, An exact replica of herself
瞅她一眼 Look at her, Glance at her
再逮捕她一次 Arrest her again
需要教訓她一下 She needs to be taught a lesson
跟她一樣快 As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed
速度跟她一樣快 As fast as her, Matched her in speed, Matched her speed, Matched her for speed
她不相信 She does not believe, She did not believe
她不知道 She doesn't know
她不慌不忙 She didn't rush, She took her time
她不會在乎 She doesn't care, She wouldn't care, She wouldn't have minded
她不希望如此 She didn't want that, She didn't want that to happen
她不想往下看 She did not want to look down
跟她不算很熟 Didn't know her that well, Doesn't know her that well, Had not known her that well
救過她不止一次 Saved her more than once, Had saved her more than once, Had saved her life on more than one occasion
只不過她不由自主 But she couldn't stop, But she couldn't stop doing it
她不知道她是怎麼辦到的 She doesn't know how she does it
她不需要人幫她打理床單 She didn't need turn-down service (at a hotel), She didn't need anyone making her bed for her
難道她不能睜隻眼閉隻眼 Couldn't she play dumb, Wouldn't she have played dumb
她不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 She ignored the goading of the person above
讓她更加害怕 Worried her even more, Made her even more frightened
讓她更能控制自己的法力 Gave her more control over her magical powers
她兩手抱胸 She crossed her arms, She folded her arms
她兩腳落地 She landed on both feet, Her feet landed, She got to her feet
她兩手搓了搓 She rubbed his hands, She rubbed her hands together
她得到她需要的 She got what she needed
她需要有人陪伴 She would like some company
她需要召魂士的法力 She needs the power of a necromancer, She needed the power of a spirit summoner
她需要的東西也不多 She doesn't need much, She didn't need much
她需要什麼樣的幫助呢 What kind of help does she need?
她醒來 She wakes up, She woke up, She awakened
她醒來在枕下找到 She woke up and found beneath her pillow, On awakening she found beneath her pillow, She had awakened and found beneath her pillow
想跟她聊拳擊 Want to talk to her about boxing, Wants to talk to her about boxing, Wanting to talk to her about boxing, Wanted to talk to her about boxing
跟著她上了三樓 Follow her to the third floor, Followed her to the third floor
跟她上課學的一樣 Like she'd been taught
送她去 Send her to, Sending her to, Sent her to
命令她去泡茶 Order her to go make tea, Ordered her to go make tea, Ordering her to go and make tea
如果今天是她去上課 If she goes to class today, If she'd gone to class today
她走入 She entered, She walked in
她走出門口 She walks out the door, She walked out the door
她走到門口 She went to the door
她本來是打算順順利利抵達的 She had hoped to arrive without incident, She would have preferred to have arrived without incident
她才十三歲而已 She's only thirteen
她才不會犯那種錯誤 She didn't want to make the mistake of, She wasn't going to make the mistake of
她有 She has, She had, She did have
她有可能搞錯 She could be wrong
她有多了解他 How much did she know about him?, What did she know about him?
讓她有點想到 Reminded her a little of
她在不在 Is she there?
她在看著 She was watching
她在擔心某件事 She is worried about something
當他跟她在一起 When he was with her
她在心裡反覆回顧 Replaying it over and over again in her mind
事後她在心裡反覆回顧 Replaying it over and over again in her mind afterwards
她不需要人幫她打理床單 She didn't need turn-down service (at a hotel), She didn't need anyone making her bed for her
她也不喜歡你 She doesn't like you either
她也願意吻他 She also wouldn't mind kissing him
近來她也不怎麼游泳了 She doesn't swim much these days, She didn't swim much these days
會比魔法更吸引她 Could interest her more than magic, Could attract her more than magic
什麼職業會比魔法更吸引她 What kind of career could interest her more than magic?
傷了她 Hurt her
問了她 Asked her
給了她 Gave her
他騙了她 He lied to her, He tricked her, He had lied to her, He had tricked her
看見了她 Saw her, Had seen her
逮捕了她 Captured her, Arrested her, Brought her to justice
有人認出了她 Someone recognized her, She was recongized
硬是認出了她 Had recognized her (in a crowd), Picking her out, Picked her out
有個巫師看見了她 A sorcerer saw her, A sorcerer had seen her
為她 For her
因為她 Because she
因為她過得很好 Because she was doing well
為她準備了什麼 What have we got for her
為她的未來著想 Thinking about her future
我不喜歡她是因為她很邪惡 I don't like her because she is evil
對她 With respect to her
趕緊轉過去面對她 Quickly turn to face her, Quickly turning to face her, Quickly turned to face her
對她的了解 Know about her
對她做這類的事 Do this kind of thing to her, Did this kind of thing to he, Did these kind of things to her
直到她自己判斷合作對她最有利為止 Until she decides on her own that it's in her best interests to cooperate
當她 When she
當她閉上眼睛 When she closed her eyes
尤其當她說話時 Especially when she was talking, Especially while she was talking
當她需要協助的時候 When she needed help
很喜歡她 Really like her, Really likes her, Really liked her
我不喜歡她 I don't like her
你才不喜歡她 You don't like her
是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡她 Is that why you don't like her?
對著她 Facing her, Towards her, At her
看著她 Watched her, Watching her, Looked at her, Looking at her
瞪著她 Stared at her, Glared at her
他怒瞪著她 He stared at her angrily
他睜眼盯著她 He stared at her
惡狠狠地瞪著她 Glaring at her angrily, Glared at her angrily
面無表情地看著她 Looking at her expressionlessly, Stared at her blankly
找到她 Find her, Finds her, Found her
逮到她 Catch her, Capture her, Grab her
找不到她 Can't find her
一旦我們逮到她 Once we catch her
你如果找不到她 If you can't find her
不過一旦我們逮到她 But once we catch her
愛上她 Fall in love with her
讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Make people fall in love with her when first meeting her, Making people fall in love with her when first meeting her
喜歡讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Liked to make people fall in love with her on first site
朝她 Towards her, Facing her
朝她走來 Head towards her, Walk towards her, Headed towards her, Walked towards her
朝她點頭 Nod at her, Nods at her, Nodding at her, Nodded at her
朝她一揚眉 Raised an eyebrow at her
朝她揮手回應 Wave back to her, Waved back to her
像一列貨車朝她衝來 Rushed toward her like a freight train
不會找不熟的人來幫她 Will not reach out to strangers to help her, Would not reach out to strangers to help her
在她 In her
在她臉上 On her face
狠狠地打在她臉上 Hit her face hard, Hits her face hard, Hitting her hard in the face
跟在她後面 Follow her
在她的世界裡 In her world
掉落在她腳邊 Fell next to her foot, Fell at her feet
之後坐在她身邊 Afterwards, sat beside her
站在她的窗戶正下方 Standing directly beneath her window, Stood directly beneath her window
在她因背傷無法工作時 When she couldn't work because of a back injury, While she couldn't work due to back injuries
在她罩裙蕾絲領子之中 In the lace collar of her smock
在她看過並經歷過那些事情後 After what she'd seen and been through
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