
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 孟


Bangladesh, (Cats: Nation-Country next)

mengˋ jia¯ la¯ guoˊ

孟 mengˋ
Rude, Rough, Rash, Reckless, First Month Of A Season, Eldest Child, Translit for Mu, Translit for Men, Translit for Mon

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 孟加拉國 (eng-ia)

Grouped by first phone

meng, cheng, deng, geng, heng, sheng, zeng, zheng

孟加拉國 mengˋ jia¯ la¯ guoˊ


meng, cheng, deng, geng, heng, sheng, zeng, zheng

成家 chengˊ jia¯

Start a family

meng, cheng, deng, geng, heng, sheng, zeng, zheng

等加速度運動 dengˇ jia¯ suˋ duˋ yunˋ dongˋ

Uniform accelerated motion, Uniform acceleration

等價 dengˇ jiaˋ

Equal in value, Equal in price

meng, cheng, deng, geng, heng, sheng, zeng, zheng

更加 gengˋ jia¯

Even more

更加害怕 gengˋ jia¯ haiˋ paˋ

Even more frightened

更加熟練 gengˋ jia¯ shouˊ lianˋ

More proficient, Even more proficient

meng, cheng, deng, geng, heng, sheng, zeng, zheng

桁架 hengˊ jiaˋ


meng, cheng, deng, geng, heng, sheng, zeng, zheng

生蝦 sheng¯ xia¯

Raw Shrimp

生下 sheng¯ xiaˋ

Give birth (to)

剩下 shengˋ xiaˋ

Remaining, Remainder, Remained, All that remained was, All that remained

剩下的 shengˋ xiaˋ de˙


剩下的只能靠 shengˋ xiaˋ de˙ zhiˇ nengˊ kaoˋ

All that was left (to rely on, To use)

meng, cheng, deng, geng, heng, sheng, zeng, zheng

增加 zeng¯ jia¯

Add, Increase, Increasing, Accruing, Have some

增加美觀 zeng¯ jia¯ meiˇ guan¯

Make more beautiful

meng, cheng, deng, geng, heng, sheng, zeng, zheng

正下方地面上是什麼 zhengˋ xiaˋ fang¯ diˋ mianˋ shangˋ shiˋ shenˊ me˙

What is on the ground below?, What is below us?

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 11, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 44

更加 gengˋ jia¯

Even more

更加害怕 gengˋ jia¯ haiˋ paˋ

Even more frightened

更加熟練 gengˋ jia¯ shouˊ lianˋ

More proficient, Even more proficient

孟加拉國 mengˋ jia¯ la¯ guoˊ


41, 11, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 44

生蝦 sheng¯ xia¯

Raw Shrimp

增加 zeng¯ jia¯

Add, Increase, Increasing, Accruing, Have some

增加美觀 zeng¯ jia¯ meiˇ guan¯

Make more beautiful

41, 11, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 44

生下 sheng¯ xiaˋ

Give birth (to)

41, 11, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 44

成家 chengˊ jia¯

Start a family

41, 11, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 44

桁架 hengˊ jiaˋ


41, 11, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 44

等加速度運動 dengˇ jia¯ suˋ duˋ yunˋ dongˋ

Uniform accelerated motion, Uniform acceleration

41, 11, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 44

等價 dengˇ jiaˋ

Equal in value, Equal in price

41, 11, 14, 21, 24, 31, 34, 44

剩下 shengˋ xiaˋ

Remaining, Remainder, Remained, All that remained was, All that remained

剩下的 shengˋ xiaˋ de˙


剩下的只能靠 shengˋ xiaˋ de˙ zhiˇ nengˊ kaoˋ

All that was left (to rely on, To use)

正下方地面上是什麼 zhengˋ xiaˋ fang¯ diˋ mianˋ shangˋ shiˋ shenˊ me˙

What is on the ground below?, What is below us?


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十-力 : > : > [加]-加拉 : > [加]-孟加拉國 >

十-扌 : > : > [拉]-拉國 : > [拉]-孟加拉國 >

口-囗 : > : > [國]-拉國 : > [國]-孟加拉國 >

孟加拉國 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 孟

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