Index for words including 孩



Word Links for words containing 孩 (sorted via character pairs)

孩 haiˊ

Words containing

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孩子 Kids, Children, Offspring

三個孩子 Three children

接回孩子 Pick up children from school

那個孩子 That child

那些其他的孩子 Those other kids

只有週末才能陪孩子 Only have time to spend with their kids on the weekends

孩子 Children, Offspring

孩子 Kid's room

孩子還小 Children are still young

孩子出來吧 Son, come out, Come out son

孩子們都高叫願意 The children all screamed yes


孩童 Child

孩童 Children

他聽到四周孩童 He could hear the children all around him, He heard the children all around him

吃驚孩童的碎語 The chatter of astonished children, The chattering of surprised children

他聽到四周孩童們吱喳 He could hear the chit chat of children all around him, He heard the chattering of children all around him


孩式 Child's Pose, Balasana


孩提時光 As a child, As a youth


男孩 Boy

男孩 Little boy

亞洲男孩 Asian boy

可愛男孩 Cute boys

矮胖的亞洲男孩 Pudgy Asian boy

一個矮胖的亞洲男孩 A pudgy Asian boy

男孩 Boys

男孩 Boy

男孩 Boy, Boys

男孩樂團 Boy band

男孩子之間 Among the boys


嬰孩 Baby


女孩 Girl

女孩 Little girl

寂寞女孩 Lonely girl

金髮女孩 Goldilocks

金髮白人女孩 Blonde white girl

一個金髮白人女孩 A blonde white girl

一個深色頭髮的女孩 A dark-haired girl

女孩 Girl

女孩 Girl

在教這個女孩識字 Teaching this girl to read

等到只剩下那個女孩一個人了 Wait until the girl is alone


走失的孩 Missing kids


小孩 Child, Children

小孩 Her kid, Her kids

小孩 Small child, Smaller child

小孩 Bratt

小孩 Manage a child, Manage children, Manage kids, Managed the kids, Managed the kids, Look after children

小孩 Brat, Stinky kid, Stinking kid

小孩 With children

一些小孩 Some children, Some small children

他的小孩 His child, His kid

你的小孩 Your child, Your children

半打小孩 Half a dozen kids

幾個小孩 A few children, A couple of little kids

想要小孩 Want kids, Wanted kids

乖張的小孩 Bratty child, Bratty children

與其他小孩 And other children

那個死小孩 That bratt

一個白人小孩 A white kid

小孩 Children

小孩 Child, Small child

小孩 Child

你只是個小孩 You're just a child, You're just a kid

妳只是個小孩 You're just a child, You're just a kid

朝下面的小孩 The children faced down, Facing the children below

你那時只是個小孩 At the time you were just a child

小孩綁起來 Tied up the kid, Tied up the kids

我不是小孩子了 I am not a child

派個小孩子過來 Send a kid, Sends a child, Sent a child

他們的小孩幾乎都 Almost all of their children, Most of their children

一個小孩子接了電話 A child answered the phone

朝下面的小孩們揮手 Wave at the children below, Waved at the children below

小孩可以開得到處跑的車 A car her kid could drive around in, A car her kids could drive around in

智力的發展在小小孩可視為天真 The level of intelligence in a small child could be seen as innocence

她覺得即使乖張的小孩也比成人好 She felt that even bratty children where better than adults, She preferred even recalcitrant children over adults

你的小孩在你造訪期間當然可以跟你在一起 Off course your children can stay with you during your visit

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